Blissful Wizard & Wedding Cake , lets see what they are about

Spilt milk


love it , there is another

Hazy day cereal?

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nope not it


Surreal ( cereal )

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  1. OGAH…OGAH F2 = Amnesia deuce coup

Or where did I park the car? Short version lost car.

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Surreal killer


Lost Car it is…lost my car on her once…lol…FITS!!! @ShiskaberrySavior

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Orange gojios

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Like i knew she would, OGAH kicked Mac in the ass, said bend the F over bitch, your getting nailed.

Plucked 2 more small buds from Mac for seedage

So, appears there will be “Lost Cap” seeds to share , most look good, dark n hard. TINY, reminds me of Sannie’s Sugar Punch seeds…tiny but grew monsters of fsantastic delight…gonna be same on these i bet !


What a good damn day!!! No creek, but got plenty done. Tomorrow i look at Mom and Tent 1, hope they got with my plan. IF NOT…the new seeds gonna get the next call .

So far:

Ogah X Mac1 will be…Lost Cap
ogah X Ogah F2’s will now be… Lost Car
Ogah x Space Monkey will be known as …Lost in Space (love this one)
Ogah X Wedding cake…Forgotten Wedding, Lost Wedding, Misplaced Cake, Dude Where’s My Cake…??? still goin

@SamwellBB if you want some of the “Lost Cap” your welcome to them . I got more than 9 and gonna end up with 100 or more it appears . Top Bud is covered in them, got maybe 30 now, still have 90 percent of plant hanging :heart_eyes:


Good names man @ShiskaberrySavior


Helps if you’ve smoked ogah and get her effects figured . Several lost thoughts and items smoking her.


Gonna be able to share a few, just let me hang these 2 weeks, see how many i have , then i shall absolutely share, IF anyone wants some .

Personally think they will be great X’s, pretty much all Orange Goji and Ogah touch come out stellar.

She will CERTAINLY pump up Cereal Milk so that maybe i can actually grow her once :speak_no_evil:



me too…lost my car at a sporting event for 4 hours. After parking lot cleared, there it was . I was looking for my Mustang, but iguess i drove the Subarau …doh :cold_face:

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Ha ha ha ha yup has that effect on me too.

Day was going so well…decided to open Mother tent, see whats up. see if my plan of action worked or am i starting over??

Opened the tent to HAPPY lil ones!!! YEAH, i figured their issue and thinking solved it.

Checked on the cuts…well, what do you know.when light is right, no hurricane blowing over them, cubes actually wet…nutes PROPER…they actually root.

I got MAC1 NOW!!! Your mine bitch, finally…yours too @Papalag and doen the road, anyone who wants a snip of her. Thinking i get a good run of her, some may want her.

All these got GREAT roots showing out of cubes!!!

Thought day was over, but now gotta plant these lil ladies…in PROPER SOIL MIX, not shit found in my garage a decade old :face_with_symbols_over_mouth:, right light par levels, and correct feed, with the big ass fan turned off.


Sorry, logged for the day, looks like I missed a lot… I’m seeing a lot of green seeds, but a lot that aren’t too, so you should get some viable ones. Either way you’ve already chopped, so :crossed_fingers: that it works out. And clones too, so you get a do-over if need be! Glad to hear they survived, that’s the important part.


#8. ooga



Stumbled into this “Ganja House” on FB, LMAO! Too cool, not gonna 'splain, but you basically pay for a slot in a raffle for Bud, lol! The 2 i bid on an won today were like this…10 slots, 1 winner, 4 bucks a slot. Prize was 3.5 G’s of pictured and video’d Bud. Slots fill FAST…when they fill, site owner uses random generator to pick the winner. Winner is shipped his prize, shipping included! LMAO!!

Ive seen everything now.

Talked to the site owner, cool dude, been doing this 5 years now. 1000’s of happy customer’s. I won both on 8 dollar bets, so `1/4 Z for 16 bucks to my door. I did it because of the pics, vids, happy clients, cool fun format, but mostly, to check the Bud. He buys from 3 “craft” small growers, showed me pics of the grows, i HAD to try, see how good it is. Looks Good!

Will have in a week or so, will post up what i think. Really curious as to exactly WHAT “qualifies” as Dank Top Tier Weed in the legal market. How it compares to what we grow. Will say pics are pretty incredible, and show sugar leaf bits left on trim (was NOT rolled or machine trimmed) and great trich coverage. Pics n vids are live real time, not fake. So i just had to, lol Dude says its the absolute best that can be “bought”

So, we shall see, and ill be honest too.