Brain Teasing, Insight, and Enlightment Here Just For You!

this is actually really interesting, I used to always have my body in dreams, but when I became disabled a few years ago, I was also disabled in my dreams. My body would even appear distorted at times.
I’m not disabled in my dreams anymore, but you’re absolutely correct, I don’t see my body from a realistic first person perspective in dreams anymore. thanks for the insight.

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Update: “He gets high on you And the energy you trade He gets right on to The friction of the day” --Rush

Was looking back and forgot about the geography. Be nice to know the area/arena we traveling in ya?

Strange because, astral travel, soul travel, astral projection, even remote viewing etc. isn’t traveling at all. Now here is where things start to get a little strange.

We now are collectively manifested in our physical body. That is to say our, “spiritual essence” (which includes our soul, mind, and powerful energies) now inhabit our body (which is temporal and fleeting). This, “spiritual essence”, separates from the physical shell (our body) when we astral project through dreaming (for example standing and looking at yourself sleeping in bed). The same thing happens at death.

Now first we have to look at what is going on with our bodies?!!?

Our bodies are on this planet. This planet is traveling around the sun at approximately 67,000 mph (take note that you don’t notice that speed/motion). The sun is traveling around the center of the galaxy at approximately 448,000 mph (these speeds are actually arbitrary but they don’t know that yet). And spinning all the while (24hr day).

And the galaxy is hauling ass around (and moving away from much faster than most believe) the center of the universe (that they now know is disc shaped). We here (in our bodies) don’t notice any of this motion. We are traveling very fast in a multitude of directions and notice no motion at all (beyond day and night).

“Ya…so what”!

What that means is (since our five physical perceptual senses are part of our bodies) then anything perceived is only relative to this motion system. Any other system at even a slightly different speed wouldn’t be perceivable as our perceptual senses could only perceive those things uniform with this motion system.

This is in part Einstein’s parallel universe theory and theory of relativity. The idea that a universe could be parallel to this one yet we could not perceive it due to the difference in motion of the systems since a common law a physics, “mass and energy are interchangeable” a universe could coincide us unawares.

My, “view”, of the universe included more than just one disk (not discovered then when I wrote it back almost 20 years ago in Overgrow but now known) and brief view here that is mostly unproven.

But first, forgot I saw something many years ago that someone else had come up with (not sure who first doesn’t matter…I was a kid) and believe it to be correct although not accepted by most of the astronomical community. Involves, “Inflation” theory.

Basically, what I see is that since the, “Big Bang”, everything has been traveling/expanding faster then the speed of light (I know supposed to be impossible).

It’s what creates this illusion that surrounds us (time ain’t distance either).

They can’t figure out why the outer most part of the sun is hotter than the surface (defies logic and physics as they know it). It’s caused by the friction surrounding the sun taking the brunt of the solar system moving so fast (much faster than they think) across the universe. Like brushes on a generator…simple as that!

This Universe is only one disc. The, “Universal” universes are made up of a spherical ellipse shape that is made of a near infinite number of discs/universes all moving at different rates of speed from near parallel to perpendicular. They are all moving through you now yet can’t be perceived because our perceptual senses are locked in only to this motion system.

All these other universes/discs that are spinning at different rates of speed are this, “dark matter”, and ,“dark energy also”, that they can’t perceive (yet knowing there is only a fraction of visible matter that doesn’t account for all the, “missing matter”. The missing matter are all the other spinning universes they can’t see/perceive.

New universes are being born nearly continuously as older ones fold in.

One would have to lean over and squint hard to see our solar system (looks like gasoline floating on water…kinda rainbow effect I think from Earth).

So one doesn’t travel…one re-manifests. You already there! It’s all about molecules, atoms, and frequency of vibration.

You already everywhere and in everything…you are now collectively manifested in your fleeting, transitory, and temporal body and that is where your awareness is.

You just don’t realize that what separates you from all other living things is the frequency of the vibration of your, “life-force”.

Your life force (discovered this while trying to astral project while awake) is a powerful electricity like current that travels form between your legs to where the soft spot on your head when baby. It is aligned with the spine and best way I can describe it (and if built likely would power a UFO) is as a magnet.

Imagine a pole/rod magnet with positive at one end and negative at the other. Now switch those pole ends faster than the, “speed of light” (would need some kind of accelerator chip that could max infinite speed).

The frequency of the switching back and forth (and associated vibration) is all that separates us from other living forms.

I know crazy stuff here man…lol…stay with me much more to come (haven’t even gotten to “spiritual realm” geography yet).

gotta go puppy babysit…we rescued two sisters awhile back…most lovable dogs ever had!


