(complete) BOG Blue Moon Rocks repro growing under a Mars FC 8000


I love this! This should be on a t-shirt :bulb::grin::moyai:!



Hey folks, so back home after another day of letting these babies germinate. As most of you know yesterday I moved all 12 seeds to new paper towel and instead of water use a 1% solution of H202. I also just for experimental purposes tossed 2 of my Sour Grape seeds in with them. Then to make it even more interesting I tossed 5 Autos into the paper towel the BMR came out of and didn’t even bother to soak them. I put them side by side with the BMR on the same heat mat. 3 of the 5 autos cracked already. The 2 Sour Grape that are with the BMR have both cracked open. Not 1 of the BMR has cracked open. To me this says it is defiantly not something with my methods or environment but rather a seed issue. Still holding out some hope but it’s not looking good.


Certainly looks like you got a pack of duds. Sad news.


That definitely brings a sadness near to hear of the updates @DougDawson. When other seeds start so quickly in comparison that’s really putting things into perspective. Rooting for you! Much love


Damn, yeah gotta agree that it sounds and looks like duds. Not stored correctly or something :thinking:


They apparently came from the Oregon Green Seed Seedbank and the receipt is from Dec 2020. Not old seeds and according to the donator they have been in his fridge since. The bank has a bunch of reviews complaining about germ rates. I don’t know them at all though and bad reviews don’t necessarily mean a bad bank. I think tomorrow I may just manually crack them as a last ditch effort. Or perhaps crack half and see if it makes any difference.


You did nothing wrong man . It happens . I had 50 ssdd did same damn thing . Thinking they got hit with something in transit . Or as some have said not stored properly


Thanks brother. It’s really a shame it had to be these in particular. After over a year searching for them and finally finding them this was not the outcome I was hoping for. Oh well, another day of LITFA and than perhaps crack half and see if that makes a change. Past that I am out of ideas. Thankfully I have the ability to pivot to another strain if I have to. Likely be either Blue Kush as it has BMR in it or Sweet and Sour Cindy.


I have old bog seeds at home
Know I have LSD and lifesaver

I’ll look tonight to see if I have bmr
Don’t think I do but if so they are yours

Will you stay Bog if these fail ???


That would be amazing. Yup, going to stay with BOG for a while. Blue Kush and Sweet and Sour Cindy are both BOG strains and I got a full breeder pack of each.


Here’s to hoping they come through yet, or a marvelous member has a replacement pack to keep this alive. I never had the money to pick this up myself and have been dreaming of it since I first laid eyes on it.


Bro I just finished up Holy Angel’s SSDD f2 repo

You need to grow this
Very easy to run I had :100: % germ and 2 beautiful ladies


Do you have any fulvic acid or aloe plants on hand my friend?

If so as a last resort you could just stick em in the aloe filet and let em ride, just a suggestion anyways.

But regardless if none pop thanks for the attempt my brudda :slight_smile:



The aloe filet is such a cool idea. Tried that once with some old blue satellite 2.2 freebies. Didn’t work but I’m still hopeful that it’s helpful and will totally try it again sometime. What about throwing them into some good dirt and just letting them ride?

The only long germinating seeds I’ve had was when I said oh well they aren’t popping and threw them in the compost pile. A seedling ended up sprouting a week or so later. I couldn’t believe it. I think the bacteria and all that stuff in the soil helped it go. Just throwing some ideas out there. I’m kind of skeptical of the paper towel method after more than just a couple days but used to use it religiously. Bummer they didn’t germinate yet but for whatever reason the universe wants it to be that way so it is. I was reading a lot of old BOG threads on Icmag recently and he spoke very highly of the Blue Kush. Says it’s basically BMR only better! Whatever happens and however it turns out we’re here with you Doug. Much love


Yeah, Blue Kush is Blue Moon Rocks X Sour Bubble.


No, they are soaking in H202 though.

It’s the same method I always use and it works. Just look at the seeds I put in there yesterday. Out of the 7 I put in there 5 have popped already.


It’s not his methods it the seed for sure


I want to squeeze one so bad I cant stand it.


Oh there will be some cracking going on tomorrow if nothing changes.


Finally they get it Doug u do know how to sprout seeds LoL but seriously I think they must have been in adverse conditions en’route or just a funky batch and I’m not sure but when is the last time there was even any BMR for sale on shn just curious about it and I have been absent but do you know y there was 12 and not 13 and I don’t think they were scams just didn’t know hopefully someone will have a half dozen or so :male_detective:t2:‍♂ and I was just thinking about how u could do your own Blue Kush F1s like the Sour Grape and dust a separate girl from the group run right or is that wrong isn’t it BMR x Sour Bubble LoL didn’t notice post above this about the Blue Kush I’ve been noticing a lot of BOG’s work has a Sour Bubble cross and I’m glad to have some of the Sour Boggle