Blueberry Snow

Big fan of rice hulls too mate, and how good are those grow bags… especially in humid conditions. I got a pack of 200 for around $4, do you transplant the bag directly in to your bigger pots and let them break down in the soil? They say they are biodegradable


Looking good my friend, how big are their final containers going to be?


I had a runt I grew it to flower just to see what happened It was the strongest stinkiest plant in the whole pak


I remember that place well


Thank you for the kind words. :pray:. For seed making these’ll go into 3 gallons in a 4x4. I plan on cloning and running again for sensi, prolly do those in 5s. Hard for me to go much bigger, indoors. I’ve done 7s before, but they have a big footprint.


I like the bags, i can just bottom water the tray, makes it a lot easier for me than gently watering each bag individually. Makes it easy to see what’s going on with the roots as well. Usually, I’ll cut some slices in the sides of the bag, then put that into the final pot.


I’ll be lurking around somewhere in the corners… never actually seen any of Bodhi’s work in action, it’ll be interesting to see. Also, :clap: for the preservation run!


Good technique, yeah my root mass doubled when I crossed over to these.


Hey @khaoohs

How are the Blueberry Snow plants coming along? How close are you to flipping them to flower?


Sorry for the lack of updates. It’s been a slow grow. I had myself convinced I had some insect issue, so I ran some ozone in the room with my veg tent and sprayed them all down with Botaniguard ES (Beauveria bassiana), but left the lights on. Things took a turn for the worse at that point, lots of leaves turned crispy. It’s been about 2 weeks and the girls are growing out of it. Now, I believe I was over-watering just about everything. After spending several hours researching, the critters I was seeing are soil decomposer mites.

I finished getting them up-potted into 3 gals, this past weekend. I’d like to let them veg out now for a few weeks, and then I’ll get them flipped. The little runt perked up a bunch after up-potting, but it’s still the smallest as of now. I’ll get some pics of them all in a bit.

@The_Lazy_Hippie, Thank you for sending these out. Your spirit of generosity is a blessing for us all, and I can only aspire to be as self-less and giving.


So glad to hear that the plants survived and are making a come back. I have personally killed every single mother plant I have ever tried to keep lol. Truth be told I have never had a totally clean run where I didn’t almost kill my plants at least once. Thats when I’ll consider myself a decent gardener when all the variables get dialed in and the plants stay healthy the whole way. I’m chasing that unicorn lol.

Man I appreciate you donating your space, time and energy to these seeds. I’m glad we found a place where like minded folks can congregate. Cool things like this collab can happen :sunglasses: :sunglasses: :sunglasses:


Pulling up a seat. Love me some blueberry.

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Love blue berry :blue_heart:
I had an Authentic cut in 2006 in ventura it was the shining blue diamond in a bag just yield was just ok.
I’m tail gating if that’s :sunglasses:


Sorry to leave anyone who cares hanging, I suck at regular updates.

Let’s see if I can recollect the timeline.

All 11 got up-potted into 3-gals late Oct/early Nov, fairly equal parts peat-compost-rice hulls with some dry amendments mixed in.

They were slow to get going for a while, slow growth, sagging leaves. I finally came to the realization that my watering practices were complete shit. When I had my bug scare, I purchased a Chapin sprayer, not the nice metal ones some of you all have, but a decent plastic one.

I started using the chapin to water the babies. What a difference in plant growth. Water wouldn’t run out the bottom of the fabric pot, the soil would be moist, and they all made, in comparison to how they were looking, a significant rebound.

Fast forward through December where they started getting big, and I have finally flipped them to flower in early January.

Here they are soon after up-pot, Nov-07.

Now we’re at Nov-29.

Looking at Dec-18.

Here’s Dec-28.

Jan-02, now we’re starting to see what I would say is bit better growth pattern.

Jan-13, they were flipped to 12/12 on Jan-10. Starting to find some male clusters forming.

A few days ago, I separated those there were not males, into another room to keep flowering, and put the males back into 18/6. Hoping to slow down the male flower growth for another week or so, before I re-introduce the females back into the tent for pollination.

I have clones of most of the boys and girls, this weekend I’ll try to take clones of anything I don’t have rooted cuts of yet.

Bottom line, this is still going, and one day I hope to share the fruits of this endeavor.


Were you ever able to finish this?


Blueberry Snow? oh yeah!!!

What happened to this ?

Picking up where this was left off a while ago.

This run ended with disappointing plants and a meager amount of seeds. All of which was due to my lack of care and crap soil mix. I’m now using Promix BX and things are looking much better.

I had more Blue Snow seeds from original donator in the refrigerator and started them a few months ago, along with some of the F2s I made. Nine F1s germinated and made it to soil and four of the F2s. These were flipped to 12/12 on July 4.

Three F1s and three F2 are male leaving me with seven females. I’m going to take the F2 males out and pollinate the F1 and F2 females with F1 pollen.

Group shots



Beautiful colors, slightly clawing, they’re peaking!


Day 17, a few of them are on the dry side and droopy.