Root rot?Quick Advice

Hi,Quick id of this issue,I can Say the plant was flushed 7 days ago,and was watered too often before.The soil Is lightmix and batguano+humus mix.
The plant Is 22 days old.
She started very early showing those White shit.
I think It Is root rot since I watered too often and cannot Id the issue as any nute deficiency or excess.
The leaves are old of course but the issue progressed as days passed.This White shit Is like some sort of rust,very rough ti touch and not smooth.Also It feels dry and crumble when I snip some tissue.Doesn’t smell


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The leaves you’ve put in the picture are touching the soil surface which is too damp if you’ve over watered. “White shit” isn’t very specific. Is that higher up the plant? As in on leaves not touching the soil surface. Better pics needed if the white shit is higher up the plant.


Nono, it’s Just on those two leaves.I have other minor issue in New growth and other leaves though
Afaik Is not powdery mildew.

Yeah, the two leaves touching the surface I would expect to die off if permanently wet. Show pictures of the stuff higher up dude. Plant looks fine to me so far.

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This plant was in a hot mix I made with guano and Humus,So I flushed till 1600 ppm,pH 7,6-8.
Then,I did the mistake of watering 1 liter 3 days After flush,which was not enough time for soil to dry.Also,the leaves showing that sympots are touching the soil but,soil was not Always damp.I think of some Micro nute lockout,like Iron from those yellower new growth.Every New growth seem to have minor Iron issue.I Guess Phosphorus was too much in that soil mix,guano has NPK like 3-15-4.
This White stuff is making his way up,you can see from the picture slight Little White spot and by naked eye I can confirm It wants to go up,from lower and older leaves

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Should get a dehumidifier if you don’t have one already for your tent works wonders

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Troppo carico foglie bruciate alle punte eccesso di nutr


I think of pythium.Rh Is Always love,like 45,I should not run the humidifier so It stays 45-50

Non so,sembra un fungo,non è normale questa cera

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im no expert but the pic of the whole plant looks pretty healthy I’d just pull those bottom leaves off lol


I just did that


:+1: you may have slight deficiencies but I wouldn’t do anything drastic its easy to make a problem worse by doing to much


I really Hope It s not fungi or I am really doomed and wasted Money and Electric Bill :frowning:

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I woke up and this thing Is progressing on three finger leaves.

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The lower leaves are progressing to Yellow.I saw some roots,White and healty coming from bottom of pot,I don’t know if the problem Is excess or deficiency by overwatering.

I ll keep posting,Maybe someone can help or relate.

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