Blissful Wizard & Wedding Cake , lets see what they are about

Took 5-10 seeds, the raw fresh ones a day old, of each of 3 X’s i made, and sent them swimming.

My heart sank as all 10 of the Mac1 cross instantly sank to the bottom. 90 % of the others floated.



I don’t put any stock in sinking or floating. They can sit in there until they pop, they can’t drown. But usually the beans need to dry out for a few weeks first before trying to test germination in order to get the best germination rate. It’s the green beans that I don’t think will be viable but I could definitely be wrong there.


I understand all that. Was suggested to me by @SamwellBB who has thrown down more seeds than i ever will.

I have PLENTY of everyone. ALL others are curing like he told me too. Said be cool to throw down a few of each and just see if they pop. So i did.

I find floaters(i soak about 12-16 hours) are lowest in germ. The ones that sink instantly, for me, have been duds mostly. Hope your take on it is the correct one!!! :sunglasses:

Was just to see if fresh seeds will pop. SOME fell out when handling bud, those went swimming. I want to see for myself, and i have the seeds to spare. WC gonna give me enough seeds to open a store with, lol.


Greens i agree dont. I dont have many greens. Nor whites. 50 % dark, 40 % tan, 10 percent no good


White seeds can germinate. Found out by accident when seed sorting. I was throwing the white ones in my wifes house plant pot as I sorted. A few days later there was seedlings.
How many out of how many? I have no idea. Lol


Good morning @Jetdro great news on the WC seeds

I had some sugar punch seeds from sannies when I first ordered from him
And they looked light green in color , I even complained to him about it , I’m his response he said don’t worry they’ll pop damn thing did lol


Green or white always worth trying to pop them 9/10 times they’ll grow.


By jet what you starting the day with ? Wake and bake time

Last night this ended my night quickly lol not the mrs she just kept going lol she damn smoked me out lol
NYC sour with some gg4 crumble lol still have 1/4 of the joint
Crumble is store bought but good

Once you smoke the WC it’s hard to find a replacement


we shall both have this weeding cake, im getting close :sunglasses:

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At Dr office getting a checkup befor my company insurance expires and I go on Medicare

Then home to plant seeds look at tent 1 figure if I’m gonna run it or trash it

THEN I’m smoking Wedding Cake of course



What you pay for the crumble ??,

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You see I won some bud in a raffle ?

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The crumble was 80 a gram see edit

Won :1st_place_medal: 1 place and you get it delivered lol :joy: cool

Edit bonggirl ( daughter lol) corrected me it 65 a gram


Everyone coming round, all the cuts now rooting, everyone getting back to happy.

Threw down 26 FRESH seeds, lol…should be interesting. If any pop and look good, i shall run them…

checked Tent 1…still shit but improved, they WERE starving, gonna do more foliar feed till the octopots catch up


Hay bro I couldn’t resist the dispensary had a sale

On the shatter grape bubblegum

It’s looks pretty :heart_eyes:


I’m sold on foliar feeding after this last outdoor. I did it every other day up until about 3 weeks bloom. If it’s done regularly and you get up under those leaves and nodes. It’s like field of dreams. “You build it they will come” this, being more bud sites. Looks like a good time bro :100: :fire: :sunglasses: :metal: :metal: :metal: :metal: :peace_symbol:


So how is it?


Tastes good and does the job very well



You do it with sun up???

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Spit it out already… :sunglasses:

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