Black pepper and edibles

So it is a well established fact that black pepper inhibits an enzyme that prevents absorption of many beneficial chemicals like curcuminoids, carotenoids, flavonoids, etc.

Does anyone have experience with piperine and cannabis?

I might be trippin but I think it’s a huge difference to the oral bioavailability of weed just the same! I checked google but couldn’t find a quantitative study before I gave up, just that it theoretically should help with cannabinoids and many many things by blocking glucuronidation.

Just hoping to share the wealth that is black pepper with you guys! I put it on just about anything because it is already one of the cheapest spices and it increases the health benefits of so much!


I only know that black pepper can help to calm you down if you got anxiety from weed.


Anxiety in general. Not just from weed. If wver having a panic attack chomp on a black peppercorn


It is indeed useful alone for different things, possibly nausea and it is definitely an antioxidant and anti-inflammatory, as well being hot-spicy and dark flavored!

One of my favorite things in food!


I think you’re on to something here, more testing is needed… :thinking:


If you are a lover of black pepper, ‘butchers grind’ is the Patricians choice.
Go thru about 3 lbs per annum in my kitchen.


I might just be testing everyday for the rest of my life :rofl:

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I will have to try that brand. I like to put spices and olive oil in v8 juice to make it more appetizing and since I drink so much of that along with all my other vegetarian meals I too go through multiple pounds of the store brand stuff per year because I can get it on sale. It’s almost a sin it’s so black and magical but it’s definitely nothing to brag about lol :crazy_face:

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Not a brand, it’s a very coarse grind, you cannot use a regular pepper shaker.
I use a glass spice bottle with a hole cut into the plastic inner cover, think ‘big pepper’.
Order from Amazon, grocery stores will not have it, maybe culinary stores.

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Very neat. Have you tried using a coffee grinder to grind your own corns in bulk? A hand grinder takes too long to use but I’ve used a coffee grinder with great success before!


I need to ‘UP’ my pepper game. Have pounds of whole corns I was to lazy to hand grind.
Thanks for the tip.

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Black pepper has been traditionally used in preparation of bhang in India …I think it aids in better absorption when cannabis is taken orally.
I also found this link…


We have had this grinder for 28 years and it has worked well.

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My table grinder…