“I’ve been to the edge
And then I stood and looked down
You know I lost a lot of friends there, baby
I’ve got no time to mess around”-Van Halen

An interesting aside to this, “polar axis”, that has the switching ends faster than speed of light and is located from the coccyx bone to what was the soft spot on head when baby (looks like a solid rod of light) and it’s frequency differentiates (among other things) differences in physical appearance between life forms. This same axis is the alignment for the Chakras in Yoga. All Meridian lines in acupuncture spring forth from this, “rod of light”.

It’s a good thing that man uses only approximately 10% of the brain (at any given time) because there is tremendous power in this, “rod of light”. Not just power to build one and power a UFO but to inter-dimensional travel yourself. Also, within this rod of light (if tuned correctly) the power to heal, superhuman strength, and even levitate (among many more things).

Everyone is a potential superhero and no one know’s it!

This world (and associated illusion) conditioned us from an early age what to think and how to act and what to believe. Also, when I describe all this around us that we see and perceive as an, “illusion”, that doesn’t make it any less real. So don’t confuse illusion as non-reality. By illusion I mean a veil.

It’s almost a matter of unlearning!

An earlier quote in this thread from Plato left out the most important part. He wrote:

“We know more from the time we are born until the time we speak our first word and from that point forward this world is a description we take for granted as it and only it, whereas there is much more beyond all this”.

I’m reminded of my two brother’s (who are identical twins too each other) and they had their own language between them. A doctor recommended they be institutionalized as they would never amount to anything. My parents refused and they didn’t start speaking (English) until almost age four when begin speaking when I started speaking (they 2 years older). They are both successful doctors (not far from retirement).

Apparently this actually happened fairly often (many years ago) to identical twins that had their own language between them.

As Plato expressed that we are born with much knowing that is lost (in part) even through the process of learning a language itself. The world has taught us much of what is supposed to be impossible and what we are supposed to believe.

If one believes one cannot do something than surely they can’t because they believe it so.

If you know (and believe) you are all living things and have that level of self-realization and that you are, “one”, with all living things and that you don’t just share atoms, molecules, elements, etc. with living things and when you look another in the eyes you see yourself and you see yourself in the eyes of all people and animals and you see yourself everywhere in living things including plants.

This connection and, “oneness”, with all natural and living things is actually, “communication”.

Earlier I mentioned that while I was a Shepard in Israel a Buddhist Monk and I discussed a level beyond, “no thoughts”. The Buddhist Monk wasn’t aware of any such level beyond, “no thoughts”.

The level beyond, “no thoughts”, is communication.

But wait…if there’s no thoughts than how can communication take place?

Mainly, the communication beyond, “no thoughts”, is, “seeing”, and, “knowing”.

The vehicle by which you are connected to all living things (so this communication can take place) is also essential in our discussion of the geography of the, “spiritual realm”.

I was fortunate enough when in Israel to study, “Kabbalah”, for a time in Zafat.

Just remembered an interesting aside: Some Rabbis got me to enter my stuff in for the, “Bible code”. Can’t remember what all is entered aside from name but two potential hits can come up for anyone who enters info.

Apparently most people don’t even get one, “hit”. I had both and (guess extremely rare) they were both in the same book a short distance apart. So I’m standing there looking at these Rabbis with their eyes and jaws wide open and one finally blurts out to the other Rabi pointing at me, “this is Noah”! “He must be Noah”, he said.

Other Rabi kinda speechless and said something in Hebrew I couldn’t understand and they rushed me out of there quick staring at me kinda weird like. Ya, and my Ark a huge spaceship…lol!

So wonderful folks there in Zafat. Practical Kabbalah nothing to mess with unless know what you are doing (reminds of Golem story need to tell at some point).

So here are a few charts.

So I noticed something wrong right off when I got my first book on, “Kabbalah”.

The highest and most powerful (and one that should be at top) is missing completely. There are a few that approach but to not have it out there in big, bold letters is a major shortcoming.

Because what is missing from many disciplines and even religions is, “love”.

“Love is the connection”!

It allows the communication to flow most easily and freely.

Love is not just an emotion or feeling but a genuine power and is in fact the most powerful power in the, “Universal”, universes. This isn’t the, “I love hamburgers”, kind of love here I’m talking about. There are different types of love.

Mental telepathy is perhaps the best example that many may have had some experience with. Ever had a loved one that you could finish their sentence or both were thinking same thing at same time (but didn’t know it at first). My wife and I do this almost daily. Many boy/girlfriend and husband/wife will have this kinda of partial telepathy. The reason is because, “love”, is the best and easiest lubricant for, “communication”.

But not just communication with loved ones but even plants and animals. Plants and animals often easier to love as takes less patience and effort than loving people.

