Bizzle’s Mostly Auto Grows

Pop that one zam seed! This pineapple smell is so nice. Really excited to finish this plant out and give it a try. Shucked two lower branches. Bunch of immature and a couple pucks worth of mature seeds. She’ll be going a couple more weeks anyway. If you need a few more seeds to keep going, happy to send.


Do eeeeet!

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Guerrero #6 popped nanners at around weeks 9 flower. Didn’t see any pollen, but she/him/they got the chop.


Nah. That was a wash. Main stem was too stout to bend over. My balls shrunk as soon as I tried it. Had visions of how pissed I’d be at the grow shop guy for selling them to me if I broke a main top.


Thank you! I just pollinated my girl, she started chunking up and developing a fabulous smell, and the boy was about on his last load with my attempt at saving pollen looking like a possible fail, so I bit the bullet and shook him all over her. No good bud for me this time, but I should be rolling in seeds in about 6 weeks. I would love to swap some with you.

@Carty sent over some Beast Mode so I can run these again and make a cross. I’ll pop that last original bean then and I’d love to include some of yours as well.

These Zams have got a terp smell I am crazy about! I tried to keep most of the pollen off a few top buds to give something for a sketchy test smoke at least, but decided a buttload of seeds was my first priority.

Here she is. Not sure if that’s a 7g or 10g bag, but I’m sure I’m sorry I watered it before moving it :rofl:


Wow, look at that! Rolling in seeds indeed! Really digging this line and what I see. Crossing fingers for some sativauto goodness!


Zamaldelica Express Day 81 from sprout. Plan was to take these soonish, but looks like she still wants to go. Just put her on Jacks Finish and will plan to flush for a few days after. Early samples were :ok_hand:. Really nice. Due to literally fumbling my container of pollen, I didn’t get quite the full pollination I was looking for but enough to share with a few friends. I call that success.

Highland Guerrero #3 fell to the scissors today. I opened the tent and its long spears were just flopping all over the place. It was time. I had planned to hit 13 weeks flower with her but she made it to juuuust under 12. Crappy pic, but I’ll make sure to get more pics of the Dried colas for reference. I didn’t keep any cuts of the Guerrero, but did good on putting seed away and sharing packs. I’ll definitely grow some more in the future. Hopefully under real sun in a greenhouse.


The Highland Guerrero is curing into some fantastic, fine quality herb. Big props to Cryptic for putting it out there. Sadly, I did chop my last one due to space constraints, but thankfully made a decent amount of seeds.

Also, chopped the Zamaldelica at about day 88 although another week wouldn’t have hurt. I’ll be shucking and packing seeds real soon. I know a few people talked about snagging a pack. If that is you, shoot me a pm!


I’m late to the party as usual. I’ve been reading through your journal and I think you and I are kindred spirits both really enjoying the seed making aspect of growing. Early on in the thead you were talking about your stash and made the offhand comment “Hoping for fire as well, but even a higher grade of hay will work!” And that just cracked me up.


Yes, I do enjoy the seed making. Every time I say that I’m going do a straight bud run, pollen ends up flying. :grin:

I had a couple of rough outdoor years before retreating indoors! Made enough auto stock to try outdoors again without too much worry.


Long time no see. Been lurking around. Got a couple things going. Nothing too crazy.

Flower tent. Week 1. Conditions have been sub optimal. Temps low, humidity high so the gals aren’t drinking like they should. We’ll see how that comes around. Anyway, church, tahoe, blue dream.

Next up…Old School Mango Haze autos by Meph. These will get sts treatment. Seedlings stretched due to low lighting (fixed) and lack of air flow (fixed). Back on track.

Lastly for giggles. Two Ace Seeds cbd 1 fem photo I believe. Same stretch as the OSMH above. Will neck these down at next up pot. They won’t share the same pot but for a minute. These will probably get cloned and maybe sts treatment. I recently switched to a more physical job and been feeling those old man aches and pains! CBD is like gold to me right now.
Love to make some oil or rosin to make into gummies or cream.

Anyway, thanks for stopping by! If you have a any tips or tricks for making cbd meds like gummies or balms, feel free to share!


Meph Old School Mango Haze at three weeks. These will be my sts subjects.


Some CBD chugging along. Also feel like aborting my STS plans on the Old School Mango Haze and tossing the remainder of my collected Zamaldelica Express pollen. I can take some males back to the remaining OSMH seeds and forgo this feminizing bit. Cheers all!


feminized autos love em! sounds like a killer cross

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Nice, excited to see what happens with that OSMH, it’s on my “to run” list (along with dozens of other cultivars sigh…)

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My first few seed making attempts were feminized, but I’m working toward regs for most of my future auto work I think.

It should be good. I know that Mango Smile is killer. I think the Mango Haze brings the heat.


They’re dropping their version of Oreoz next week along with a bunch of crosses including a mango smile one :drooling_face:

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So I went ahead and bit at the Oreoz drop. When they give a freebie five pack along with the regular freebie, then it turns their $48 5 pack price tag into a more manageable $48 /12 pk. I bit on the same offer for the Old School Mango Haze drop and got a pack of Hazed and Confused.


Yeah, I have some ideas to potentially cross with their Oreoz depending on how it turns out, need to grow it first obviously haha. So I had to grab that and restrained myself and only grabbed 2 of the limiteds, the orange and the neopolitan. for $150ish I’m getting the 3 5 packs and then 10 freebies on top of the 5 Oreoz freebies. So that’s 30 seeds? I’m cool with that. Hoping for the moon oreoz freebie.


Nice score! I hadn’t intended on this particular seed purchase, but you mentioned it @Jobu and it looks frosty and fun so, why not?!