Black Spots on Leaves

This plant is in flower and just developed this condition where black spots are showing up on the leaves through the entire plant. I’m feeding her the same as all other plants and none of the others have this issue nor have I ever encountered this issue before. It’s an auto Ice Pixie in a 3 gallon pot of soil that is FFOF and I’m watering with Grow More Sea Bloom nutrients.

Calcium deficiency normally shows those black spots, can you post a pic of a damaged leaf? beer3|nullxnull


Thanks … I was leaning that way and was thinking of giving a helping or two of calmag. The backside of the leaves looks fine… it’s just the front and tips.


Thanks, looks like Calcium but better wait for other opinions… beer3|nullxnull


I appreciate the look and the thoughts. A chance to learn something :slightly_smiling_face:

Her sister is doing just fine about a foot away so, it’s a good comparison I can use for monitoring.

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When tips and borders are affected it’s easier to detect it …


Agreed, looks like she is a bit short on calcium.


i´m useing calmag,but got that spots too…

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Yours could be septoria instead, check if that yellow halo widens … :roll_eyes:


I definitely have seen Septoria on some of the other plants. The spots never got beyond being just yellow on mine (and I yank the leaves as soon as I see the spots)… where as the plant I posted never had those yellow spots… just went right to brown/black.

So @saxo I’d be curios if you noticed those spots on your leaves being yellow first or did they start black?

This is an interesting reading …

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I am seeing spidermite or thrip damage in those pics also….

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Thrips definitely a thing around here. I already got the lady bug patrol on it.

I’m more reactive than proactive in my feeding and pest management… so seeing any sorts of issues actually helps me in the future cause I’ll learn more about potential preventative methods for things common to my breeding material and environment.

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@AMunkFromCupertino no,they are not yellow first…
my leaves looks like this…
(no mites or thrips in my tent)

@saxo maybe generally you are on the lower end of within the parameter for calcium ( never any sign of it before in grows but was on the lower end )
And it took this calcium hungry pheno to highlight this , to make you aware

So could be a good thing : ) use situation to your advantage

Or something is antagonising your calcium uptake but I assume this is not the case as you have not changed anything from past grows ?

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thanks @ifish …no,didn´t change anything,but got that bevor sometimes too.


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Looks like you need to up your calmag

You feeding calmag every watering ? If not then start calmag in every watering

If you already feed it every watering
Then up calmag by 0.1ec

And access from there

If that doesn’t fix it / stop it spreading , then it must be septoria , I have no experience with that tho
Your affected leafs look like they on middle to top of plant ( calcium is immobile element ) and artical said usually septoria on lower leafs , so that’s a good sign

: )


Those last shots look like septoria to me. Those brown spots with the yellow halos.