🕉 Bohdi Seeds Yogi Preservation Co-op Run (Sign up closed) (F2 to F3, Open-Pollenation)

Bet you can rock 🪨 an apron now! :star_struck::stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye::laughing::rofl::joy::sweat_smile:

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Lmfao! The pigeons run HD.


Where I live Poutine is called disco fries. No matter where you get them they are so hard to stop eating.
But when I was in Abbotsford BC they really were awesome up there.
Enjoy tonight’s dinner @Pigeonman


I do! But when i do i’m wearing only the apron and Mrs. Pigeon sits and watches me work… well i dont think she’s staring at my cooking tbh now that i thi k about it…



Hope that aprons got a pocket for that rocket :rocket:! LMAO :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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Nope. But i may have purposly gotten a longer one for this very reason…

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This is a very interesting and entertaining thread 🪡, please keep doing 🫵 YOU! :upside_down_face::sunglasses::v:

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I cant help ot as i’m trapped under a cute dog.



Nice fur baby, mine is under my feet :foot:, don’t really want his 140 pound ass on my chest or lap.

Would you like to throw my ball :soccer: daddy and I promise to bring it back and not play keep away. :sweat_smile::sweat_smile::sweat_smile:


Yeah Celia is only 26lb of muscle!

Lighter far scale.



Another night another feeding for the Yogi moms…

…and this is for the two that run the household!

:drooling_face: :+1:

While I couldn’t find curds in stock at my local grocery store this still was fantastic and made the missus night!

Now for a bowl of Chocolate Chunk and then a cup of ice cream.


I shit y’all not and it’s fantastic!



So do you want an ice cream :ice_cream: maker for Christmas :christmas_tree:, or perhaps a yogurt :icecream: maker. Maybe we will have to find you a new apron or a new get up? Plants 🪴 looking :eyes: very happy :blush: today. Food looks GR8, GO Cookie! :+1::facepunch::blush::wink::partying_face::santa::christmas_tree::snowman_with_snow::sunglasses::peace_symbol:

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I actually own 4 of these type already! :rofl:

I just kept finding at Value Village for under $10 so I was all like why the fuck not?!


My fav one I’ve made so far is Cardamon.


You are killing me, I will post a picture of my favorite :star_struck: ice cream maker and a few other frozen :cold_face: treat maker gadgets tomorrow! :joy::joy::joy::partying_face::star_struck::facepunch::+1::wink::santa::christmas_tree::snowman_with_snow::sunglasses::peace_symbol:


I see a future, mini bubble hash maker right there.
Anyone elses brain instantly go to things I can use in to improve every grow?


Lol. I actually just this eve put all my ice cube trays on my porch so i can do a bubble wash tomorrow :rofl:


DUDE!!! DUDE! Dude those look like damn pineapples o growing on top of those plants. Well done sir! Glad you are feeling better brother.


Thanks @420noob ! I think they heard you as they are entering “Flowering Week 7” and we’re starting to see some fade coming in!!

:exploding_head: :fallen_leaf: :heart:

The other tops look great, but that particular one is the winner with it starting to show colours. :ok_hand:

This has been a pleasure! I’m kinda getting bummed that it’s all coming to a close in the next few weeks.


Although all good things must have their cycles.

Everyone will get seeds, those seeds get to grow, and as you can see from these close-ups I’m not gonna be hurting with the bubblehash the dust from all this should churn out! :drooling_face:

Speaking of making hash! In trve :canada: style I used the cold weather in my favour…

Yep. I just left the ice cube trays outside overnight and then late this morning I broke out the washing machine and now sitting on a plate in the freezer:

It’s from a few bags of fresh-frozen I have from outdoors this year… I need the freezer space back so I gotta do this at least 1 more time and then deal with the frozen tomatos for sauce…


Anyways, have a wonderful night everyone and an even better weekend!!

:v: :grin: :+1:


I don’t see you being sad about it being over. I see you being excited about a new run and sad about seed shucking :joy:
Looks beautiful


Looks like there packed to the gill’s with seeds job well done! Always bittersweet at the end of run but new adventures are always exciting hope you have a awesome weekend and Xmas @Pigeonman hope your feeling better :seedling::v::heart::sunny: