Board Usage: quick linking

I want to open the “What am you smoking page”. I know I will find it if I look, I can take a few guesses about which category to look in but the page is not ready to hand and I wish it was. Same as my grow logs. Wish I could post to my pages with fewer steps.

Is there a concept of favorites or frequently visited?

Is there a site wish-list Topic?


When you find it you can click on the the … at the bottom and then click the forth icon to book mark the topic or post, alternately you can select the tracking feature and select tracking or watching…

bottom left bookmarks topic, top right bookmarks comment

To access your bookmarks click on your name in notification icon (your pic) upper right and click the bookmark icon.


Edit: screen shots added from computer


Easiest way is to search it. Even with just the word smoking it should be pretty close to the top of the list.


:smoking: 'What be am smokin ya?.. :confused:




Here you go @trippyhippy, this should help you out as well :slight_smile:

Solved the issue of navigating to my own content by using a link in the browser.

https: // /users/ UserName /activity/ topics

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