Bodhi’s Good Medicine F2

The deed is done. A moment of silence for the two headed boy.


That was a quick progression! lol… Probably for the best though tbh. Can’t take chances and migitiger has a point… get rid of that shyte from the progeny. No regrets bud!


You’ve still got clones of the ladies and more beans you can pop, so it’s probably the safest bet.


@NorthNorthNugs yea man it was in the back of my mind all day during work distracting me so I decided to act swiftly and get it over with. @Chiefer88 thats exactly the thought I had, I’ll make this now targeted F3 and hold the seeds and then plan to pop some more of the F2 seeds and look for some additional males to run with the clones for a properly open populated F3, timeline just got stretched waaay out haha


I feel you man… sometimes it’s best not to mess around and just get it done!


Well the hits just keep coming. Went down to check on things this morning and take some photos of everything for an update and noticed this in the underside of one of the male’s leaves:

Anyone got any thoughts? From what I can see I’m thinking maybe a juvenile spider mite? But it’s not got the same color/markings as ones I’ve seen in the past. Any help identifying is appreciated. Will be hosing everything down with dr. Zymes tonight before lights out.


awwww hell nooo! Good catch though!! I feel like you can get ahead of it since you caught it so early, whatever it is. I’m not even going to speculate bc I know the anxiety that comes when you find something like this in your grow. Honestly, just remember that it’s gonna be ok! Best of luck with it!!


thanks bud. im definitely thankful this is a seed run, feel like i can be more aggressive about it since im not necessarily looking to get any bud out of it. i was hoping for some dry sift, but we’ll see how well i can take care of this. luckily this is (i think) a 70 day strain and im catching this on day 17, so i think theres still hope for that dry sift down the road.


UPDATE: well, all things considered everything is still looking good, although after finding those bugs I feel like it’s balanced on a knife edge. Being that I’m down to one male, and I’m going to be headed to points south for a couple days next week for the holidays, I decided to move all the plants together into the 2x4 tent. I just got done replacing the PVC drip tubing that I had been using last go round, to a flexible vinyl tubing, that semi rigid PVC stuff was a pain in the ass to work with and the flexible tubing will make it easier to set everything up. Everyone in here will get hooked up to the drip for the duration of the trip. Before all of that goes down the name of the game is hitting everything hard with Dr. Zymes to try to get these fucking bugs (still not 100% on what they are, just assuming mites at this point) knocked out. Last night was the first of a 3 day spray regimen I’m going to hit them with, and may then alternate to a regimen of trifecta, an essential oils product, just to try to really take care of things. If that doesn’t work I’m probably going to go buy some wipeout or safers insecticidal soap to add into the mix, ideally I’d like to have things under control, and be done with the heavy spraying with 2-3 weeks left in the flowering cycle in order to still be able to get some sift/hash out of the deal, but if I’m unsuccessful I’ll hose these girls down every day till harvest just to get the seeds if I have to. The male still has not started dropping pollen, but I’m figuring that by having everyone in the same tent I’ll get maximum saturation when he does decide to go off, it’s making me realize that I probably should have staggered him into flower, but it is what it is at this point. That’s basically it I think, trying to get off my heels after these bugs and just limp my way to a harvest, and hopefully do better with the clones next time around. Here’s some shots of how everyone’s looking, the saving grace of this run has been how largely healthy these girls have been this far:

I don’t know about anyone else but I’m sure ready for the weekend to get here. All the best, :v:t2:


Nahhhhh, dude. What’re you talking about? Those plants look great! You’ll be fine. Always assume that everything you grow is gonna turn out to be the best weed you’ve ever smoked haha! Because sometimes it does…


Thanks man! I’ve been happy with how I’ve managed a few things which caught me off guard in past runs. These bugs feel like a bit of a kick in the pills, but there’s always something to be learned for the next go round, gonna take a hard look at my IPM and see what changes I can make to help it be more effective. I’m thinking a heavy regimen of neem prior to flower next round to really douse anything that’s hiding in there before then it show starts


I think you’re gonna be fine, dude, for real. You already caught the “bug situation” super-early. There’s only one bug! Haha. Probably don’t even need to do any kinda hardcore foliars or anything. Just squish that one bug haha!


I’ve seen one or two since, but I’m hoping that going in hard like this keeps it at just those few


Plants looks really great! Seems like you have everything under control with the spray regime. Hoping things stay under control for you :crossed_fingers:t3:


So the lone survivor male started dropping pollen yesterday. The browning/receding pistol are an indicator that these gals are getting pollinated correct??


Yup brown and receding is a good sign! Looking good (medicine)!


You’ve got ‘the frizzes’!
They’re preggo… :+1:



Sweet! How long do you think I should leave the male in there to do his thing? I’m planning on pulling him into a 2x2 at some point with some parchment paper under him to try my hand at saving some pollen, mostly just to do it since I’ll have a bunch on hand


I’m also realizing just now the focus was shit on those last pics. Sorry folks


Hey it’s looking pretty good in there! :slight_smile: Happy holidays to you and yours, @LegsMahoney

I’ve been busy but wanted to reach out about your last few posts. I wouldn’t have worried about the single pistil looking structure out of the male flower, but I would have watched it closely to see if any more popped up. Sexual fluidity is a feature of the cannabis genome, and all plants are capable of it to one degree or another. This is why sex reversal sprays work almost universally. You never know when you see something like that if it’s you or the environment or the genetics. I’m not blaming you, just saying it’s usually some combo of all of the above, and it’s important to not overreact and, instead, keep things in perspective. Since the deed is done, no use crying over spilt milk. :slight_smile: Better safe than sorry! And you got another male, so everything worked out.

About the bug you saw, again I might be too relaxed when it comes to this stuff, but I wouldn’t get upset over a single bug a couple weeks into flower. If your plants are healthy and your environment is good, they won’t be able to get a foothold by the time your seeds are done. Most of the time, this late in the plant’s lifecycle, a bug here or there won’t disrupt things too much.

Regarding that, though, whatever you’re spraying can also cause the pistils to wilt and brown. So I wanted to bring that up to ask are you sure your IPM spray isn’t what’s causing the pistil browning? It usually takes a day or two or more for pollen to cause that same effect, but IPM will cause it almost immediately, and definitely within a day. I hope that it’s the pollen taking hold, but figured I should mention it. Definitely leave the male in there for at least a week total just to make sure he gets all his business taken care of. You want the job done right!

Otherwise, things are looking good. What day of flower are you on? I have all the moms of those seeds getting transplanted into their final homes today before a second seedless run to judge them in the new year. I know at least one is sticking around… :slight_smile:

:dove: :peace_symbol: