Bodhi’s Good Medicine F2

oh boy, im wondering if my hands are steady enough for that surgery.


you can use a toothpick to loosen the soil and gently pry apart, then use the same toothpick to dig a small hole to drop the tap into, packing the soil gently around the whole to make sure no air pockets.


ill let you know when i get the gumption to give it a shot and how it goes, thanks johnny!


i went for it! the tap roots of the two were a little entwined, but i was able to separate them and repot the extracted baby. time will tell if either or both survive. thanks for the advice again @JohnnyPotseed


Sorting has begun, this is gonna take a while


Looking forward to watching these! Good vibes brother


Thanks homie! Hyped on those too, powerhouse cross and from the hands of the guru himself, I hope I do em justice.


give it a good dose o LITFA :laughing:

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UPDATE: so it’s been a while since I’ve dropped an update here, the flower run has been riding the struggle bus for a while now and the plants are not looking great. Like an idiot I overwatered at transplant and it’s been a steady spiral from there, all of my attempts to right the ship have pretty much fallen flat, I was actually contemplating just killing everything and starting over with new clones, but I decided that this “stress test” would be a useful exercise, as well as a way to sort of hammer in some shit that I should already know by now: DONT OVERWATER!! Overall for the hell that they’ve been put through the flowers actually look better than you’d expect, nice and frosty, and the smells are really great, the same fruit candy smells as observed in the seed run, but the yield from this run as well as the quality will suffer. Way she goes I guess. I’m embarrassed and frustrated with myself, but I’ll do my best to pick up and learn from this. What I’m thinking I’m going to do is another flower run right on the heels of this one with fresh clones, so that I can properly evaluate samples and pick my keeper. Unfortunately this means my other plans for grows and seed runs all get pushed back, but I’m determined to do this process the right way rather than the fast way. It is what it is. Haven’t worked up the nerve to take any photos of these poor girls but I’m sure I’ll get around to it so y’all can see the extent of the damage caused by my dumb-assery. If nothing else it should be a good PSA: don’t be like Legs kids, water at 5% volume or less at transplant.

So to shift the energy from my embarrassment, I’ve got a little contest I want to run in honor of 420 for all of my friends here that have been taking the journey with me. I’ve got all the F3 seeds I made bagged up with a single desiccant pack in each one, here’s what im thinking: guess the weight of the whole deal, all four packs of seeds, bags and desiccant packs and all. Closest to the actual weight without going over will receive one pack of seeds, a mix from all 4 phenos, as well as a half pint of our homemade maple syrup. Gonna keep this one to US cause of the shipping weight. I’ll take guesses until sometime tomorrow 4/21 and pick a winner. Good luck everyone, love to each and every one of you out there :heart::heart::v:t2::v:t2:


Going to take a wild guess 210 grams :joy: thanks


Definitely no need to be embarrassed! That shit happens to everyone. Hell… we’re all still learning as far as I’m concerned. Anyway, good choice to try again bud! We learn and grow from here.


A little visual incentive. Straight from our backyard, boiled with love. :heart::heart::v:t2:


i appreciate you brother, i should just know better by now, but im apparently thicker skulled than even i thought. :joy: luckily we got all this herb to help us forget our troubles and pickup and try again tomorrow. we’re lucky in that way amiright?


Great job :clap: :+1:
That’s a lot of beans
Good luck everyone.


you know what, let’s open it up to CA too, i can’t imagine there’s a Canadian alive that would have a problem with maple syrup crossing the border right?


Because I can’t NOT participate in this, I’m gonna guess 217 grams. This is not including the syrup, right? If I win, give the seeds to the person who came in second place.

I’ll take that syrup, though haha!


hahaha, thats right, we want the weight of the beans, the baggies, and the desiccant packs, not the syrup.


Shit! I forgot to factor in the weight of the desiccants! Changing my answer to 237.


had to have some kind of curveball in the mix right?


Great job those seeds look solid!

My guess is 87 Grams.