I have no idea what’s going on

Idk what’s been going on with this deficiency but I do know have been getting the same thing happening the last 2 grows at the same point in time


What media are you in and what + how often are you feeding them? Also the light levels, temps and humidity would be helpful with getting you a better answer.


Don’t forget to bring a towel!!


Temps: 80-85F
RH: 40-50%


What have you been feeding them or is a water only super soil?

Mixed soil at the beginning about 8gals in the pot bottom 1/4 half Dr earth flower… other 3/4 dr earth veg half/all purpose 4th… RO water only and recharge once a week

Since you’re using RO water are you adding calcium? What amounts of Dr Earth per gallon did you use? I mix 2 tbls per gallon of soil and that’s pretty hot. Some strains do better around 1 tbls per gallon of soil. I’ve been using it with well water that has plenty of Calcium however and not RO.


Throw in a diverse mix of kitchenscraps instead of Recharge, along with tree leaves, grasss clippings, nettle, dandelion, thistle, etc.

How I have been doing it for over a year:


Bad magnesium deficiency if I’ve ever seen one and I’ve seen a few.

There looks to be more involved than that but it looks for sure to be low Mg.

Dr. Labby says: Take 2tsps of Epsom Salts in a litre of water and call me if it doesn’t get better in a week.

With RO some CalMag would probably be a better choice if you have it.

Good luck!



So this is setup like a sub-irrigation system?

So should I continue to water with epsom salt or just a one time application

It’s hard to overdo but you don’t want to do it every watering. I would do it once and give it 4-7 days to see how it reacts, but curious to what the experts recommend. The leaves won’t magically all look normal but hopefully it stops getting worse. I believe you could also make a foliar spray, look into that or maybe someone can chime in about using epsom as a foliar spray as I have never done it myself.

I add a little bit of calmag to my water once in a blue moon and I have seen a lot less of what you are experiencing.

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I had that rusty spots before and It looks like PH problem.
I was using tap water and after I get those spots I realize my tap water is too alcaline like 8-9ph. SO I started measuring and turning ph down to 6.

CalMag I use it in every watering. I use LEDS.

I am going to start suplementing Calcium so I can get rid of hollowstems but I was thinking about placing a tablespoon of gypsum over the top soil and let it travel with the water, one application only. - Maybe someone can correct-me or back up on this one, my pots
are 1Gal.


@BjFool do you ph your feed ? And or water ?

I agree mag deficiency but it’s possible it could be from ph fluctuations

I add Epson salts in small amounts to keep it in check before it happens

Good luck

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If it keeps happening at this point in the grow you might have to top dress once in a while after the initial amendments run out.


Yes I check it ever quarter… it stays around 6.2-6.5

Thanks I know the leaves won’t come back but hopefully more will stop dying off…

I also was using DE as my calcium source… and that reminds me I have recently taken it out of my soil mix because it water making my top soil compacted and hydrophobic

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I agree cal mag especially in RO water

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Is there a good calmg for organic soil… in the area I live I don’t think it’s readily available at my garden centers