I have always loved everyone (I thought everyone was like me and loved everyone like I did when I was growing up)! I am hardwired (and have been since I can remember) for love. It’s a curse really because I spend my life crying all the time inside for everyone (sucks as much pain because much suffering here).

My wife doubts sometimes that people like me exist (I know there are more out there that hurt for others through love like me) but when 9-11 anniversary was here last week she saw a pic on TV of the WTC shrouded in mist and teared up.

I told her that her tears were tears of compassion and love for people she didn’t even know.

So many love yet are out of touch with themselves and just don’t realize the love they have inside. The world tells us to hide it and bury it. But many can get in touch with their own love through self-realization of their own compassion.

Could even set up a hypothetical scenario where imagine how you wouldn’t want to see someone get hurt in an accident in front of your house etc. So you have compassion. Compassion is the spark of love. Empathy ain’t bad either…lol.

Pets don’t have to, “learn”, how to love you! We have to unlearn the world to love each other.

Important part to remember is that, “love”, is an unrealized power in it’s ability to allow one to connect and thus, “communicate”, not just to all living things but open doors to the universe and beyond (too be discussed later).

Saving astral projection technique itself until after we have covered all avenues of lucid dreaming and then some examples of my teaching/learning process and what you also might can expect.

Next time…finish geography (spiritual realm) and eventually continue with lucid dreaming, remote viewing, and getting into stuff.


“Welcome back my friends to the show that never ends
We’re so glad you could attend, come inside, come inside” - Emerson, Lake, and Palmer

Some years back I was on the train to Budapest and met a young man that was fleeing Iran for his life. His family was out to kill him (I suspect because he was gay). He loved his family and even Islam but he said there were certain things he couldn’t agree with and because of that his family was going to kill him.

He, while crying confessed that he was most concerned about his faith (God leaving him) because he had left Iran and all that he knew and didn’t want to be without Allah and his place of worship.

I told him that I see that he loves’ God and his family (in spite of his family out to get him). I told him this love, “is”, God and that he carried God with him through this love because, “God”, is love. So I told him he has God and God never left him and will be there with him.

God is love!

You got love…you got God! Doesn’t matter what name you use. Use the name you use in your culture/region if you even need a name. God has many names.

Love is what will get you to the highest possible level (here and in spiritual realm). In spiritual realm the highest levels are the most beautiful landscapes you have ever seen. You are surrounded by a kind of love there that is indescribable.

The highest levels have no cars, buildings, etc. like one will see here and at levels close to this one. You can fly at will anywhere you want (more later on training).

Love connection with your plants puts you in the driver seat literally (and with any other plants). You can literally project yourself (re-manifest) inside any living thing be it plant, animal, or even humans.

The pathway/connection to getting “in”, to living things is love. Believe it or not you can feel like what it feels to be a sun drenched forest in the breeze. You can get into a flying bird and see through it’s eyes but only through the, “love”, connection.

Not talking shape-shifting here (although been accused of that and believe still a few Native Americans have that ability) but that is something completely different.

This I write one actually gets into living things not change into. You already realize you are one with living things so the, “love”, becomes that connection to shift your awareness to another, “part”, of yourself.

You simply re-manifest your awareness to another part of yourself (any living thing). You can spread yourself across the globe (or universe) because you are the globe and universe. This planet is alive also in part. Many undiscovered life forms exist here on this planet (to be discussed later).

Help in these things (I had help early on) is also likely from higher spiritual beings (usually some high dude from Himalaya that passed and doesn’t have to come back here anymore) or even spiritual beings that just stay over there like angels.

Any serious student in this I can promise you will have help from other side. There is a bit of a conflict going on as time is kinda short and we want as many that can make it will make it (to be discussed more later). Almost a competition!

Unfortunately, evil wins for the most part but we still want as many as we can get into the, “lifeboats” (too be discussed more later).

Anyway important to remember!

God is love! (don’t believe in God but have love too bad you got Him whether you like it or not…lol).

Love is the connection for any and all real communication with all living things and the universe and beyond.

Love is a genuine power that can move mountains, and heal, levitate, superhuman strength etc. because it, “fine tunes”, that, “rod of light”, mentioned earlier.

Love is the way!

Next time…more spiritual realm geography with examples of my early training.


“all you need is love”—Beatles

Now for every spiritual level that exists here in the mind,heart, and soul of humans there exists a place on the other side. Just as, “like molecules”, attract so it is with souls. The Ted Bundy’s and Jeffrey Dahmer’s types go to a place where other like minds, souls, and hearts exist. So it is with the opposite extreme for those filled with love in their hearts. There are more places than I could even begin to count although the number of levels is finite. There are very few at the, “highest levels”, as you might could imagine.

This level here would be a little below halfway. Evil has access only up to this level. So domain of evil is this level and lower. One doesn’t really want to travel to lower levels but much of your training will take place at levels very close to this one (both upper and lower). I use terms like up and down for lack of better description to describe the, “non-physical” in this instance.

Now an interesting thing here that many don’t understand. Some can run faster and some are smarter but no one is really better (or above) another. We are all unique and different (like snowflakes) but all have a purpose for being here and no one is more important than another.

Anyone who think themselves better than another (and many do) deceive themselves!

We don’t care about your status, money, or position in life we care about your heart. And we can discern by the hue of your, “rod of light”, if you make the cut (too be discussed later). Many who think they should be first will be last and many one would think would be last…will be first!

This is very important and crucial that you get this next formula/concept concerning love.

Love only comes through by way of, “humility”!

Pride blocks the movement and transference of love energy!

I’m not talking about, “pride”, in something like a, “job well done”, or a, “sports team”. I’m talking about the kind of personal pride that makes and prompts one to think themselves better or more important than another.

Nothing but bad comes from this personal pride but inflated ego (causing massive insecurity) plus an array of stuff like rage/anger, selfishness, depression, physiological damage including high blood pressure, heart disease, and on and on.

One doesn’t have to reach ego-death to accomplish this. Most of us just need to do some self-examination and recognize through self-realization our own shortcomings (I myself have a long way to go and it is this daily battle through self-realization how messed up I am that keeps me humble). I am the worst because I really know different.

Yet, still those things I do not want to do…I do. And those I want to do…I do not do! Daily battle!

Doesn’t matter how perfect you think you are. You ain’t! Let’s get real and get humble (find humility) through recognition of our own shortcomings. Usually, one can take a peek into their own selfish wants and desires for a good place to start.

True and real humility is rare here on this planet. Many good at acting though.

So, you can, “listen to your breathing”, and shut off your, “internal dialogue”, so as to begin to exercise (and use) your, “sixth”, sense (that is atrophied from non-use) and begin to build new neural pathways to begin new activity in an unused area of the brain and awaken the, “rod of light” but without, “love”, it’s all for naught.You can learn an astral projection technique but you ain’t going anywhere without, “love”!

Your pathway to love is through humility and your pathway to humility is self-realization through self-examination of your own shortcomings.

So without the crucial, “fine tuning”, on the, “rod of light”, that is only accomplished through love then all is for naught.

That is to say that without, “love”, all the aforementioned is for naught.

A not so fun aside: there will come a time when here on this planet for a time this, “heightened awareness”, and associated techniques will be crucial to the survival of some people on this planet (too be discussed later).

The hope is many won’t have to utilize, “heightened awareness”, to survive because you won’t be here because you got in touch with that, “love”, within in time to make it (still some time).

Now a metaphysical happening experiment I tried many years ago (this is actually a warning also): I had been experimenting out in the desert a lot with getting into stuff like plants and animals and birds (I am like an animal magnet as they always come around and show up which is kinda a bummer when they are jaguars, bears, mountain lions, rattlesnakes, Hyenas in Israel etc.).

So I was getting good at re-manifesting into plants and animals so had an idea one night.

I was dropping off my best friend Greg (long since passed in motorcycle accident) at his house one night and asked if he had a 20 or 30 minutes as wanted to try something there sitting in the car. He said, “ok, what’s up”.

I said I just wanted to try something and that I needed him to be quiet for awhile. He pressed me for further details but finally got him to be quiet without going into what I was going to do.

After, a time I finally said look at me. He looked at me and when he did I saw my face. I asked Greg if he saw his face looking at me and he said he did. He was freaked out and just about jumped out of the car and I yelled, “don’t leave” (I was afraid we would get stuck that way)!

I was just as freaked out and said, “wait…it’s a transference and I’m afraid we will stay this way if you go”. He was like wow man, “how did you do that”? I told him I had been practicing on plants and animals (mostly birds because most fun) and he was the first person I tried this on.

Greg had finally calmed down some and stuck his hand out and said, “I wanna shake my own hand”. I never will forget leaning over in the car seat and looking myself right in the face as I shook my own hand (and he shook his as my face was his). After what I know was hours (we were falling asleep) finally we looked over at each other and saw our faces as they should be.

Funny part was for almost a year afterwards we both would catch people (sometimes together and sometimes not) calling him by my name and call me Greg. And our names aren’t even close. Greg would always ask someone when they did that why they did that and no one ever had an answer.

Greg was the first and last person, “I got into”, and one might want to avoid this. I can (and have for years) learned to shut off the flood of info I can receive just from looking into one’s eyes. I don’t want their life story (and all the bad stuff they did) in my head. None of my business so learned when young to mostly block stuff! Freaked out friends by telling other people their names I didn’t even know and hadn’t yet met.

You would be amazed at what one can do when one realizes they are all living things.

You can’t levitate much in part because the world has taught you it’s impossible (and you believe them).

All things are possible through love!

Next time…helpers, and hassles of making your lucid dream portal.


I use to be a self rightous arrogant better than you kind of person in all of my 20s…it took humility to bring me down off my throne…im 43 and very humble and thankfull for that humility…im a better person now .have more friends and a huge family…so i believe in the humility…im not better than anyone…maybe not even equal…but proud


“You can choose a ready guide in some celestial voice.
If you choose not to decide, you still have made a choice.
You can choose from phantom fears and kindness that can kill;
I will choose a path that’s clear-
I will choose Free Will.” - Rush

Thanks for your input @2tokejoke really appreciate it.

Imagine one (like a really high spiritual being like an angel or even those of the, “family of God”) that never left paradise where the sun never gets too hot and never completely sets (some of the best places have continual sunset) and never any death or suffering. But most important! No temptations and tests to exercise, “free will”.

Everyone on this planet (excluding the most evil) is important and precious and none are better than another. And all have a chance to make it even higher than many that have always been at a high spiritual level and never suffered or was tested at a level like this one.

We have the, “free will”, to choose right from wrong.

What’s right and wrong?

Unless you are a sociopath (estimates put it at one in a hundred) then believe it or not you inherently know when you choose wrongly. That is to say unless you are a sociopath then you already know when you have done bad (even from an early age).

We are in a position to all be shooting stars by utilizing our, “free will”, rightly.

Reap the harvest you sow, Karma, action/reaction, what come’s around goes around, etc. are all true. When we do something against another we actually do it against ourselves. Ever wonder why one has such, “bad luck”, and bad stuff happening? Try doing the right thing. The top thing on the list is, “helping others”!

We that overcome our selfish wants and desires by choosing rightly (with our free will) and seek to help others rapidly progress up the spiritual path. Many in this world seek to take advantage (and use) others (usually for their own financial gain) but what they don’t realize is that when one deals unfairly with another these vibrations will bounce back and end badly (usually a heart attack, stroke, or aneurysm etc.) long before old age.

An acquaintance asked me the other day why so many of his friends seemed to have such bad luck all the time. I asked him if they were good people and did the right thing and helped others. He replied, “hell no, their all liars and thieves”. I said, “there’s your answer”.

We that suffer and overcome despair are refined by, “fire” and thus become stronger by choosing rightly. We here have a, “free will”, to make that choice. On higher spiritual levels where some remain, “always”, they don’t have this opportunity to exercise this, “free will”, thus giving us an advantage of strengths they (like some angels) have no experience with and ultimately many here will be higher than them (some of the angels) when this is all done (too be discussed later).

Didn’t get to, "helpers, and hassles of making your lucid dream portal this time (sometimes gotta grab em when they come through…thoughts that is).


Ive been wanting to post this reply, but i cant stop reading the posts! Excellent topic and tell your wife

that she is not alone in having to deal with people like us, for i too am hardwired for love and have to release the pain of humanity through a cry, mine being on the outside though. My husband, (wonderful man that he is) has just learned to roll with it. We just “hug” it out. You just made me realize that it is the love between us driving the unspoken communication of him knowing exactly how to sooth me when i have one my “cries” Thank you for that realization. And thank u for this info, you are the only other person i have heard of that cries for strangers the way i do. I cant wait to tell my husband! :grinning:

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"We were talking
About the space between us all
And the people
Who hide themselves behind a wall of illusion
Never glimpse the truth
Then it’s far too late when they pass away

We were talking
About the love we all could share
When we find it
To try our best to hold it there, with our love, with our love
We could save the world, if they only knew

Try to realize it’s all within yourself, no-one else can make you change
And to see you’re really only very small
And life flows on within you and without you

We were talking
About the love that’s gone so cold
And the people
Who gain the world and lose their soul
They don’t know, they can’t see
Are you one of them?

When you’ve seen beyond yourself then you may find peace of mind is waiting there
And the time will come when you see we’re all one
And life flows on within you and without you" - George Harrison

Thank you so much for your kind words @Roxaglyphs. Your dose of love is a great gift with great potential. I hope you don’t bury it (from whom much is given…much is expected!).

When one initially begins to recognize that lucid dreaming (and much non-lucid dreaming also) is actually astral projection then over time you will create a, “portal”. Just happens!

Now when this portal is created initially many spirits from the other side are gonna come through your portal.

With barely more than your self-realization and awareness you have created a portal that actual spirits will attempt to utilize for a wide range of reasons I suspect. Many pass with unresolved issues with loved ones and will often attempt to make contact or use someone that has the, “awareness”, of, "both sides in an attempt to resolve these issues (don’t hold grudges and match pride of loved ones you love…instead love em here/now and forgive…you only hurting yourself with grudges).

I still recall the hair on the back of my neck standing up the first time I saw (and felt) someone sitting on the edge of my bed (on side against the wall where no room to sit). Saw the actual bed/mattress press down right next to me.

Earlier I wrote, “I hate ghosts”. I actually love all souls but hate the way ghosts can sneak up on me. Also, the ghosts that are here are here for a reason and believe me you don’t want to stay in levels that overlap this one after you pass because this ain’t a cool place to be (evil has access to this level).

The main reason you don’t want to be here when you pass is because there are many more much nicer places where no evil dwells. Most ghosts here (excluding those who don’t know they are dead which is often caused by extreme trauma associated with their passing for example like weather/natural disaster events, etc.) put themselves here by strongly believing that there was nothing beyond all this (the power of belief is a strong thing).

So the hassles may involve dealing with some ghosts at first. Once they see that you are not a medium and they can’t talk too (or through you because you won’t allow it) then they will eventually go away. If you notice for example that your dog is afraid to come into your room then you will know why.

If you find you can hear them (and suddenly someone else shows up glowing light (usually a mom that already passed)) then divert the ghost’s attention to the glowing light and tell them to go into the light and not be afraid and usually they gone instantly. Can’t even begin to count the number of souls I’ve helped pass (too be discussed more later).

If you have love then you have God. All love springs forth like a fountain for all to drink of from God. If you have love then you have God and if you have God then you are protected from evil spirits (believe it!).

Some Christian denominations actually play games with demons and evil spirits producing actual supernatural phenomenon so as to deceive onlookers into believing they have, “the power of God”. Problem is the supernatural phenomenon isn’t coming from God and some of these Christian denominations are actually working for evil and don’t even know it. Strange place this planet is.

So the hassles are minimal at worse and a learning experience (and test of your fortitude) at best in dealing with those curious souls that may initially visit you upon your gaining control of your dreaming.

Now if you think the hassle part of this was strange get ready for some real strange stuff, “the helpers”!

I have had many helpers! Some I have seen and many I have not.

One of my first remembrances were many nights of same hand grabbing my wrist (and I would naturally grab wrist of hand grabbing my wrist as was pulled). So I got pulled out of my body to many places by some hand pulling me (and never saw a face or more than the hand). Happened on and off for months.

One of the strangest times was, “awakened”, in this chair inside a glowing bubble and shot off somewhere only to be startled the next day by my neighbor (a dentist). He kinda yelled at me what did I think I was doing shining a light into his bedroom (as he pointed up to a second story window on the side of his house).

I said, “I didn’t shine any light into your window last night”.

He replied, “It woke me up it was so bright and I got up and looked out the window and saw the light was coming from your window there” as he pointed at my first story bedroom window.

I told him I didn’t even have a flood light/spot light and didn’t know what he had seen but knew right away it was me in a glowing bubble chair…lol.

For many years I had the same woman and man (looked like maybe late 20’s early 30’s) showing up together off and on for many years helping me. I’m sure they both are angels. Funny, last time I saw them (many years ago) they showed me that I would be looking in from the outside (could not completely join with the human race in their ways). Strange place this planet is.

Had many encounters with obvious, “yogis” helping me on the other side.

Although, my greatest training/helper (starting at age 7) was fear. My training is ongoing (too be discussed more later)!

Not far from where I live here in New Mexico is a place I used to hang out a lot by myself (solo camping) and would spend the night sitting on top of a very large sand dune watching these balls of light zig-zag around.

They are about the size of a basketball and strobe white,red,yellow,blue,green in no particular order and float above the ground usually from 4 to 10 feet. They kinda bounce and dance around. I have attempted to walk towards them and they always moved away or disappeared into the ground as I got close.

I have taken many, “tough guy”, friends out into the desert (another place they show up also) and told them in advance what they would see and they all said they wouldn’t be afraid. But they all were scared to death and frantically wanted to leave right away they were so afraid.

I (due to my greatest helper, “fear”) was not. Even took my wife out there and she actually did better then three guys I showed them to but she also wanted to leave right away.

I told one of my friends after he refused to walk towards them, “let’s just sit down here and watch them for awhile”. He replied, “no let’s get back to the truck and leave”. Two of my, “tough guy”, friends were crying they were so afraid. Easy to be tough until you experience the unknown/supernatural yourself. Fear is a great teacher!

Which brings me to my first experience at age 7 that likely started everything off.

A ball/sphere of light approximately the size of a basketball comes through my screen-less window (not sure if screen mattered but were interestingly enough off for cleaning and hadn’t been put back on (second story bedroom) and I’m awake on my back and it comes within approximately a foot above my face and drops what looks like millions of glitter into my eyes.

I reach up instinctively to wipe the bridge of my nose (as know some must have also fallen on my nose) and the sphere darts back out the window. Outside my window is the sound of a UFO. My mom had commented when she put me to bed while looking out the window that there was a strange light in the clouds. I also looked and just looked like a glowing cloud.

What does a UFO sound like? Whirling sound. Kinda like if you took a large steel ball at the end of a steel cable and swung it around fast with a slight echo/reverberation.

I was so scared my legs were shaking uncontrollably/spasmodically (never happened since then). The sound of the flying saucer was so loud I couldn’t understand why my whole family wasn’t up. The sound finally started to fade and when I could just faintly hear it I started to yell for my dad (always prior when sick, toothache, etc. had yelled for mom). As soon as I started to yell the UFO (and sound) came back loud.

Three times I tried to yell yet had to remain silent for what had to be hours waiting to be sure it wouldn’t come back before safe to yell. It wasn’t long after this experience that my first, “out-of-the-body”, experiences started.

The ball/sphere of light that came in my window at age seven looked the same as the balls/spheres out in New Mexico desert. Been kinda mad in a way at that ball of light my whole life because been like wtf!?!? Why me!?!? Just wanted to be normal!

So one night I had another somewhat close encounter out in the desert at night by myself but wasn’t a little kid any more.

This is double story as is also a ghost story (some people have all the luck…not).

So out wandering the desert in a favorite area in middle of nowhere and my K-5 Blazer parked some miles away (too soft of sand even for four wheel drive) and nearest paved road more than 10 miles (crappy road) and nearest highway about 50 miles away. Nearest Airport over 250 miles away.

It was early fall so mild temps in high 70’s so dressed in shorts, shirt, small day pack, and with a windbreaker. Suddenly a storm moved in quickly and as dark clouds approached and knowing I was not dressed for evening temps if wet so I ducked into a century old abandoned adobe house with no windows or doors and partially caved in roof that I knew was in the area.

Here is a sketch I did years ago of the house. Bottom cut off some to hide my name.

There was enough of a roof to keep me dry and so I thought I would just have to wait out the hard part of the rain and could move on (typical for desert). Well the rain just wouldn’t let up and I was miles from my truck and next thing I knew the sun had set and it was dark.

Already shivering I could hear noises. I count off the noises in my mind. Tree rubbing on roof sound at back of house…ok. Pack-rat in wall sound…ok. Rain dripping sounds. But there were other sounds I couldn’t explain. Like someone walking around sounds.

Crap! Damn ghost in this house! Typical of homesteaders to not want to leave the house they built (even after they pass). Many ghosts stay back in their house for various reasons.

I’m thinking of making a break for it as is just a light drizzle now and doesn’t even feel that cold. Problem is that since it’s dark (and the, “no moon”, kinda dark) then I have to take what once was the long driveway of this house to a dirt road and walk the road back (which is longer) to my truck. Whereas in daylight I could have cut across a much shorter route overland but in the dark running into cactus ain’t much fun so the road I will have to go.

So I’m standing there debating in my mind to go now or wait for possible, “no drizzle”, when suddenly a loud vocal exhale was produced inches from my ear. I immediately turn my head expecting to see someone and in an instant realize the ghost just did that.

I bolted out the door-less front doorway into the dark and drizzle and headed down what once was a dirt/sand driveway! I had once parked part way down the driveway years before and was then when my wife saw, “the lights”, at the house. They were darting in and out the windows and open doorways.

Usually the lights were further down the valley/large arroyo. I hit the main dirt road after a long walk down the old driveway and looked back through the dark towards where the house would be and saw nothing. Oftentimes I had camped and spent nights out there in that area when the lights didn’t show up so wondered if they would that night.

As I walked the dirt road I saw a light out of the corner of my eye and turned to look and sure enough there it was. Only one light. Usually there are two but have seen three.

As I walk it parallels me across the field some distance away. I soon realize (knowing there is a right hand turn coming up) that if it continues on it’s course we will meet shortly after the turn.

I get to the corner and turn and eye the light suspiciously as it has stopped some distance away. It’s not bobbing, or zig zag or even strobe (is this a different light?).

Next thing I see is it’s coming right for me fast.

I want to run!

The tingles at back of my neck cause my hairs to stand up and my eyes to tear.

I want to turn and run but I don’t!

I stand there facing my angst at these damn things wanting to know not so much what…but why! Why me?

But that alone didn’t keep me from running. My trust in, “love”, was (and is the only thing I know of) that can overcome fear.

