Bodhi’s Good Medicine F2

Just some quick shots of the garden to share for the day. I had listened to a majority of the BAS interview with clackamas coots and he had mentioned what he called the “coots fix it mix,” basically an alfalfa tea/extract that he recommends as a general fix it remedy. I immediately paused, rewound and wrote down what I heard him say:

1cup of alfalfa meal
1/4cup of kelp meal
And “some of dr. Fausts fulvic”

Cut the amounts in half from a 5 gallon batch to 2.5, mixed it up and let it sit for a week, dosed it out this morning with 1/2 the recommended application of ful-power fulvic, we’ll see what it does, o my used a gallon, figure the remaining 1.5 will get split between the clone tent when it’s ready and some houseplants. Super easy to mix up, if it does some good I’ll probably keep incorporating it just because of how easy it is to make. That’s all, here’s some glamour shots:


A week? Really? That’s a super-long time for any of those kinda teas. I’ve always read (and done) 24-48 hours. Any post I’ve seen from Coot, that’s what he recommended. Obviously, I haven’t seen every one of Coot’s posts haha, but man, it sounds like he’s changed shit up in his later years. A week’s a long time to be letting stuff steep. I’m super-interested to see how your plants respond, especially because that’s a lot of alfalfa to be adding to teas later in flower.

What does Coot know that we don’t know??? haha.

Anyway, yeah, that’s interesting.


I honestly wasn’t able to track down the info right from him, had to go and look into brew times and found a recommendation for a week for alfalfa extraction, figured I’d just give it a shot and see what happened, they got an SST to (hopefully) provide some enzymes, some fish for the fertilization and this tea/extract with a little bit of fulvic just to see what it does and then I figure I’ll ride it out on water/coconut water till the end.

I should clarify: this was a non-aerated extraction, and the amounts I listed above were for a 5 gallon batch, when I cut the recipe in half it ended up being 1/2 cup alfalfa and 1/4 cup kelp


Went into the tent today to check on things. Decided to pluck a couple leaves off of GM6 that were obscuring lower bud sites and when I came away the resin that was on my fingers was like super glue! I was really impressed. This totem pole pheno I’m pretty sure has been over fed, bud she’s still throwing down some impressive smells and some real sticky resin, I’m gonna be really excited to run the clone for smoke next run, hopefully dial in her nutrition a little better. Snapped a quick pic cause I don’t feel like I’ve given her the shine she deserves so far.


Damn! She’s a beaut! Downright regal :crown:


Nothing crazy to report today, girls got a drink of recharge this morning, they’ve just been cruising since the last update, no ill effects from the long brewed alfalfa tea, no marked improvements though either, although the clone tent got a dose of the same stuff and they’re doing exceptionally well. It’s cold as hell out here today (-14) and I’m headed out to go snowboarding for the first time this year, so here’s a quick shot from the WYZE camera to satiate anyone really itching to see the ladies:

Longer format update to come later this week probably. :heart::v:t2:


Looking great i think if you stop stressing out and relax the plants will feel it too after all they have been on this planet lot longer than us.


Im probably wrong but it looks like a House dust mite - Wikipedia probably from your carpet?


Man that would certainly be nice if it was the case, they do look pretty similar. Fingers crossed I think I’ve kept them at bay this far. To your point, and following what a lot of other folks have said I think as long as I’m keeping diligent about IPM, the occasional crawler is not necessarily reason to flip out. Thanks for jumping in and making that suggestion though, honestly never even crossed my mind, I see bug and think the worst, I’ll definitely look into the house mite theory a little more


When i got fungus gnats i put a 2 inch layer of sand so they cant lay eggs (it dries out quickly) but it was in plastic pots not sure if they can penetrate the fabric pots. It all depends if you have other plants in your house where they can survive


Actually I’ve been having good luck with the gnats after starting to use tanlin drops in my water. Local dude that runs a grow shop out of his house gave me a sample of it and said he swears by the stuff, so far it really seems to have put em down well


there also nematodes you can introduce to soil in next grow they will feast on gnat larva

but you probably know that :laughing:


that was actually where i was headed right before i went into that grow shop and picked up those t-drops. might still give em a shot next run just to see how they work


Yeah chitin extract that will work too


UPDATE: today marks day 53 of flower for these ladies. If they truly are a 70 day variety that would mean 17 days to go. Overall there hasn’t been much to report, all of them are stacking weight and starting to really give off some really nice fruity smells. I keep trying to come up with an analogy, I think it’s somewhere between fruity pebbles cereal and smarties candy depending on the day and the plant. Truly mouthwatering regardless. I’m getting very excited for the follow up seedless run and the opportunity to smoke these, although I’ll sample some of the sift after I’m done shucking seeds on these as well I’m quite sure. The whole tent got some coconut water yesterday, I’m committed now to riding things out on just coconut, maybe some
Recharge, and just plain ol’ water till the end now, just let them all finish out however they will. I didn’t go to crazy on pictures, but I’ll try to give a little info on each plant below:


My prayer tower pheno, she was definitely overfed judging by the dark green and clawing on the leaves. I’ve made notes for the next run but truthfully she doesn’t look and worse for the wear. Her superglue resin just keeps piling on and the other day when checking her out and giving her the sniff test i distinctly remember thinking strawberry starbursts. I’m stoked to see what she’ll do with a mellower feed next go round.


My quick fader. None of the stuff I gave her did much to slow down her fade, which leads me to believe that she may finish before her sisters. She’s been happier than a pig in shit the entire time, always praying after a good drink, we’re just now getting to the point where the lower leaves don’t really want to look up anymore and are starting to basically die off, so I’ve got money in this one being the first to be cut and hung. Same fruity smells off this one but a little bit more of a powdery overtone to it, this is the one that made me think of smarties I think: that kind of chalky fruit smell.


Been referring to her in my head as “noodles” I staked her up after watering yesterday (real ugly job but it works) she’s had my eye this entire time based on the weight that she’s putting out, slowly dragging those spaghetti branches down to the point of needing support. Recently she’s started to purple up in her flowers which I think is just a beautiful look on her. Hard to tell if it’s genetic or cold triggered since I don’t heat my flower tent, with temps getting into the mid to low 60s at night. Same great fruit smells coming off of her, and she has the most visible seed formation, so I think she’s gonna be the front runner for most seeds collected from a single plant. Time will tell.


Old faithful. This one has seemed the most happy of all the plants I think. While the others showed some need for water or food or something, this one has been in the back corner chilling the entire time. She never dropped her leaves to indicate thirst, but never got upset about getting water with the rest of her sisters, she seems the most at home in this environment. Purpling slightly but not as much as her sister out front, if I had to personify her, she’s wifey material, steady, consistent, just happy to be around.

That’s it for the play by play. I think I mentioned above that I’ve been having good luck with my gnat issue, that’s been great. I did pull a leaf yesterday off the GM5 and spotted a single clear mite like there had been before, but I’ve not found any on the other plants, so I’m spraying 3 days with dr. Zymes just to hit everything up again and then just going to ride it out. I’m relaxing a little bit on the notion that a single bug indicates impending doom, just staying on top of it, running a program to deal with what I see, and going from there. Clones all got watered with recharge today, they’re looking super healthy and itching for new bigger pots so that they can really take off. Not rushing this one along by any means but I’m really looking forward to the sensi run to come after this so that I can get down to a proper pheno hunt. That’s it! Love you all :heart::heart::v:t2::v:t2:


Nice job man, everything is looking really good! GM6 is the blacksheep eh?! Just looks a little different from the rest. Hoping the remaining 2-3 wks goes well for you. I think we’ll finish up around the same time. Got to organize my clones asap!


shes definitely the oddball of the bunch, but i love her looks. especially for growing indoor in these small tents, i see the merit of the single stalked pheno types, i could picture a whole tent full of little baseball bats like that. hopefully she passes the smoke test!


Uug… The fungus gnat explosion I had the other day was from the bed that had Coast of Maine compost in it. Never seen more than 1-2 gnats ever in the past (from that same soil/compost) but the other day they exploded… Should have my sticky traps here today or tomorrow…Sooooooo annoying…

@LegsMahoney sorry for commenting on a post that’s months old, but I recently ran into an issue lol. Hope you got yours knocked down well. Good lookin run bud, CBD FTW!



Peace All. I have been reading along for most but I’m not sure if U are using organic soil or something else. What I can say is that there are things called " soil mites" that are supposedly harmless to plants and the soil but they are attracted to decaying food matter or composting soil. I have just literally had to research this today as my indoor compost had these small tan or white things that seemed like dry amendments but I noticed that the pile would move. This is what I found and it seemed to be what I had.

I trust this helps.
Stay safe be well and grow HARD✊🏾


some beautiful pictures of mites (among other things that live in your soil)