Cannabis and Physical Effects

Appart from the obvious, I am just wondering what anyone has to say regarding negative effects cannabis has on the body. I read an article recently that long time regular users (at least once a week) run a risk of brain problems.
Having tried everything to get my high blood pressure down (including lost of pills) it was not until I took a break from imbibing in cannabis, that suddenly I noticed my blood pressure come down and stabilize.
Has anyone else noticed that?


I have sometimes noticed the opposite,my blood pressure goes down and makes me lightheaded for some strains


I have noticed that a few times but blamed on medication. Perhaps it was also the cannabis. But for sure my blood pressure went down after four days without cannabis.

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I had to weed through a lot of plants to find some that I enjoy and put me where I want to be. If it doesn’t improve my day I don’t want to smoke it.


Inhaling hot smoke can’t be a physically good thing for our bodies. Perhaps not as bad as inhaling the hot smoke from some other substances, but I’m pretty confident I wouldn’t have this fucking cough (hack hack) that I have were it not for my nearly 60 year love affair I’ve had with our favorite weed.

That said, for me, and probably for at least some of you too, the trade off (i.e., stop smoking to get rid of the cough) simply is not worth it to me. I fucking love smoking pot. Where’s my bong?!!


Well said brother


smoking pot generally lowers blood pressure… that’s what causes the heart to race sometimes after strong weed.
If you had the opposite effect it could be down to the way you smoke, maybe producing too much carbon monoxide or other nasties. or something psychosomatic…
Try meditation for your blood pressure… easiest self help out there, you literally just have to sit there and relax lol.


This is a big reason I smoke mainly hash.


When i smoke hash and dabs i get a runny noise sometimes and get a sneeze tickle in my nose

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I get a runny nose every single time I hit the bong. I think that began about the time I had my stroke 6 years ago.


When I switched to my dry herb vaporizer it changed everything. All the effect I want and no side effects that I don’t want.

I suffered with asthma my entire life so I tend to take it easy on the lungs nowadays.


I do not smoke my cannabis. I take it via edibles. I do, do some meditation. I find it is very helpful when I take cannabis.

Smoking anything can cause cancers at different sites of the mouth and throat including the lip, tongue, nasopharynx, pyriform fossa, tonsillar fossa, pharynx, and larynx. Smoke also causes bronchitis, cough, and mucus production in your lungs.


Right, looking at this research, it seems that cannabis CAN mildly increase blood pressure… but CBD can reduce blood pressure.
Are you physically fit ? i would have thought that general and aerobic fitness/diet etc would have a much bigger influence on your blood pressure. Also stress.


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I am going to read your article. I tried CBD twice, that I purchased but although expensive, did not provide me any benefits. I do however, get benefits from THC. I have been thinking of asking a friend for some ACDC seeds he said he purchased and crossing them with Durban Poison which is supposed to have a little CBD. It might result in a cultivar with low THC, maybe enough for a buzz, but lots of CBD.

:arrow_double_up: :arrow_double_up: This is the Way!


I hear ya, Bro. Stroke Survivor, 2005, 9 days ICU, still have residual issues, but still functioning. Keep on pluggin away, SS/BW…mister :honeybee: :100: :pray: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

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What cultivar do you find gives the low blood pressure?

Hi ,in my case,many do and some worse than others. I’m ok with some from the same seed batch and others make me light headed so it’s more the plant itself than the variety. I’m assuming it’s the drop in blood pressure from the vessels widening. Some will make my heart pump more or faster ,maybe it’s constricting my vessels when that happens,and some slow it down.

Weed has also been linked to Gastroparesis. Yes I have it, but they think mine came from a blow to the head 55 years ago. It damaged my Vagus Nerve. While I still do smoke, it does bother my stomach. I had to have Pyloroplasty. They enlarged the Pyloris muscle, which attaches the lower stomach, to the intestines. The operation relieved 90% of my symptoms, but stomach will never be normal. This operation lets your food drop faster from stomach to intestines. One can get hard balls, called Besores. This is where food stays in the stomach, and forms hard balls, that cause blockage.
At one time it gave me severe insomnia, anxiety, depression, restless legs, and I could only eat about 200-300 calories a day, for 3-4 months, and lost 60lbs.
I would be up 4 days straight, and then only sleep for an hour, and be up 4 more days.
I wouold also gag/dry heave 100 times a day, ormore. And when I had to go to the bathroom, Id get dizzy, start sweating, and start gagging. It also caused me to black out from the vagal response. Cracked my head in 2 places. Used the bathroom all over myself. I could tell I was going to have to use the bathroom, before I actually got the response. Id start getting sick at my stomach, and gagging, and then would have to use the bathroom. Having to go to the bathroom was usually what would wake me up in the morning for as long as I can remember, but while also not sleeping, I would start gagging, before I really got the urge to go.
They also had me on 600mg of Seroquil for sleep, and it didnt do anything. 6 different antidepressants. All got was a headache , from the drugs, and no sleep. 3 weeks after the surgery, all drugs were stopped.
The vagus nerve controls swallowing, blood sugar, blood pressure, heart rate, digestion, sweating, and movement of food through the stomach. And also controls the adrenal gland. My adrenal gland was on high alert, and I had the fight or fight shit going on 24/7. Vagus nerve is the longest nerve in the body. It goes from your brain, to your asshole. It was miserable. I quit smoking for 2.5 years, and just started back, about 2 months ago, BUT, it started to bother my stomach, so Ive not smoked in 3 weeks. I will still smoke, but only special occasions. I initially quit because smoking greatly increased my anxiety. Id take a couple hits, and the anxiety would be even worse for 3-4 days. wasnt worth it at all. I even went to a psychologist, and she asked me if I ever tried weed, and I said Ive smoked for 55 years, and it makes it worse. She also said she had never treated anyone that had a Autonomic Nervous System Breakdown for anxiety, and said she would ask the higher ups about what to do. None of them had treated anyone with an autonomic disorder either, and said they really didnt think therapy would help me, because mine wasnt a mental issue. So I ended up having the surgery, and 3 weeks later 90% of anxiety was gone. I could sleep 5-6 hours straight every night vs 1 hour every 4 days. I could eat, and ate like I was starving, because I was. I gained back 80lbs, in 3 months. 20 more than I lost, but have recently lost the extra weight. And to those that are taking Ozempic, and the other Diabetes drugs they are using to lose weight. Im telling you right now, youre playing with fire. Those drugs have also been heavily associated with Gastroparesis, and Gastroparesis, is permanent. You can end up on a feeding tube, and a vagal stimulator implanted like a pace maker. Luckily, I havent had to go that route. YET.