Bizzle’s Mostly Auto Grows

I’d seen enough pictures posted on reddit of the testers they sent to people being grown. Everything looked like frost city so like you said, why not? haha.


I’ve slacked hard on updates, but the Old School Mango Haze is really starting to flower. Pics from a few days ago show that my future is looking quite hazy :thought_balloon: :thought_balloon: :thought_balloon: :sunglasses:

These will catch some Zamaldelica Express pollen today.


Nice looking haze expression!


I have really high hopes for these @420noob. Pun obviously intended. :laughing:


I thought these were getting reversed for more OSMH seeds?

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Ahh yes, @LoveDaAutos , I’m terrible at making plans because I always change them. I have a few of those seeds left so that may still happen, but I am more interested in having a reg line. Perhaps I’ll make regs with these then hunt through progeny and find males to take back to the remaining OSMH seeds. I guess that I want to be able to reproduce these without the STS fuckery.


Finally thinking about a little bit of canopy control for these OSMH ladies. They’ve been properly boofed (yesterday) with the small Zamaldelica Express pollen that I had remaining. The QB 96 is ripping on 18/6 and measuring 45 DLI in the center which tapers to about 35 at the edge per Photone.


Female #1 Frosting up and smelling nice. Will pair nicely with the Zamaldelica Express pollen.

Female #2 A nice grower but less frost and less aroma.

Together they fill the 2*2 canopy nicely.


What size pots have you got the OSMH in for flowering?

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Those are 1 gallons. Pretty much the default for my 2x2 tent. Running coco with jacks. Really basic, hand watering once or twice daily. For convenience I’d like to put a dripper system in place on timers. Really time to kick it into gear here with projects. :stopwatch: :hourglass_flowing_sand: :sweat_smile:


I’m impressed with the size of your autos in 1 gallons! :slight_smile:

I’ve been thinking again (inspired by @420noob ) about the various and clearly complex causes of stunting in autos.

Have you ever run the same coco setup using 1 gallon plastic pots? I usually use fabric pots too, and usually 5-10g, but recently ran some in 1 gallon plastic and they stayed small, but there were other factors so can’t be sure it was the plastic vs air-pruning pots.

I’m sure coco vs soil makes a big difference also.


I haven’t but am going to try soon. The coco I use is very course and contains none of the fine grind you find in lesser quality coco. I only mention this to state that the chunky coco plus a little perlite and the plastic pot might be an upgrade.


I am wanting to experiment my next auto grow and bought 2 bags of this stuff. image I am thinking about adding some of the #3 perlite I love so much. I guess I’ll need to balance the pH for that run.


Balancing the pH is what has kept me away from coco and hydro. Just too finicky.

But I’m fascinated with the success of big plants in relatively tiny pots. It runs counter to the theory that running out of root space alone triggers stunting / early flowering.


Growing my first auto in pure coco in a 3l …my tap water ph is 7. Just started feeding at 300ppm and plan to just keep increasing by 100ppm every time I feed adding a little ph down and not bother too much about perfect ph…I have only strips to measure anyway.
The speed is double compared to my soil grows :slightly_smiling_face::v:


Its a matter of getting a system dialed. I mix my nutes at 2x strength because that hits 5.8 in my tap water. Then I add ph down 1ml /gal to gallons of tap and mix the two to whatever strength I need on each day. Basically, I haven’t used a ph in a long while. Definitely recommend one until you know your mix.


That should work. I like to rinse the coco until it runs clear. Just run your nutes through it to runoff and keep going until it runs clear. This will help you with any issues with ph of the media.


I’ve mentioned I dislike change more then once I’m sure. I have always grown my autos in FFOF or Pro Mix with extra perlite. Several times I’ve kicked around the idea of trying to grow an auto or two in coco just to see but always went with what I know. Last time I visited the nursery product store they had the Cultivation Nation on sale buy 2 get 1 free and he agreed to a buy 2 and get a free bag of FFOF instead. So I have 2 bags getting old I need to use up.


Those grow are incredible, Great work.


Thanks man. Good genetics, solid nutes, and some nice HLG leds. I’m just the labor. :laughing: