Bodhi seed's Pura Vida Preservation Run (CLOSED)

@nube @Sebring @anon60559124

Thank you sincerely. This week has been absolutely awful (big storm, no lights, flooded basement, last trees, laptops etc etc)…buy i got these that broughtaa big big smile to my face:

thank you!!!


I only received the PV and the Wolfpack. Confused but tickled to death to get what I got. All Love…



Hope they can handle all those photons :sunglasses::clap:t3:


@nube top notch packaging sir. Thank you so much. I was impressed.
@anon60559124 I know you probably won’t see this, but Thank you very much much if you do my friend. I miss your thread.


Thanks @nube for sending these out. The packaging looks awesome. Congrats to everyone that received their packs. For some reason I got a couple of random packs that I didnt order/sign up for, and have zero interest in. However no PV/wolfpack for me. I am super poor right now, but may try to se if the ones nube sent in to headies as freebies with strayfox orders are still available. Has anyone on this thread tried to get any of these through headies yet ? Always seems funny buying seeds that you dont really want so that you can free ones that you do want !


Headies is legit, SHOE is a good dude for sure. They’re cash only though so can take a bit. You have 3 days from placing the order to have your cash packed with order sheet and sent with tracking, and that tracking # sent to SHOE, before he cancels your order. Once he gets it he ships asap. Been like a year since I ordered there last, but turn around time was like two weeks total from me sending cash to me receiving beans.

Still though, just pm @sebring :rofl:


I hear ya on the Storm. We just got a Foot of wet, heavy snow w/high winds, a frigging mess. Northern Maine is used to this, although it’s the first Major Snow of the season. You just take care, stay EXTRA safe, best wishes for a festive Holiday Season and, indeed, be well…mister :honeybee:


I’m not seeing your name on the list at the top of this thread.


Thanks to @SCJedi for the low-cost packaging suggestions and glad it worked out OK. :slight_smile: I didn’t count seeds per pack, just filled up each 0.5ML centrifuge tube. I spot checked a few of each and found the Wolfpack F2 fit anywhere from 22-26 seeds per tube, and the Pura Vida F2 fit anywhere in that range up to 30 seeds per tube because of their irregular size. Hope that’s enough for people.

But like I said @mtntrogger there should be a few spares that Sebring’s got tucked away. If not, @misterbee password= muffcabbage is still doing his promo with the combo packs to help Stray’s daughter, and has a new @Strayfox drop happening soon.

Unfortunately, after those are gone the Wolfpack F2 are gone, but I have plenty of the Pura Vida F2. I’ll send more PV F2 to both in the next month or so.


I tried to find them there the last time you said that there were some over there and couldn’t find them, just checked again and still don’t see them


It’s at the very top of the Promos link. You get them when you buy 1 pack of Stray and 1 pack of bodhi. I think they’re automatically added to each qualifying order. You don’t get to ‘pick’ them like at some other sites. Here’s the exact text at the top of the Promos page:

Bodhi and Strayfox Gardenz collaboration promo

Must purchase one pack from Strayfox Gardenz and one pack from Bodhi Seeds to receive a free pack of Pura Vida F2 and a free pack of Wolfpack F2. Special Thank You to Nu-Be for these donations!


Found it. Thanks. When does it add them to the cart? :v:t4:


No idea. I don’t have any idea about the mechanics of it, but I know that to qualify you have to buy 1 pack of both bodhi and stray seeds. I honestly think you just get them when your order meets the conditions.


Thanks, my friend :v:t4:


Yeah Ive bought tons of packs through shoe, awesome dude ! Always really fast, professional service


Most of the stray fox packs are sold out unfortunately. Some fire gear for sure !


As mentioned in the Fall Seed Box thread, more Stray packs got put up today at Headiegardens and another drop is in the mail already. This is a fundraiser for Stray’s daughter who has severe epilepsy. My stock of Wolfpack F2 is all gone, so the combo PV F2 and WP F2 packs at Sebring and Headies are the only ones left. But I have plenty more PV F2 I’ll be sending to both of them this month.

Power went out again in Boulder today as I was watering so I had to take everything out of the tent to prevent mold. It stayed off for two hours - this happens way too goddamn much in such a richy rich place to live. But, when it came back on I figured make lemonades out of the lemons, so I took a couple pics.

The whole tent at day 39F.

It’s laid out like this right now, starting in back:

PV4, PV7

Here’s PV2 looking great, top to bottom, starting to chunk up:

And here’s one of the tops of PV4:

I turned the power on the lights up to a combined 550w and now it’s staying warm in there, around 85F which is great for LEDs during the day. I’ll keep them at 550w for the next couple weeks and see how they do at that intensity only 4-6" from the tops. As long as the tops don’t cook, I’ll keep it there until week 8 and then lower it a bit for the last couple weeks.

Hope everyone’s good! :rainbow:



Wait a second… you have to carry the contents of your grow out during power outages, and this happens regularly?! I have 6 plants only and it is such a tremendous amount of work just to shift things around in there. If I had to carry everything in and out, I’d lose my shit. What is it with these wealthy cities and states squandering money that is supposed to go to infrastructure? Things are broken in this country when you have to go to the backwoods to get proper infrastructure.

Want regular power? No Boulder or Denver or Los Angeles or San Francisco, that’s too under-developed for reliable power. You need to go to the Bayous of Louisiana for that. It’s the same thing seemingly in every one of the western states. In fairness, I will admit the western United States is topographically far more challenging for power infrastructure, but there’s still no excuse.


That is crazy to me. Live in rural MO and built this house 18 years ago. The only power outages in that time involved storms and downed power lines.


Yeah, I lived in California 20 years ago when they were doing the Enron/Rolling blackout thing. I left CA for 20 years, and never experienced a non-storm related blackout. I came back to Cali this year, and was talking to a friend here, and casually mentioned the rolling blackouts. “Hey, remember those crazy rolling blackouts we did decades ago?” And he replies, as if it were normal, “oh yeah, we still do those…”

WHAT!? 20 years!?