Blotches appeared overnight

Hi,I have a current thread growing three autos.One overnight showed those spots…Can anyone recognise a diagnosis?


Its nothing… for now…


I sprayed Them under leds,but not Yesterday,the day before Yesterday,could It Be that?I see no other possible option…


It’s nothing, just carry on. I spray with lights on all the time… how else do you see what you are doing?


Could be pH issue,as this pot Is the only One of the three that has Lightmix on top and under that a mix of work castings plus batguano with the lightmix Itself.So Maybe the roots are experiencing differenti pH zones.I water Always 6-5,6-3,6-7

And also,could be heat stress and temperature a Little High.

Looks fine. first grow? I’d leave it alone. Also, wondering why you would spray such a young plant? Leave it alone and see what happens :green_heart:

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Third grow,first try with amended mix soil.
Here Is a pic with my microscopi for trichomes.

I think you are worrying/overthinking too much!
It will be fine.


That’s a good possibility, just keep an eye on that. If it doesn’t spread, it was likely the spraying



The liquid on the leafs from foliar feeding/spraying will magnify the light from the LED causing bleaching (like what I suspect is the issue here) and even sometimes burning of the leafs. :+1:


If you go back to my first grow I worried about the same thing. Everyone reassured me it was nothing and they were right! Carry on!


Water spots from spraying it’s all good.

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Spots from spraying or possibly (hopefully not) stink bug vomit.

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Do you live in an extremely dry climate?

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Very dry,like 35% Rh.But I put humidifier and now Is on 50%-55% usually.But yes,they grew in a harsh climate inside the tent,and the light very close,25 cm,200 watt Lumatek

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I live in a super dry climate my leaves always look like shit with spots all over the older leaves. Brown frayed edges not sickly just dry AF! The oldest leaves dry up like paper.

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Maybe It s that

Also,I have another plant of the three that Is not showing blotches but,the First true leaves(One finger) are dry like paper and “hard”,and,are shrinking and yellowing slightly from the tip