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~Shanti Sena~



What is your favorite seed starting medium?


Promix complete sentence


Black Swallow, seed starting mix.


Which one is your favorite?

I like to keep things natural so I’ve always avoided using promix for person growing. I have gone through truck loads of both BX and HP for a couple commercial grows in the past but never really grew a fondness for it. The BX has synthetic “wetting agent” (aquagro) which is 24% exothylated alkyl phenols, aka xenoestrogen… I found the HP decent and that uses yucca as a wetting agent.

I have epilepsy so I steer clear of anything that is going to mimic the chemical messengers in my body.


Cheap gardening supermarket bags, a little subdued.
And more generally anything without any perlite at ~10/~15 bucks for 50-70 liters ^^

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First time hearing about this brand, thank you.

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Yes, it’s a product that I just found. I use this product for cloning as well.
The best looking clones I have ever made!
I just put the cuttings right into the staring medium. And the plants grow out roots great! The worm Castings are also a good choice to start seeds on. The method Johnny pot seed uses.
The folk that own and run the store, are super nice to deal with. And always carry you purchased products to your car.
That’s also a nice touch!

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HP for me all day


70% Cloud coir + 10% fungal compost + 20% expanded shale

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Do you use any nutrients with the HP mix?

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Botanicare pure blend pro

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Can you really believe its not butter :butter:???

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I use Pure Blend Pro Veg. I am on my last quart bottle? I wonder what to do for nutrients in veg? I looked at the bottle and the price was 40 bucks a litre. I wonder what else I could do for veg Nutrients? I wonder if I will be able to hold back the plants in veg, if I use the Black Swallow 4/4/4 dry fertilizer.
Their fertilizer is also really nice! :+1:
I stopped using Gaia Green due to the smell, and the dust!
Now I would like to stop with the last bottle of nutrients.

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I buy them by the gallon it’s a lot cheaper. Bottles suit me.


I understand.


If you had a kushy, incensey, Nepalese charas plant that’s been alive since 1965, what would you cross her with?


Either something similar or completely different



Glad to see we’re on the same page… :laughing:

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It really depends what you want. Why not both?

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I mean, if you insist…

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