(complete) BOG Blue Moon Rocks repro growing under a Mars FC 8000

Hey folks, so back home after another day of letting these babies germinate. As most of you know yesterday I moved all 12 seeds to new paper towel and instead of water use a 1% solution of H202. I also just for experimental purposes tossed 2 of my Sour Grape seeds in with them. Then to make it even more interesting I tossed 5 Autos into the paper towel the BMR came out of and didn’t even bother to soak them. I put them side by side with the BMR on the same heat mat. 3 of the 5 autos cracked already. The 2 Sour Grape that are with the BMR have both cracked open. Not 1 of the BMR has cracked open. To me this says it is defiantly not something with my methods or environment but rather a seed issue. Still holding out some hope but it’s not looking good.