Bodhi Guide - Seed and Strain Discussion (Part 2)

ooh! :heart_eyes: :drooling_face: Thank you for taking the time! :pray:
Those last two definitely pique my interest! but I bet all 4 turn out great!

Oh yeah? Iā€™ve seen some Jack cut thatā€™s been going around for quite a long time now, but idk which one it is, just that itā€™s not my favorite :sweat_smile: Saw it in Oregon when I visited a couple years ago. Seen it here in the midwest and in the south over a decade ago. There was another Jack cut tho, with bright green flowers that turned gold-ish with a cure and came with a soaring high. I donā€™t remember if it was Terpinolene heavy tho :thinking: I saw it in the midwest in the early 00ā€™s and then never saw it again. That was the best Jack Herer Iā€™ve ever had, by far.


Outa likes. :heartbeat:

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I guess there must have been an early C99 tester cross with SL, he certainly got into the other Brothers Grimm genetics with the Apollo preservation and then these:

EDIT: I wonder if he found out that his C99 was actually a P88 in the time between the C99(Snowlotus) mention and this list of testers came about? Presumably the C99 would have been from the first round of crosses with the SL male. But that early on in 2008 was it even the final male? Maybe the C99 just got dumped because it wasnā€™t the SL breeder male we know yet?


Bodhi seeds were the first seeds I sought out.
They ended up better plants than I couldā€™ve ever imagined
That said, @GEMI-CONNECT616 treasure those yo and happy birthday


Ok @Dope_Heffalump I found it, thatā€™s his shorthand for C99 x Blockhead (Snow Lotus pheno) or possibly indicating that the Cindy is crossed with the Blockhead father from making SL? Both seem equally possible to me.




Just made my final selections from the last hunt. Kept 2 phenos from each Red Eye Jedi and Monarch.

Monarch was much more impressive to me, lots of OG notes alongside berry and lavender. Better consistency, and people who bought it really gravitated back to the Monarch more than REJ. The structure on the monarch is also perfect as-in, where the REJ needs some work to improve production viability.

To me and a few others who helped me test, REJ seems to throw out more recessive skunk G13 terpenes. More earthiness, chem notes, hash, dumpster on a hot day sorta smells. Dumpster terps donā€™t translate to taste thank god, the best phenos are awesome smoke.

I did find that the flower I torture tested in my dry 25% RH house smelled better than the flower I sealed away at 60/60 for terpene retention. Seems like I may be able to get rid of that garbage profile a bit by being more aggressive with drying, and letting the flower breathe for a bit. The best pheno is one I actually missed the first run through because it was so heavy on trash terps. Now that those have subsided itā€™s entirely OG on the smoke.

I think these plants will perform spectacularly when washed and pressed to rosin. Those top end volatiles are usually pulled out of the hash in the freezer dryer, and further evap during cold cure. It should leave me with everything good about these phenos without the offensive top end.

Last thing: Even a 4 in 100 prelim keeper rate on this is great because of how good the resin and potency was on each pheno.

Most flower dries to a point where it grinds to dust when I torture test in my drafty house. Every pheno from the ghash hunt held up well in that test. Most got better over time rather than worse. SSDD crosses didnā€™t hold up as well, aside from a select few (which were outstanding)


going to post this again, just in case - but im curious if anyone knows if bodhiā€™s ā€œvintage master kushā€ used in the master hash plant cross is the elite SoCal Master Kush or is it something else? I probably should have researched it more before buying the pack butā€¦


I think itā€™s something different. Heā€™s bred with the socal before and called it socal master kush.


Fantasy Island ā€¦ seems about right for every Purple Urkle Iā€™ve ever grownā€¦super slow and short but wide. Moving to bigger units tomorrow and defoliating so I can get some stretch for clonesā€¦


Has anyone grown any of these? Thinking about running my first Bodhi gear this year


has bodhi put out any releases or freebies made with a ā€œChai cutā€? bit of a random question lol. supposedly itā€™s an A.S.S. F3 but i donā€™t recall ever hearing about it before.


I donā€™t know its origins, but this past season a friend had it. We are upstate so itā€™s likely the same cut.


annnndddd the T.V. is out of stock at Daggaā€¦
man that went quick! like a week and poof! :fireworks:
i love those weird sativas
if anyone wants to share beans or cuts ill horse trade with ya fer sure

:money_mouth_face:ā€¦stinkin tax returns, taking foreverā€¦ dag nabbitā€¦ :money_mouth_face:


Could it be from this?


I didnā€™t see how many packs they listed to start with, but theyā€™ll often post a few, then itā€™ll go out of stock, and then a short time later itā€™s back. Iā€™d keep an eye out, or even just email them when youā€™re ready and ask if they have more.

ETA: Although now Iā€™m seeing they listed 14 packs of the Artifact 1 x Kashmir Azad.


@yardgrazer yeah the TV was 15+ packs when i had first looked at it, and i checked the kashmir 15, and the uzbek 18,

i was hoping since they were on the more expensive side they would last a bit longer.
all 3 were in my cart haha

thanks for the tip ill message them next week to seeā€¦


What do you want for some federation ISS

Howā€™s the germ rate on those?



Old Fet/spice bros gear too?!

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Not my list!


Got a pack of Peach Hash Plant at day 29 from seed. Found one today throwing balls. Since I have not flipped and it has started flowering around day 30, Iā€™m calling it an auto.I find it had to believe both parents were carrying the auto gene, but maybe. Hoping it is not a mislabeled pack where this is just the first. You guys got any thoughts about it?


I found this to be a semi regular occurrence with some male populations some if rootbound stressed etc can start flowering early @PatB had a whole lucky charms project go south when all 3 males started flowering on me