Bodhi Seeds - Goji OG Crowd Source F2 Preservation (closed)

I think planting too deep was my downfall as well. although I did find all the seeds and they were split with a tap root. they just stopped. it could be they were out of juice so to speak and only had enough energy to germinate but but grow. these seeds were probably made over ten years ago and who knows how many hands they passed through and what condition those hands kept the seeds in. would a week in a glove box in the summer of 2012 make these beans not sprout in 2021 and would they have sprouted in 2013?
i think you sent out enough and a most other growers had at least 5 come up. the genetic diversity will be off the charts and we should find a killer cut to share for free.


antheis I think you are right on the money. I found a couple seeds just as you described, split with a tail popping out but no additional growth. Probably just enough juice to start germination but not enough to keep going.

I’ve been thinking how to go about helping older seeds germinate better and I’ll throw this out to the crowd for help to see if anyone has any ideas. I wonder if something like doing the initial soak in a Sprouted Seed Tea would help by adding enzymes from the SST to help the old seeds?


Ask @JohnnyPotseed how to start old seeds. He has a great method!


I put the seedling heat pad down first, then a folded shop towel, then the tray. All you need is a little warm not the temp of a standard seedling heat pad, I find that a bit too warm for the seeds.


Haha. Thanks. I was going to reread to make sure I didnt miss the answer I was looking for!


My method is basically the same as @JohnnyPotseed and ive had 100% germ on the last 6 packs of seeds ive popped. I think it mostly comes down to providing the right amount of heat while keeping them moist!

Most of those got transferred into rapid rooters after germinating in a paper towel and I noticed for sure sometimes the seedlings would get all tangled up and needed a bit of guidance to make there way up. On this run I just left the seeds in a paper towel till they where 2-3 inches long and it has been the easiest germination yet.


here is how I do it : can make a scratch container (small pill bottle, match box) use 120 grid
scratch the seeds (shake them in containers)
paper towel method (plate - paper towel - seed - paper towel - plate) (need to make sue your TOWELS DON’T GET DRY)
heating pad (germination pad)
Gennerally in 2-3 days they are sprouted and ready to plant __NOW that I use a “heat pad” 100% germnation rates USED TO SOAK THEN & PLANT BUT POOR RATES FOR ME
you will find what works for you - but sometimes it’s expensive - seeds are to expensive for poor germination rates !!!


A tube of sandpaper is in the thread, about how to handle old/hardened seeds lol


Also, with the WC method, it doesn’t dry out so readily cuz

But, like I’ve said. There are many ways to skin a cat, and whatever method a grower has success with is the way to go!

That thread was just about how I personally do mine.


I’ve read that adding a little fulvic acid to the water you soak your seeds in helps. I think the amount you need to use is right on the side of the FulPower bottle. I don’t soak my seeds, so I haven’t tried this method, although I’m going to the next time I plant some Lemon Thai f5 seeds I got a little while ago. Those seeds are noticeably thick.


Same! Fulvic/humic acid and silica make clones roots go crazy! Never had to try it with a seed but I bet it works as long as it’s a low dose


thanks !!!


Have also heard that before - can’t remember the reference. some folks soak seeds in SuperThrive, and a some others that I can’t remember now some a light kelp mix ??? One can make their own gremination mix fulvic/humic acid , silica and kelp !!!


Alright, just dropping by to keep you guys/gals pumped up and focused on the end goal :slight_smile: Here’s a photo dump of a couple of Goji OG phenos I found. My favorite, is the Goji Berry one, more berry and floral than OG. The dome top sharpie smelling one was my second favorite, lower on the yielding side. The weird funky foxtailed one was my least favorite, but she still had a great berry smell and yielded ok, despite her weird bud structure. High for me was very up, rocket to the clouds, and then brings you back down gently.

Berry Pheno:

Dome Top Sharpie

Funky Foxtail

Hope you guys have a blast hunting through these beans!


here are my two.


Nice ones! There’s so many pretty Goji phenos out there. Lots of great grow journeys to salivate over haha.


Nice, really healthy looking! I look forward to seeing them grow up!


I’m so glad that you got that 2nd one to survive! Here is hoping for a male and a female to do some baby making =)


Those plants are beautiful sir. Nice photos too! Thanks for sharing. How many Goji packs did you grow out to settle on your keeper?