BOG Grape Punch redemption run

Holy hell up to 90 that random number generator is gonna have a meltdown and everyone is going to win LoL… wishful thinking :thinking: but I have officially sent u 6 BMR and I just got a good amount of envelopes out to members who I have trades with but most importantly I wanna get them to you @DougDawson and I wish I could send it tracking but I don’t want to go through the paperwork or what is the procedure for packages from US to Canada!?


If you want put them in a dvd case @DrGonzo13 , declare as dvd and send tracked. I can paypal you the cost. None of the 12 have cracked after a full 48hrs in paper towel.


Of course @LaughingMan , just add the number and name :slight_smile:


How much is it I’m not gonna worry about the cost if it gets me and you a way to keep track of it and I’m sorry but how do I claim it to send as a dvd because I have plenty to use and that’d make me feel A LOT better

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I do mine online but you can do it at the post office. Put the DVD in one of their envelopes and when they ask what it is you tell them a dvd which goes on the customs form. Is super simple, I have sent loads of seeds that way and never had one stopped.


Shit! That sucks dude! Positive vibrations!


Slowly exhaling a plume of smoke
Visualizing tails elongating


Alright I will be there first thing in the morning and I’ll send it to you that way and try and keep this one going TTY soon…damn I hope that you at least see some White tails starting but will send you info on the sweet DVD I’m sending

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Yeah, I am disappointed but have not given up. Tonight we score them and crack a few manually. Gotta try what I can. Just freaking me out that 0 for 12 popped. That’s a first for me.


Sounds good brother, thanks. I really need to get this run to work, the more seeds I can get the better as I will make many. Just not having any luck with the pack I got at all.


I wouldn’t manually crack them
Use a soak instead



Man! I’d love to get ahold of that DVD release… like when I can actually do something with it though…

They have been soaking for 3 days. First 24 in water and next 48 in wet paper towel. Right now I have put them on a heat mat. I am concerned with having them wet for 2 long might make them rot. What kind of soak do you suggest?


I’m not an expert at it but I’ve read several times I think it’s hydrogen peroxide or something should be an easy search to find it I know in my thread someone posted up about it

I understand not wanting them to soak for so long but I don’t think physical manipulation is going to get you there I would save that for an absolute last resort

If it were here at my place I can tell you what I would do

I would place them in my cocoa seed starter with a heat mat underneath them and a dome on top

When I pulled them out of the water you have them soaking in if they still felt very hard I would dry them gently and scar them just a little before sticking them in my seed starter

I’m sure you’re going to get hundreds of things to try that’s just my suggestion.


Feel bad this is happening to you . Trying to do something nice for the community and a fallen brother and seeds have other ideas .

I have not had much seed issues myself, I can generally get them all to pop just doing as I normally do .

I did have one run that never happened because I threw down 50 or more ssdd seeds without a single coming up . Think , rather know they were bad. Only time I have seen it myself .

Have access to more of these seeds if they do not decide to cooperate ??


Sorry you’re having troubles Doug, that can be disappointing.

I use a bit of hydrogen peroxide for my germinations and it seems to really do the trick.

Anyway, I’ve found this short video very helpful

Anyway, “rooting” for you!


Thanks for that
Thought it was the peroxide but was not sure
Never tried myself but would before cracking manually


I will pick up some peroxide tomorrow. I have seen that study but honestly have never had issues with seeds popping like this so never had a need to use H2O2.

It took me over a year to track down this pack of seeds so at present no I don’t. I have another member sending me some so here is hoping they get to me.

Right now I taken them down and put them on a heat mat. The tent was 22c so I got the heat mat kicked up to 25c, hoping the extra heat will help. Seeds are not that old and were purchased in 2020 so I can’t see any issues with the age but who knows. If they have not cracked by tomorrow I will add the peroxide solution and see if it helps any. The seeds still seem in tact so not going to count them out yet.


Maybe try some Humic Acid?


H202 soak is absolutely legit and an established protocol here. More for sterilization than invigoration to my knowledge though. Helps avoid D.O and other little issues related to contamination.

I also like to use a bioinoculant (like Plant Thrive or Mykos with a preference for the first) if I can; but since you rock the bottles that might be unnecessary…

YAAAS @MyLittleGrundle (Worm Castings are full of it)

If they were old and really needed a boost GA3 (hormone) soaks are what is used in the field (AG).

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