Bodhi’s Good Medicine F2

Hey @nube thanks for jumping in man, I’m using only dr. Zymes right now, I’ve never seen it burn pistils like that but that’s not to say it couldn’t, I’ll keep a close eye on that for sure, definitely not something I had in mind as a possibility but one I’ll keep front of mind moving forward. Regarding the bugs and that male, yea I’m sure I was overreacting largely, but I’ve read so much about the mistakes that can be made with “breeding” (see pollen chucking :joy:) and I figure in lieu of actual experience or intelligence I should err on the side of extreme caution and suspicion to try to get passable results, I was also bolstered by the fact that I have clones of everything to run again, so I can get a second shot at this. I appreciate yours and everyone else’s guidance, opinions and encouragement through this whole thing though, I really am having a great time with this!


That’s a good way to grow (he says as he throws caution to the wind haha…). I agree that’s it’s always best to err on the side of caution, as long as it doesn’t cause unnecessary stress. I’m always walking that fine line. Am I being an OCD freak? Or am I just being “cautious?” It’s hard to tell sometimes… I’ve finally realized that if I’m thinking about my grow, worrying about it, really, while I’m in bed, that’s when it’s time to relaaaaaaaax… haha. Like you said, growing’s fun! When it starts to feel like maybe it’s not, that’s when I know it’s time for a reset and I gotta chill. Lately, “relaxing” means eating some mushrooms, smoking a joint and drinking a ton of beer. And then I go,”Oh yeah! That’s right! I love growing weed! Duh!” haha…


It sounds like we could definitely hang out. Haha :call_me_hand:t2: although my relationship with mushies the last time I indulged was a little rocky. Gotta look into trying out a microdosing routine.


Hope everyone had a good holiday :v:t2:Just got home this afternoon from being away for 5 days, everything is cruising along, the 2x4 is a war zone of flying pollen so I’m pretty confident we’ve got confirmed pollination. Only had to fire the dripper once over the whole time I was gone to keep mostly just the male happy. When I got home today all the clones were doing good too, decided to move them into the 3x3 to veg and then moved the male into my 2x2 and spread out the pollinated girls in the 2x4. I spread out some parchment paper to collect some pollen and try my hand at storing it.

Been slacking on updates here but hoping to get back to a tighter rhythm with x-mas over now. Will try to get a proper photo update maybe tomorrow, if not than definitely before the end of the week. Until then here’s a screenshot from the WYZE cam in the 2x4 after the dude got kicked out. Starting to build a little mass, and I can see the start of some swollen bracts I think.

That’s the quick update, more to
Come. :v:t2:


You’ve got this show on rails, and your (fucking gorgeous) plants tell that story loud and clear!


UPDATE: So I went through yesterday and got in top of some maintenance. I pulled the male (#4) from the 2x4 and stuck him into the 2x2 where the clones were. The clones, having up-potted them to 6” square pots right before leaving for the holidays, I moved into the 3x3. Happy to report that out of 12 cuts taken I only really lost one, I removed the two taken from the two headed boy when he showed herm, so I’m pretty stoked with the process. This time around I went with the root riot cubes and a humidity dome, which I had failed with the last time I tried to take cuts. The difference maker this time around was the addition of a heating mat that I think helped keep things where they needed to be. So as we stand right now I’ve got a 2x4 with four, visibly seeded, ladies, and a 3x3 full of cuts of everything that I’ve been happy with this far. My plan moving forward willl be to hold mothers of everything and run all the girls again for smoke so that I can evaluate my favorite pheno and make decisions moving forward as to what I would like to do from a line breeding standpoint. I.e. make further filial generations of my favorite phenotype. Time will tell in that dept. but my other plan will be to pop seeds around try to find additional stable males and make an F3 open population. All of this coupled with a couple auto reversals/pollinations that I want to do (recently bought a pack of Mephisto that I’m excited about) so I’m going to be a busy boy for the foreseeable future. Below is a comprehensive update w/ photos of everyone:


This lady has the whole totem pole vibe going on, which I’m kind of growing to like for small space growing


Very nice structure on this one, and when I cruised through defoliating this one had the most notable stem rub smells like sugary fruit, fruity pebbles came immediately to mind.


This I think is the most visibly seeded of the bunch, very cool.


Looking a lot like her sisters.

Here’s the whole gang as they stand today, lightly defoliated and watered with the drip system. That will be coming out shortly, I figure as soon as I drain what’s in the reservoir.

Here’s a shot of my #4 in his new digs:

Having not really worked with males before this, from what I can tell I’m happy with him. He has good structure and fairly large floral clusters, both thing that I would be happy to see again in the progeny. Testing the next generation against thier aunts and mothers will really be the only way to tell what else he’s passing along, but for being handed only one male to work with this one at least feels good for the time being. This dude dumped pollen, and actually decided after taking this picture to dismantle this guy branch for branch and collect his pollen in a ziplock bag. I wanted originally to flower him out until he was totally dead but the amount of pollen flying around my basement made me really nervous about my abilities to clean it all thoroughly before trying for a sensi run down the road, so I decided after seeing what I think is confirmation of successful pollination to quit while I was ahead with him.

From here on out I hope it’s just a matter of keeping everyone happy until it’s time to harvest. The gnats are back with a vengeance I’m sad to say but I’m going back in with a new product recommended by a local guy who swears by it called T-Drops. We’ll see how this does vs. the gnatrol I’ve been using to this point. May go in with both of them TBH. From my research the product is organic certified and seems to have some good reviews so I’m hopeful it’ll help. Wound that I’ll be keeping things the same, if anyone knows of anything I should be adding to these girls diet to aid in seed development please let me know, my thoughts are to at least supplement more coconut water if nothing else.

