Black blotches on lower leaves

I try to do my own diligence before bothering anyone, with this problem I would rather ask growers on here then guessing after reading. On the internet

9 other plants on the same are do not have this on any leaves.


It looks like it might be a magnesium deficiency, but can you tell us a bit more about the stage they’re at? If they’re in 12/12, how many days in is it? Or how many days until it finishes?


Dam ii new better then to not add info sorry.
I’m in coco
Veg 4 weeks in about to flip to 12 x12 tomorrow thats how I caught these couple leaves I use canna and cali magi. Slf100 with some GW .
The other day I caught the ph up at 6.4 probably because I let the coco dry out alittle to much.
I always try to start flower with low ppm an my ph at 6 so maybe I stripped to much mag or locked it out when the ph hit 6.4 .

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Hmmm…well, I’ve never grown in coco, so I can’t comment on that. But letting the coco dry out wouldn’t cause the issues we’re looking at on that leaf, and it would have affected all of your plants similarly (if the strain is the same). Nute lockout is a possibility, but the damage I’m looking at appears to be similar to what “late stage” magnesium deficiency looks like, but you’re still in veg.

It might be helpful to show the entire plant. Others here might be able to provide more guidance. In the meantime, here’s a chart that a lot of us refer to when trying to diagnose issues based on affected leaves.

And here’s an even better chart that shows the whole plant:


Yes I’m looking at my plant and the rest looks pretty good .
I’m thinking its mag defiency.
I let it dry out just enough to not totally f it up.
I only do it 1 or twice in veg to get the roots to stretch alittle

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Thank you.
I usually don’t bother others. Thank you

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I’m so done with clones.
I always quarantine them for aweek, I have a great ipm program but I’m always insecure with other peoples gardens.


You’re welcome! And you’re not bothering anyone. You asked for help - and that’s one of the main reasons this site exists!

fist bump


I agree but I’ve been doing this to long to not know what I put in an where my plants wants to be lol
But I just took 6 yrs off an this is my 3 run since.
Have a great day @Purple-N-Hairy


To Be FaaaaaiiiIIIIIIiiiirrrrr…