BOG Sweet and Sour Cindy preservation co-op run completed

yeah a snow shovel !!! :smiley:


@DougDawson it’s blowing my mind how much pollen you’re collecting! I’ve got flowers everywhere and when I tap a plant it rains down the magic dust but as far as collecting this dust it’s not dumping out like I’d expect from what I have.

This being said it may just be the cultivar as it was similar with my Hubbabubbasmelloscope reproduction were the pollen released so fine that you’d only notice it if you wiped a section of the tent’s interior with a finger and see the “clean spot”.

I usually bend over and tap the flowers into a metal bowl and then sift this before drying it out but let the flowers stay put on the plant. Are you pulling flowers and crushing them to gain the goodies?

Freaking amazing show growmie! We’re lucky to have your brand of focus and lunacy on OG :crazy_face: :hugs:


Hey @Pigeonman. To be honest I am a bit disappointed in their production. Some are barely putting out any pollen but are still putting out a tiny bit. I expected much more from 9 males but as you say, it must be the cultivar. Sour Bubble was a polen beast but at least they are giving some so all good. Any flowers you see in my bowl are juat what fell off when I banged the branches into the bowl. Perhaps I am being a bit more forceful, I really show them no mercy. There are a number of branches bent but not broken as per my normal routine, lol.


Thanks @DougDawson . I’m certainly being gentle on the tapping front as if I let the pollen move outa the basement my partner is fucked. :worried:

In a situation like this I’ll wait until the females are in week 4 (next week), and start to cut male branches out thinning out the males and put all those into a colander placed into a sealed bin with a damp-rid container to keep the moisture in check.

This way I can collect the dust without making my partner’s life a nightmare. :sneezing_face:

:crossed_fingers: that there’s gonna be enough pollen to share once this process starts next week.


Nice. Gentle is not the word to describe how I mangle those males, lol. I have to change my clothes before collecting. There is a ton of pollen on the tent floor but I don’t collect that. I thunk I am losing a bunch just because they are crammed in there so when you tap one branch, the resk start dropping, lol. Certainly not going.the break my 1/4 lb record but that’s OK. Got lots to do the deed and also pass out so I call it a win. I have to give the strain credit, it has not given me any issues thus far. The females are looking about ready to start taking that pollen so I am stoked to get that going.


Lol. Only having the 1x 4x4 my females had no choice! Their flowers are all puckered as any pistil that grows gets slammed near immediately :rofl:


Mine are normally the same but it worked out perfectly this round. The 3 females fit nicely into the 2x4 across from the main tent, well more or less, so for the first time I was able to let the bud sites grow some. I am hoping that helps with the seed production. I can see a brown pistil here and there but for the most part, they are unpolinated thus far.


Next big run I’m thinking about doing the same. When brushing pollen I wait until week 3 when the pistils are eye-lashing and usually apply twice 3 days apart.

With the pollen dumping on the flowers since middle of week 2 I’m thinking I need to push the males aside start of week 4 (this weekend) and LST the females to increase light coverage of all exposed bud sites. Then cull the males by start of week 5 and hose down the females to deactivate the pollen so whatever has already taken can grow big and strong.

I find when I hose-down I may end up with less seeds BUT those “missing” seeds are usually the underdeveloped ones and duds so there’s no loss just less work :rofl:

Also stomata need to breath yo!


I will take note for the next time.

Is the devil dying, and he is still learning…

Hey OG. Just a quick update. All the plants are doing fine. I missed taking a pic of the males but did a pollen collection and got 6.3 grams tonight bringing the pollen total to 33.5 g so far.

The females are busting out of the tent and the one is about to hit the ceiling. I left the tent open when I did the pollen collection so they got a decent dose of pollen tonight. Here come the seeds, lol.

Have an amazing night OG. :v:


Looks like a jungle in there, watch out for stuff hiding 🫣 in there. :wink:


Ok, almost bedtime so here is your update, lol. First the males.

So, pollen collection went ok tonight.

11.2 grams tonight. This is what that kind of pollen collection looks like here :wink:

Anyway, here are the girls who got a big cloud of pollen dumped on them tonight I couldn’t help myself.

Have a good night OG. :v:


This thread just became NSFW giggity giggity goooooo!
Great effin work Doug :ok_hand:


Haha that’s awesome. Can you taste it?! I can feel it haha


It sure is impressive the amount of pollen you collect.:astonished:


Very impressive.
Thanks for sharing.

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You need a bumblebee :honeybee: suit! :joy::joy::joy:


hell yeah , amazing


Thanks everyone, this one is going pretty smoothly. Pollen will start being shared once collection is done and it is thoroughly dried.


Sure is a massive amount of pollen. Thanks for sharing that. Glad to see you’re wearing a mask