Alright. That’s it, I’m sure that post is riddled with spelling errors but I won’t have the kids nervy to review and edit it for a while so I appreciate your patience there. Hope everyone is well, Ill try to get back to a good rhythm with these updates so I don’t have e to write another book like this :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye::v:t2::v:t2:


That male really does look very good. I’ve never worked with a male, either, so I don’t know what to look for, but whenever I see a pic of a male, I always just try to imagine it’s a female. Like, if all those male flowers were actually female flowers, would I be happy with it? I’d be pretty happy with the one you posted haha.

Sucks about the gnats. I wonder if removing the drip lines and just watering by hand, like every-other-day, might help. I dunno. It’s so weird the Gnatrol didn’t help, though. That’s always worked really, really well for me.


i feel like it knocked them back but never really dealt the killing blow. big hopes for the T-Drop stuff, we’ll see, theres also nematodes, im battered but not beaten, id rather be fighting gnats than almost any other pest knowing how ultimately benign they are. as far as the male is concerned that is 100% how ive been looking at it, if these balls were flowers would i be stoked, which in this case, yea.


For sure haha. Probably the least-destructive pest, but they can still do some damage. My last really bad infestation, before I figured out the best way to avoid getting them (don’t top dress with compost), ended up looking pretty rough by the end, although the flowers themselves turned out great. Still, I definitely wasn’t gonna win High Times centerfold of the month haha.


Playing around with the focus stack in feature on my camera to try to get some better bud shots, figured I’d share a couple of the experiments:


Nice bud porn! :+1: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

Almost ‘spooky’ depth of field, how long does it take your camera to process the shot?



Only about a minute or so, it’s an Olympus TG5 so a point and shoot if not a fancy one, but it does a somewhat decent job


These girls have pretty legs! Haha


Nice, that’s cool that it has the feature built it. I noticed the new iPhones have a macro feature that must do a similar stacking process. I usually use Helicon Focus to do my stacking, but the auto focus broke on my macro lens, so I’m stuck trying to do it manually… not fun.

Nice shots and definitely looking full of seeds. Will be cool to see the F3s!


Yo Legs! Been a busy holiday season for me as well so I can relate on the update front. Everything is looking really good with your grow! When I got back my clones were a bit dry but bounced back with a few waterings. I’m just behind you by about 3-4 weeks so this is all inspirational stuff man. Keep up the good work and hope you had a nice Christmas with the fam!


Hey man! Glad to hear things are going well for you, my clones ended up getting a little crispy as well but everyone is bouncing back now. Holidays were fun, glad they’re wrapping up though, I’m a creature of habit so it’ll be nice to get back to the routine


UPDATE: quick one for this week, I’ve been dealing with a sick kid since Sunday, high fever, the whole 9. Luckily not COVID, just a real shitty cold, which means a bad time for everyone in the house. As far as the garden is concerned things are going pretty well overall. I started noticing some small issues that I’ve already taken some steps to mitigate. GM1 specifically has been looking like it’s wanting to start its fade, which I believe, given that it’s like day 40 (ish) of a supposed 70 day variety, is way too early. The whole garden got hit with an SST of organic sprouted corn, as well as a dose of fish hydrolysate this week, which I’m hoping will help right the ship a little bit. The fungus gnats have seemed to die back a little bit, at this point I’m contributing that to the T-drops more so than the gnatrol, but I can’t be 100% sure of that. Might do some more research into that in the future. Beyond that I’m just enjoying the smells as the develop, very strong fruity smells but only when you pluck a leaf or squeeze a bud, otherwise it’s just that familiar, vaguely skunky dank smell in the tent, which I’m not mad about at all. Snapped a couple of shots of each girl’s bottom, top, and a full body shot below:


The general fade here makes me think just an overall deficiency, hoping the fish helps course correct that, I’ll feed CalMag some time soon as well.


Been calling this one the totem pole. I’m actually thinking this gal might be overfed judging by the dark green and the slightly curved leaflets, and the small spots starting to develop on the tops of the lower leaves. Kinda stumped but judging by the buds she looks like she’s doing fine overall, I’ll probably just make a note to feed lighten on this clone when I do the sensi run after this.


This one I think is pheno typically the most similar to GM1, similar structure and leaf shape, but this one seems to be handling the feed regimen better without the deficiencies, and I do love a plant that likes my house. Keeping my eye on this one.


This one seems to be loving the house here just as much as GM5. At first glance she looks very similar in her wider stature to GM1 and 5 but when viewed from above she has this trippy almost triangular shape to her, it’s really wild, and I dig it!

Here’s a shot of all my girls together as they stand:

I think I mentioned in passing that my clones all got a little crispy on me, they all got a dose of kelp sludge to correct the issue, and mostly all have started to bounce back. One clone of GM1 and the only clone that took of GM2 are alive but still throwing weird leaf mutations, hoping those mellow out and start acting right soon. That’s it for now, hope y’all are having a killer week. Love to everyone :v:t2::v:t2:


Yo my clones are doing the same shit. Super slow growth but starting to bounce back. I jazzed up the microbes and added some liquid fish and they seem to have perked up. Since my seedrun got dusted with herm powder I’m going to take more cuts from the clones so that everything is more uniform for the next run.

Ladies are looking fabulous. Nice details. Hope your kid gets well soon bud :v:t3:


Hey thank you brother! Kiddo is doing good, she’s on the mend, it’s my wife and I that are up to bat next. 4-5 days of her coughing into your mouth and wiping her snot all over you will get you there fast! Comes with the territory though, I had a boss who told me before we had our daughter “kids are just little bags of disease that live in your house.” So far he’s right on the money :joy::joy::joy:


Bud… we went through this a few days before xmas. My son literally sneezed inside of my mouth! :laughing: They’re little germ factories… wiping they noses and getting it EVERYWHERE!! I feel you.