Bodhi’s Good Medicine F2

For anyone who hadn’t heard my weird rationale for running this:

I got the idea that I wanted to find an indigenous cultivar that came from a place of origin with a similar latitude to my own here at the house. Went on google maps, and started scrolling horizontally from my house and landed on Uzbekistan. Did some digging and found that there was an Uzbekistan hashplant that had been documented. Did a little more digging and found that Bodhi had made some crosses with it! And I have big :heart::heart::heart: For Bodhi. Put the word out on OG and the seeds found thier way to me, felt like it was meant to be. Now, did this plant come from the same region of Uzbekistan as the one that shares my latitude? I don’t know. Will the cross with the PK affect its adaptation to an outdoor climate, let alone my climate? I don’t know. Would any of this nonesense make any kind of difference at all? No idea! But we’re gonna find out, and what a hell of a story it’ll be if this plant turns out to be perfect for me and my environment, can’t wait to see what kind of hand fate deals me on this one.


Excellent call on both packs … & I like your plan!
:+1: :sunglasses:



Damn making me wanna run straight up Uzbekistan that I’ve had for years. I just did the straight line thing for fun not sure how straight my line was but it ended up pretty close to me also haha. I’m in Ottawa area myself.


Sounds like we’re on the same page!! Haha, I love it. I’d say send it with that pure Uzbekistan variety, and see what it does for ya, let’s prove out this latitude theory, or at least have some fun trying!


Nope I didn’t make that gem, I wish…:laughing::laughing:
Those are just outta my collection that I must have traded to.
I honestly don’t remember who made those, possibly @Worcestershire_Farms ?? @Barefrog ?? Maybe they could shed some light on it better than myself. Best of luck with the grow!!


Thanks for letting me take the ride this way man, I’m excited to see what’s there.


Hola @HaRdRoC

Not from me

I have some but have not
reproduce them …Yet



Looking good Legs. :green_heart:


Solid updates dude! Looks like a cozy spot for the wknd. Nice plan with the Uzbekistan! Pretty cool how stuff can land in your lap like that. Best of luck with it!


Day two on the boil here. Overalls and Chemdog tees means it’s Saturday. Be well out there friends​:v:t2::v:t2:


Man. So I sampled the last pheno’s seed shuck today: the GM1. Put the kid down for a nap, wife split to run a few errands, so I rolled up a J and sat by the boiler and burned it down. Found out quickly that this is the strongest pheno of the bunch for sure haha. Not overwhelming or anything but definitely more than I was expecting. The kind of up energy high that basically makes you wanna stand up and do shit. Felt immediately the urge to split some more wood and sweep out the garage. Eventually it settled down into a nice mellow kind of thousand yard stare type stone, really nice overall but it caught me by surprise for sure! :joy:


Oh the flavor is pretty consistent on all of them, very fruity kind of lemon lime sprite, maybe some kinda berry in the mix, not sure, but no real change in flavor between phenos but changes in intensity of flavor for sure


Haha nice, sounds like a solid day! How long do you have to boil the sap to make syrup? Is this a family tradition? I had friends out in Montreal that were big into it. Used to go “sugaring” and to these party’s in the bush called the Sugar Shack. What happens at the shack, stays at the shack. Haha nice shirt too :ok_hand:t3:


Depends on how nice your evaporator is, essentially you wanna keep a constant boil but our janky 55gallon drum barrel nose dives the temp when you add a bunch of wood or top off fresh sap, so it takes us a while, we had like 20 gallons to get through, we started at 6 and we’ll hopefully have the last of it done before it starts raining tonight at 8. The sugaring thing is a tradition here in VT, since I’m a transplant I never grew up doing it, but my wife did since she grew up here. It’s essentially a new tradition for our little family, lots of fun, but lots of work!


The last gallon of sap just went into the pan , at this point we’ll just boil until we can’t take it anymore or start getting rained on, then filter the sap into a kettle and finish the boil on a propane burner in the garage tomorrow. Looking at like a 13 hour day today


This actually looks like a lot of fun man. Hanging out w the fam. A doob and a beer or three… if I lived closer to you I would be over there hanging out haha

Bet it’s a bit of work tho so someone has to have a clear head… kids can’t grow up fast enough eh?! Lol


Could t agree more! Head only needs to be clear enough to keep the little one from putting her hands on the stove really. We love company during sugaring season so if you’re ever in the area bud, there’s a fridge full of beers and a pile of herb with your name on it. Might just get ya to split a few logs while you’re here :grin:


Oh hellz ya… I’m a surgeon w the axe bud! Sounds like a good deal to me.


Some interesting developments with the outdoor seeds, curious to get others take. One of the PKxUHP sprouts came under very strange. Essentially it looks like a portion of the taproot came up in a big loop with the first set of leaves:

I put a little more soil in the cup to cover to taproot and left the helmet/leaves uncovered, hopefully I was gentle enough to not damage the taproot and That will encourage the seedling to grow properly. I feel like any meddling with the root at this age will kill the sprout though, so we’ll see what happens there.

There was another PKxUHP that came up as twins too:

I’ve never seen this before, Kinda cool I guess. I’m gonna leave it alone for now but I’m wondering if I should try to separate the two before the roots get entangled? Feel like that’s a recipe for killing one or both though. Anyone ever seen this? Curious what best practices are here.

Oh and @JohnnyPotseed the stop lights had 100% germination and so far 4 out of 5 are poking above the soil. Vigorous little things!


Glad they did ok for ya cuz. As to the double, it happens now n then. you can leave it grow as a double of separate, up to you. I’d separate before it gets much bigger if you do.