Bodhi seed's Pura Vida Preservation Run (CLOSED)

From Jul 20, you say you chopped them and put them in water… was that the flowering stems? or you were taking cuts to make clones?


Hey Danonly, thanks for asking. Before the males started spewing pollen, I cut their tops and put them in a vase of water. I wanted to prevent any one of them from pollinating early and dominating the genepool of the F2 seeds. I took clones prior to flowering.

They all released pollen at about the same time, and as soon as they were all well and fully dumping, I shook them in the tent, overtop all the females, while the fan was blowing. I did that several times over the course of a week to ensure total pollination, then removed them. There was no pollination prior to that effort, so I believe the maximum genetic potential was preserved. The seeds being delivered this week are the result.


Just got mine in today and wanted to thank you very much for the hard work on both the Pura Vida and the Wolfpack @nube
super appreciate it :slight_smile:


Totally missed out on this! Anyone who drops these throw a grow up I want to see how the end up!


Hey @theomagejedi , I’m just about to bring some of these Pura Vida F2’s down if you want to scope my diary. Hopefully chopping them tonight so I can throw some final pictures of them up :slight_smile:


oleskool paid. Kicked in a little extra in case anyone is short.




Thanks to @nube and @Sebring I received my packs today. I really appreciate the effort and this thread. I was wondering, is there a Wolfpack thread or grow info? Is it more or less indica than the Pura Vida? Again thanks so much, and hopefully when I run into a heirloom strain I can return the seed grow favor.


Got mine in! Thanks @nube, @anon60559124, @The_Lazy_Hippie, and @Sebring for making this happen!


Here’s one I found immediately after typing “Bodhi Wolfpack grow report.” I’m sure there are others. Sign In - Z-Labs


These were made by @anon60559124 the diary that he made the f2 and also the f2 that he and creating is now in breedbay:


Thanks for the threads, these look wonderful and I am so happy with the awesome Wolfpack freebies!! Happy Holidays everybody! !!!


Thanks and blessings to the OG seed angels!



Yesterday was day 35F for the PV F1 rerun. They’re looking pretty good, getting stinky. Here’s what they looked like 2wks ago when I did that big defoliation on day 21F compared to yesterday after getting my new lights installed:

My phone camera does auto white balance, so that’s why the color is a bit different. Here’s what they look like without any white balance:

Haven’t seen any real issues other than PV1 appears to have developed a slight calcium deficiency just before I defoliated two weeks ago, but it doesn’t appear to have gotten any worse. She didn’t have it during the seed run, so maybe it’s just a quirk or maybe I didn’t mix the amendments as thoroughly as I thought and her pot got shorted? Who knows. Her development doesn’t seem to be suffering. Here’s a pic of her big top taken yesterday:

Many thanks to all you fine folks and the Overgrow community at large! :slight_smile:



Oooooh, new lights, eh? Early Xmas present? Looks bright!

The PVs are looking good, definitely looks like they are ready to swell! I can’t wait to sample mine :smiling_imp:


Looking good! So you flipped on November 30? I flipped on December 1, guess we’ll be harvesting right around the same time.


Yep, new DIY. I’ll make a separate thread to detail the build and cost (about $550 all-in), but it’s 20x of the Bridgelux 2700k eb3 90cri strips powered by 2x HLG-320H-42A drivers. Here’s the smoke test pic:

And here’s the power draw at the wall if I turn them up all the way:

Now that’s obviously way Way WAY overkill for my needs, and I didn’t want to shock them by going from my old 450w DIY LEDs to that, so I have it dialed down to about 480w right now. I’ll leave it there for a few days and reevaluate next week, see if they want more. The tops are about 5-6" from the light as is.

I’ve had the materials for awhile (several months) but a puppy has been taking all of my time, so I didn’t have a few uninterrupted days to build them. Finally got a chance to do that the last week and figured day 35 of flower was a good time to introduce all that extra red & far red for the bulk phase. I guess we’ll see!

I think you meant October? Halloween was when I flipped. :slight_smile: What are you running?


Oh, yeah! That’s right. Jesus… Every day is the same, every week is the same, every month is the same… haha. Yeah, I flipped November 1. Got some Headbanger, a couple Starkillers and California Cannons (Tahoe x Stardawg) and a Moonshine Haze. The Moonshine got pretty big. They all did, actually, except for the CC’s.


Looks like a nice clean build, strong work!


Sounds like a beast! Nice to have the extra power on tap if you feel you need it. Looking forward to the write up of the build.

Will be interesting to see if you notice much difference with the reds… I have contemplated adding some far reds in my 4 x 4.


What’s the Password at the site? Thanks…SS/BW…mister :honeybee: