Bodhi seed's Pura Vida Preservation Run (CLOSED)

Are your drivers mounted on your lights or external outside the tent? Guessing with the temps stated they are in the tent with the lights?


Also the seedless run of the PV are looking awesome dude!


Yeah, but I take the front three out to water anyway, so it wasn’t too big of a deal. It’s just a pain because if I’m not home when it happens, those plants are sitting in a humidor for however long the power’s out. My bigger complaint is that the power surges/brownouts associated with the power going off and coming back on killed my oscillating fan. :frowning: Unexpected expenses are the worst when you’re long-term unemployed.

Boulder’s had this problem for so long that the city decided to form a municipal power company ten years ago to address the above-ground transmission lines and the poor track record our power company has on green power sources. Unfortunately, they never did anything with the roughly $20M grant and bond money they got to study it, so that’s never happened. And now, even the super liberal people of Boulder are pissed at the waste of taxpayer money so it’s viewed pretty negatively.

I’m all for public and municipal power companies, that shit works all over the Midwest and was the reason rural communities got electricity in the 30s and 40s. It’s a shame we don’t have the public will and the bureaucratic capacity to get shit done like we used to. Nowadays people are too pissed off about all the great things their taxes do for them, or they just don’t trust the government, or they’re just entitled ree ree types who give the finger to everyone and everything. lol

@Joker I grew up in the rural Ozarks in the middle of the state and lived in a 100 year old house with slanted floors and millipedes that came out at night, and despite that decrepitude, we never had issues like this either. It’s crazy that I pay $2100 a month in rent for the privilege of the expensive and lackluster utilities out West here. The mountains and public, non-developed, county-owned “open spaces” are pretty nice, though!

On top of the panels. I need the extra heat in the winter since we keep the thermostat pretty low. 68/69 from 7am-7pm, 59/60 from 7pm-7am. Here’s a pic of the messy ratchet hanger cords and wiring and drivers and whatnot on top:

Next run I’ll clean it up and mount the drivers on standoffs on top of the panels so they’re physically connected to the panel by metal to ground it (so no need for grounding wires) but still have an air gap for heat dissipation. I don’t want them to add too much heat to the panel, just to the space.


oof, that sucks. hope there was no damage. i’m by the lake in OH, lake effect snow is our jam. lost a few thing but all replaceable. the people are well, that’s what’s important. and my seedling so far has survived, so there’s a thin silver line…lol


More early season nuisance than anything else. Snowblower made quick work of it. Just a mess as ground hadn’t frozen yet. Don’t like a December Mud Season. Thanks for your concerns, much appreciated. SS/BW…mister :honeybee: :100: :pray:


I just ordered a 48 led infared light. An add on light for sec. cams… Ive heard how infared and white lite are good for the production. Its in the 850 range. We’ll see, or not.
What wave range are you running? Are you planing to run them thru the entire growth cycle?


for real. in my city the power goes out whenever we have an unexpected gust of wind. My city has always been notorious for long rainy falls and winters, yet the storm drain and sewage system is totally inadequate. It floods every fall, like clockwork.

Flooded roads with no traffic signals or streetlights because of a power outage? now that’s a party.

edit- highway underpasses are particularly treacherous with flooding and no streetlights. People can’t see the waterline, and they drive in at full speed. its’ common to see people stranded on the roof of a sunken u-haul. that’s how bad it gets.


Thanks for asking. :+1: My new lights are full spectrum white, 2700k base color temp and 90cri which lowers efficiency a tiny bit but increases far red output quite a bit above 80cri models. This is a net gain for efficacy in plant photosynthesis.

You probably want to return the IR light you ordered since it’s 850nm. That’s basically just a heater. For growing plants, we want the far red range from 700-800nm, not above 800. Wavelengths above 800nm are associated with heat radiation, which is not what we want. Far red creates the Emerson Effect that you can research here and elsewhere. IR above 800nm doesn’t do much of anything for the plants except make the stems stretch, as far as I know.

It’s crazy for that to happen in a temperate rainforest like in the PNW, but that was a regular thing in Albuquerque during the monsoon season (July - September). Our country’s infrastructure is crumbling as cities/counties/states try to whittle away budgets and regular people balk at taxes. We gotta get the rich and corporations to pay their fair share.


Thank you for the info @nube,
Where could a person on a tight budget accuire such a thing?


Infrastructure?! Infrastructure?! Who needs infrastructure when you’ve got lots of big guns and drones and techno-wizardry? Priorities in America are so messed up.


Just consulted the YouTube for a little primer on the Emerson Effect. I watched the HTG supply video in which he states that a few minutes before lights out will help with flower induction. This left me with two questions.

1: How important is it that the few minutes is at or near lights out?

2: How long during the flowering cycle do you keep up the far red light regimen?


These were mentioned in another thread…



Thank you @Gpaw. I will check them out.


I googled some things and seems im already taken care of. Good ol ol’skool 400w hps.

Pulled this off a site
“Jun 27, 2017 — HPS already has enough Far Red for the emerson effect and adding more will not do much”
It was online so it has to be true.
Now to check the white light.


It didn’t say in the specs so I did a deeper dive. They are 630nm.



Chiefer, I’m no expert or anything, but I think the Emerson Effect has to do with the second photosynthesis pathway in all plants that Emerson found.

Basically, as I understand it, adding far red all day every day makes plants photosynthesize faster than without it. LEDs such as the Bridgelux 90cri strips in the 2700k and 3000k CCT have a pretty good amount of FR in them naturally; Samsung and Nichia LEDs don’t have much FR in them, at least not in the sphere reports I’ve seen. HPS has very little, if any, far red - they’re mostly yellow and red, with a spike of IR. Maybe the new ceramic HPS has more FR , but how many people are using those?

Whether or not the FR right before lights out/on speeds ripening is theoretical and up for debate, but early indications from plant biologists is that it does not speed ripening. Lighting companies have also claimed adding deep red speeds ripening. We’ll see once more research on cannabis is done.

Today’s day 42F for the Pura Vida rerun. Temps are 85F/60F day/night and humidity is 50%/60% day/night. Keeping the air circulating at night and letting it ride otherwise.

I did another big defoliation since they took the first one so well. Looks like the bugs that came in with the tomato cages died on their own without me having to do anything or spray anything. Didn’t find any more thrips bites or signs of life at all.

This PV2 is my favorite but seems the farthest from done.

I didn’t get any pics of the shorties PV1 and PV7, but PV4 is also looking good. That’s the other tall one.

Frosty and smelling good, they were a real pain to defoliate. Scissors gummed up alot. As much trouble as they gave me shucking, it’s looking like they’ll be impossible to manicure.



Drooling over here man !


Hell yeah they did! I remember some folks were worried about how aggressive you were lol. They bounced back like champions.


I’ve been curious because I recently purchased a 240 watt QB with far red/IR on a switch. If I can just flip it on once I switch to flower that would surely be easier.


Beyond that, the extra defoliation didn’t seem to induce any stress reaction either. They didn’t pop any nanners AND the plants all successfully fought off the thrips/mites I brought in on the cages, without my intervention. I’m sure the hypoapsis mite colony that’s developed in my soil didn’t hurt.

I do want to note that the defoliation doesn’t seem to have increased bud development on the TK x Iraqi yet, maybe slightly on the lowers, but no increase in size up top. I’ll withhold judgment for harvest time.

As for the Pura Vida, since it’s my first time running them unseeded, it’s hard to draw any conclusions there either. I’ll never get ridiculous football sized colas with my small pot short veg organic grows, but the defoliation doesn’t appear to have hurt them. I already have no idea what I’ll do with all that weed after harvest, so I’m not concerned about harvest weight as long as it’s not tiny. I take a couple/few tokes a day, max of about a gram a week, if that. lol I may just pack it up in 1oz bags and give it to homeless folks for Christmas. Wish you lived closer cuz I’d share, but don’t worry - I haven’t forgotten about you. :wink:

Yep, I think you’re safe to leave the FR switch on. I would probably not use the UV switch if it has one, but that’s because I’ve had friends get lots of mutant and stunted growth using UV from reptile bulbs during their whole flowering cycle.

Which Chicom did you get the QB from? Meiju or one of the others? Meiju is producing some surprisingly good quality fixtures for the money, as long as you can stomach the complete lack of warranty and unknown bin diodes. Cost competitive with DIY and a lot cleaner/easier.