Blackstrap molasses hi brix what do you think?

I love the stuff. My plants do also. It very beneficial for your soil. Plus in my opinion it helps keeps bugs away. I even spray my plants with molasses. When molasses is added to organic fertilizers, it provides food for the healthy microbes in the soil. The greater amount of microbial activity in the soil, the healthier plants will be. Add molasses at a rate of 1 to 3 tablespoons (14-44 ml.) to 1 gallon (3.5 L.) of fertilizer for best results.Jun

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Right, and I agree , but I don’t use molasses because I’m cheap and I’m off grid alot but I do use a good bit of brown sugar and or raw cane sugar it just all depends I also intend on tapping a sugar maple tree and use that I just haven’t got around to it yet , I’m not saying your wrong I’m just saying there’s alot more to it, just because you add a sugar/carb product doesn’t mean high brix but it’s a start that’s all I’m saying, there’s alot of factors including a Complete soil food wed, optimum moisture, All the nutrients big and small in balance and yes plenty of microbe food aka molasses:) it’s just like I said there’s is no simple answer and everyones soil and environment is different it’s just there is lots of nuances and factors :slight_smile: that’s all and if you want to be able to quantify any of it , we just gotta test some things that’s all I’m saying

Here ya go:) further down the rabbit hole :slight_smile: all I’m saying is there’s more to it and yes bugs can’t eat healthy plants and once brix reaches I think it was 13 no bug on earth can eat little lone digest :slight_smile:


And I agree with all your practices I do the same thing really I just go about it in a different way by far one of the best easiest ways of achieving your goals it’s pretty simple just like @rogue said just feed plants plants :slight_smile: preferably wild native medicinal herbs :slight_smile: the best , top shelf, creme de la creme :slight_smile: just put in a bucket/JLF or throw it on the ground or in a pile/compost it let the microbes do the work



Yes, another of my tedious, “I’ve heard. . ./Is it true or not?” posts. :slight_smile:

I’ve read that supplementing with a natural, unsulphered molasses is good – but only good for organic soils with livings stuff in it versus what I use, which is basic potting soil + a handful of Nectar of the Gods granules + tons of perlite + a few cups of sand. (Like me, stupid simple and relatively cheap.)

Also, I’ve read that it is typically used during flower/tail end of flower.

(My working quasi-assumption is that it should be good in almost all soil applications, not just the “living soil” types. . .but for reasons I couldn’t explain scientifically. Something in my head about sugar/carb-feeding of any life, even mycelium er, mycelia (?) is a good thing for the plant and flower.) :slight_smile:


I just asked a perfectly logical and rational question about a potential soil supplement.

I asked it because, not so deep down, I am that overeager 14 year old who is looking for an easy shortcut to absolutely jack the living crap out of these already perfectly-sufficient buds.

Self awareness is gold.


I’ve heard read similar. I’ve got no real world experience but I believe the sugar feeds the microbes in the soil. Even if you’re not running an organic soil I’m sure there are microbes there. I just don’t know if you would see the same results as someone who is running a living soil.


Have you used the search bar and read through other organic soil threads? Just want to know where to start lol


adding carbohydrates helps improve soil quality, and support robust growth. Even if your not 100% organic. U se it in moderation and in conjunction with a other fert


@navy66 have you played with this yet ? If not have fun. Dont stay up to late.


The quest for the magic potion never ends. Learned a hard lesson visiting my friend who always has perfect plants during the summer, and the bud comes out perfect also- literally does nothing but stick em in the ground, but in the perfect location with ample sunshine, natural rainfall and a never ending light breeze. He puts in 1/1000th the focus/energy and gets superior results. He pays it literally no mind. Here I am with a never ending cascade of experiments and ideas, this guy lets the plant do the work


Nothing wrong with soil supplements, not everyone has the perfect soil.

so since you made thread about it…what was your logical and rational question?


I used a really non-fancy potting soil as my basic growing medium. I just asked whether blackstrap molasses would make any difference to my grow, or is the benefit (if any) reserved for more “living soil” set ups.


If nothing else, it’s gonna have at least a little NPK with plenty of vitamins and minerals!


If so due to legal concerns I’m just going to say
Foxfarm happy frog

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Finding un sulpherd molasses is a trick around here.


It’s great with soil during flower in my experience, but attracts more bugs indoors. Since I switched to coco I stopped using it.


all the time. be careful though. i had it doing pretty complex math for me and you have to assume it’s always wrong. . .like me in HS.