Leaves burning Suddenly

Leds:120 Watts at 35-40cm
Nutes:R/O water+calmag+canna Coco A+B+silicone= diluted to 0.5Ec
Leaf temperature on the burning leaves seedlings are 26-27°C
Vpd was about High 1.3
Coco+perlite+worm castings
Seedlings 15 days old autoflowers

I am trying to upp rh because It seems a leaf temp issue
I also upped the lights because I think they got a Little too much light.


Looks like it got too dry to me (the soil, not humidity). 27C temps should be not be causing heat problems.


Agree with too much light:

Leaves are tacoing and look fried:


This could happen because of pH fluctuations or too much nutes, autos are low feeders. New growth looks fine, try to lower the feed, increase humidity and put higher that lamp, wait some days to see how they react … beer3|nullxnull


You definitely need to raise your humidity. You should be running somewhere near 80% right now.


I rised the lights and now working on a way to upp RH,the humidifier Is a bit undersized.
About the EC,I ll go even lower and dilute even morr the next batch of nutrient solution
Thank you all,I also suspect light and humidity issue

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If you are in soil the Ph should be around 6.5

:green_heart: :seedling:


I upped RH to 70% and the feed Is 0.7Ec,still She keeps burning
I m in Coco coir @G-paS

Looks like its growing quite fast! New growth seems fine. Just keep doing what you’re doing. Can’t explain what happened to the first leaves but things mostly seem to be going just fine above that


I am worried because the new middle leaves are spreading the rust too

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Is the other plant to the left showing the same thing?

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Yes but on the tips,very very less evident,I think of calcium

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Middle leaves are the past as it’s been said and they are not going to improve, concentrate on new growth, burnt tips are normally excess nutrients or too low humidity, check pH and EC on runoff … beer3|nullxnull


Ehi @George,friend,Runoff EC Is in range with going in:0.8 in and out (about)
There was something wrong with the starting of the grow,could be low rh,lights too strong and too close or/and that I used pure RO water with the addition of calmag that was too little maybe

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Then maybe now they’re dialled up, trim those fried leaves and continue with what you’re doing. If they were photos, as long as they were still alive it’s ok, you have an option to mend past errors, autos don’t give you that chance as time goes by, you have chosen the tough path, hope everything’s fine now … beer3|nullxnull

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That Is my 5 or 6th grow with autos,so yes,I chose the tough One since I started growing this plant.I Hope One day to switch to photos

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I had some leaves do that at around the same size my last run, I think my worm castings were acidic and locked it out briefly. I had started the seeds in 100% worm castings, which I will not try again.
They rebounded fine I didn’t even change anything, I just stuck with my protocols haha.

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Worm castings I mixed in Coco coir could be culprit too!Maybe I put a Little too much by eyeballing it

is the floor cold? Roots need to think it’s spring/summer. Cold floor does all kinds of disruptive type things.

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Not the case Brother,roots are shooting through like hell from the bottom of the pot,White and healthy
@SkunkHunt101 thank you for the input

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