Blissful Wizard & Wedding Cake , lets see what they are about

I still have mine just in case

Good morning everybody


I donā€™t want to cover the plants they are new transplants and not in the rez yet . If I block sun they would croak .

Just want to keep rain out of top of grow sleeve .

Iā€™ll post up when I put them on so you will see .

Normally do it with big tin pie plates but donā€™t have any and not wanting to fetch them so this should work just fine .

The rain will do em good . Only 4 days outside and Cereal Milks stems are not so damn floppy :sunglasses: Nice beating with some rain should toughen her up a bit . Or kill her ā€¦ lol



How is problem child this morning ?

Mac fine I take it ?


Look optimistic still not dead

I saw mold at the base of the stem moved the dirt and saw stem was cracked vertically not broken in half but split
So I cut at the next node and re planted sheā€™s still alive under a dome and look a little better today


Mac is beautiful and happy


I thing WC may have been dropped during shipping
Canā€™t explain the stem


Morning yā€™all!! Hope the day is going well.


Was no issue when I sent she was rooted well .

I have many more of you lose her

When u gonna run Mac?


Mine is well how about your little day ?

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This Vortex shatter is NASTY ! Tastes of paint thinner and chemicals . Is really potent but I cannot handle the taste , my homemade rosin carts are much better in my opinion .

What can I do with it half 3/4 of a gram left ?


Once I harvest sheā€™ll go in the main area
Maybe in 2 weeks Iā€™ll transfer her into the Octopot

Iā€™ll take clones once sheā€™s established in the Octopot

Iā€™m sure the WC will come around Iā€™m optimistic

The little branches look green and not so sad

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can decarb it and turn it into edibles if you canā€™t or donā€™t want to smoke it.

Mix it with a cup of alcohol to make tincture. Can put that in a baking dish with a cup of sugar and make some cannasugar. Mix it with butter. Or honey. Or oil of some kindā€¦


Itā€™s only 3/4 of a gram is it worth fooling with ?


Octo disaster avoided :sunglasses:

Now to go check par levels and plants inside
Thinking all shall be in good shape


idk, edibles donā€™t do shit for me. Iā€™d need to eat at least half that 0.75gram to feel anythingā€¦ but assuming the shatter is ~80% THC and the edible calculatorā€™s are rightā€¦
0.75(gram shatter) x 0.8 (80% THC) = ~600mg of THC?
@Gardenartus that look right to you?

600mg should be plenty. I need 300mg to feel like I just smoked a bowl.


Give it to somebody lol

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I use that shatter for gummies

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I wasnā€™t sure what you liked so I sent you an indica and sativa :sunglasses: :metal: :metal: :metal:

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My day is going well. A little grocery shopping then spend some time in the garden. Antipasto salads for dinner tonight. Other then that par for the course.

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its potent just cant deal with the chemy taste, turns me off for some reason. Bet it would be great in gummies.