Bottom branch yellowing?

What’s going on with this bottom branch here?

It’s the lowest, smallest branch on the plant, it’s the only one with this yellowing in the center.

I’m assuming the plants putting all its energy into the rest of itself and this branch is going by the wayside.

It started flowering about a week ago. It’s had its first feeding. That was still veg fertilizer. The next feed will be bloom. Feed is organic top dress. Is this something that can spread possibly? Should I remove it? Or can I leave it there and she’ll be fine?


Nothing to worry much about, that yellowing starting form inwards in the new growth normally points to an Iron deficiency:

That may happen because your soil is too alkaline (pH too high). Keep an eye on the new growth and measure your water pH and runoff or just cut that branch that will go nowhere if it worries you … beer3|nullxnull


I agree time to check pH run off, what kindavsoil are you in? Are there any ph stabilizers added?


I’m in coast of Maine. No pH stabilizers. I would need an education on those and what they are. I don’t check runoff. Not even sure how to do it. I just checked my waters pH, I think this water was at 6.4 and I proceed to watering.

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If it works… It works!!
Hard to argue with success… :+1: :smile:



Nothing to worry about. I’ve never had a plant finish flower looking like she won a fight.

Happy growing.

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Talk to me about pH stabilizers…

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Can I get a closeup of the affected area please

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Ph stabilizers are additions in the soil like dolomite lime, oyster shell and others but for the most part those are the main 2, they will return your soil to a 6.8 to 7 range ph level , usually you want to feed with a lower ph so you get a ph swing which allows for optimal nute uptake, then the stabilizer will slowly bring the ph level somewhere around neutral. Usually without the stabilizer ph in the soil will continue to drop or possibly go up depending on what level your feed water is


The problem seems to be resolved. New growth is more green. I put a little water in there with some calmag and seems like it’s correct in itself. I’ll snap a photo though.


I also mix the Cal mag with proper pHed water so…



Looks like it’s going away


I had the same problem with two other plants I had. Those ones didn’t make it though, for multiple reasons.

This plant had the problem early and veg also. Calmag seem to fix it then as well. I think it’s magnesium deficiency. Maybe coast of Maine doesn’t have a lot of magnesium. Idk.


I use it at about 1 TBS per gallon of medium

you can top dress it


I’m gonna check it out. Thanks


I use it in Coco/peat/perlite but I’ve used it also in soil. It works.

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I wouldn’t assume it’s a def but giving it a healthy supply doesn’t hurt

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