BOO (Bag Of Oranges) reproduction

I generally use Diatomaceous Earth and BTI as preventative measures.
But Johnny has a great countermeasure right here

Looks like @smooth beat me to it by mere seconds, lol.


This is pretty awesome. I know it’s an oldish/overplayed quote but it reminds me of Mr. Hammond.

“Nature finds a way”


Swarski Mites, get rid of or treat infected soil. It’s the eggs in the soil that are tough to get rid of.

I have even poured boiling water in 5g pot filled with soil(just soil), that worked perfectly. Maintained high temps for over an hour


Plants are looking great, small hiccup with the thrips other than that, you’re kickin ass brotha! :sunglasses: :vulcan_salute:


Thank you @Smooth
Looks like something I can do.
I’m loving the detailed instructions, it will be a nice tool, to have available.


Appreciate the preventative measures,
Everybody’s so nice here , you gotta be fast


I saw somewhere it was good to use wood bark as mulch to increase fungal activity, so went and got some and the thrips were free. Very frustrating to deal with but mites, +bleach for cleaning, and treating/dumping soil should get rid of them.


Nematodes are great at seeking and eradicating the larva as they emerge as well. But I think the ONE AND DONE is the best tool I had imho .


Yea even after I did all that I saw one plant that had them and removed them quick and it did not spread luckily. @TopShelfTrees1 is there a certain nematode product you have used? Do they go after the eggs?

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I don’t think all the data’s in though. It could be that one male is from another strain. :rofl:

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My local shop (northern lights hydro) makes their own I’ve been grabbing them lately, seems to work well. I’ve heard conflicting reports on that tbh, and I’m not positive either way. My issue is not letting dryback go too far and killing them . Always end up going to far on a bunch and needing to reapply


Close, human, but the character you’re looking for is Dr. Malcolm, and the quote is “Life finds a way” :smile::sweat_smile:


Fun tid bit, supposedly that’s how og’er kush came around. Orgnkid did a bit of reversals with his og kush that were s1 and out of all the seeds said to have found 1 true male.


Is the the store in Windsor Ont?


:joy: Something like that. I was pretty sloshed last night lol

It’s in Fonthill but I’m 99% sure that’s the original owners store and it’s his sons running it now out here. Great little family business. I use them or indoor farmer pretty much exclusively for the reliant, customer service and the fact they are locally owned and operated. Nothing like being able to walk in and feel at home, relaxed. No pressure etc. I highly value that kind of stuff in the generic big box world we’ve all become accustomed to.


I know that place, I bought my 1st tent there… The name was… Mike??
Cool area.


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@TopShelfTrees1 They look nice and healthy :slight_smile: Do I see some without purple striped stems? All the ones I’ve grown out have had the stripes, I always thought that was cool!


Yes there’s some without the purpling, as I’ve been figuring out the new nutes I found everything was purple af (stems) but now that I’m getting things figured out and added more cal-mag and kelp I can see the purple stems dissapearing on many. I’m seeing 3-4 different variations, tall ones and short ones, Ones with huge fans that have these rounded edges on the serrations and the edges even lift a bit (if that makes sense) and another with tighter, sharper serrations and much bigger spacing in the nodes. Going to be interesting to see these in flower, I’m thinking about taking one of each of the variations to spray, possibly two others, 20 plants , 6 reversed and still leaves 14 to make beans…. Not set in stone but my thoughts for sure atm @HorseBadorites


Very cool, awesome place and people. Mike and Dean are the brothers, you got it :wink: