BOG LSD co-op run

Definitely check out @carty thread on autos.
There are a bunch of talented auto growers here!


Hey there OGers. So dropping in for an update after eating some solid food. I swear, my stomach thought my throat had been cut. Anyway, plants are doing fine. Here they are a few minutes ago.

Took a minute to check each plant and only one is showing signs of being a male. This is just weird. Hoping more to come but as of now, it’s only one male. Here it is, it’s the plant in the back middle.

So yeah, now we just wait and see. Never thought I would say this but I am hoping to see more balls in my tent. Don’t get me wrong, 1 male will easily pollinate the other 11 if they turn out to be females. The next few days will say for sure. Have an amazing night OGers and thanks for stopping by. :v:


more male gives a better gene pool?
but maybe there are late showers


Hoping you kick the sick soon my friend. Sending along healing-vibes>>>>


I don’t know really, it’s still 12 separate plants. But I would rather have at least 3 or 4 males. For one it gives me a chance to do pollen collection for the community while still having those genes in the seed run. The other reason is you have less plants to take all the way to harvest. I would love to be able to cull 4 or 5 plants after pollen collection to give them more room and make my life easier. Hopefully there are some slow showers in there.

Thanks bud. 2 miserable days but my fever seemed to break around dinner time and I am feeling better by the hour. Fingers crossed the worst is over.


Looking good @DougDawson, hope you get to feeling better quickly, have a good weekend!


have a view just like tjhat - 10 feet from river bank and 25feet what a view ? right? 3 have 3 7by 7 picture windows facing the river, ever know most of the barges on the Mississippi and paddle boats

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We don’t get paddle boats on our lake anymore but we had one sink in front of my cottage years ago.

I used to swim down and sit on the paddle wheel when I was a kid. It was on That’s Incredible, a tv show from years ago. I still fish above that wreck and the island the sailors paddled to clinging to a coffin can been seen off my deck. Here is the article.


This is part of the view from my shore.

When you zoom in it’s the island on the left they made it to.


That’s wild!

Also, wow what a view!


Beautiful view. Being on the water is the ultimate in relaxation.


It really is. I have been looking at that view since I was old enough to walk and possibly before. It’s got a ton of amazing memories. I have swam to those islands a few times, nothing like being in the middle of a body of water all alone. It’s soothing.


Soothing? That’s literally my worst nightmare, lol. Right behind being in a fire :wink:


I don’t know man, fire and water have always been soothing to me. I have managed to figure out how to make fire from sticks and live most of my younger years under water. Both give me peace.


I like watching fire (probably too much, hahaha), but being IN a fire is no bueno…

As for water, when I was young I was under water in a lake and watched a fish bite a buddy’s toe. It was crazy deep and bled forever, and that was it for me and water I couldn’t see the bottom of 🤷😂


Thalassophobia, fear of deep or large bodies of water. I have it too


Lol, of course there’s a name for it… I also have Coprophobia, have fun looking that one up :joy:

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Yeah not clicking images for that one lmao

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Oh I wouldn’t go for pictures, that’s for sure :joy:

I’ll tell ya tho, it’s a biiiig reason I don’t have kids, hahaha