The sphere of light after racing across the field towards me pulled up and stopped approximately 20 feet away. I was greatly relieved (as you might imagine).

We looked at each other a brief time and the sphere turned and went off at an angle and disappeared into the ground a short distance away.

Two experiences with a sphere of light (maybe same light) many years apart (one when age seven others more recent). My training in controlling fear (reliance on Love) has brought me far when compared.

Your best helper/trainer is fear itself. It will force you to rely on the only true power in the universe…love!

Earlier, someone posted (forgive me for not looking back) they weren’t afraid of demons but ET’s scared him.

I affectionately call ET’s, “my buddies”! No need to be afraid of them…at least not yet (there is still some time)!

The most terrified (and most reliance needed upon, “love”) I have been has been when dealing with a major demon (there are seven chief demons and I have dealt (beat) five of them. Both sides are supernatural.

What people don’t understand is that the, “family of God”, (even God has a Father) is they kinda messed up with Lucifer. Lucifer was (and still is) the most powerful angel (He used to run everything himself) so, “family of God”, wouldn’t be bothered with stuff. They created a being that was almost as powerful as themselves and more powerful than all the angels (even Michael).

Fortunately, round one (only two rounds to go) will be fought at this level giving Michael an advantage (too be discussed later). Strange place this planet is.

The important part to remember is that true fear comes when dealing with true supernatural powers and the only remedy/recourse is reliance on, “the power of love”. Not all angels and demons are equal and some have considerable power.

I always warn people to avoid the occult (and associated movements/groups) as this stuff is real and for one unprepared and not knowledgeable in these things could seriously open themselves up to evil spirits and/or a world of hurt and misfortune.

Next time…more lucid dreaming training examples


"Carry on my wayward son
There’ll be peace when you are done
Lay your weary head to rest
Don’t you cry no more

Once I rose above the noise and confusion
Just to get a glimpse beyond this illusion
I was soaring ever higher
But I flew too high

Though my eyes could see, I still was a blind man
Though my mind could think, I still was a mad man
I hear the voices when I’m dreaming
I can hear them say

Carry on, my wayward son
There’ll be peace when you are done
Lay your weary head to rest
Don’t you cry no more

Masquerading as a man with a reason
My charade is the event of the season
And if I claim to be a wise man, well
It surely means that I don’t know

On a stormy sea of moving emotion
Tossed about, I’m like a ship on the ocean
I set a course for winds of fortune
But I hear the voices say

Carry on, my wayward son
There’ll be peace when you are done
Lay your weary head to rest
Don’t you cry no more
No!" - Kansas

If you made it this far into this thread you likely are supposed to be here (many are called…few are chosen)! Most could care less about what is discussed/revealed here. “You do” (and there is a reason for that!). There is a reason and purpose for everything! Many do not seek enlightenment and increased awareness and abilities. Many are unconcerned with fixing the disconnect between one’s heart and mind! Many ain’t gonna make it when the dark and terrible day arrives!

Firstly, before we get started I want to backtrack a bit back to glowing spheres. So as not to confuse there are different life forms that utilize the sphere shape/form. Many ghosts/spirits (and even dreamers) can take on the form of a sphere.

The main differences between a spirit’s sphere and those I have seen here in New Mexico desert (starting in 1977) and sketch above is about eight years old and could go out there next week and see them except the government has put up fences everywhere restricting access (about 8 years ago). Funny part is not shown on map as bombing range etc. Place isn’t that far from Roswell UFO crash site (as the crow flies).

Anyway, the UFO glowing strobes are closer to size of a basketball (actually between a soccer ball and basketball size would be about right). The spirit/ghost spheres are about the size of a grapefruit and don’t strobe colors and are very dim by comparison.

As an aside; I had an extraordinary encounter with two of them once that I will reveal here now.

Leaving out much detail as to how and why I wound up, “on foot”, in a distant town (I had never visited before and knew no one there) and had no way out of small town.

As I’m standing on broken glass in the shadows at the bottom of an open rail car with my 9mm in hand listening to the engine on the track next to me and I hear many footsteps running on the loose gravel below. I thank God they climbed the opposite end of rail car to look in and didn’t see me dressed all in black in the shadow from the rail yard lights down at opposite end of open top car (obviously used to haul recycled glass). I don’t want to hurt anyone.

Suddenly I duck as out of the corner of my eye I see something falling towards me (leaves?). Next I see they are not falling leaves (no trees in middle of a rail yard) but are two faint spheres about the size of a grapefruit. They travel right into my head…wtf???

I then hear the train engine on track next to me (the train I am about to jump on) rev it’s engine.

Now here is an aside within an aside; some years before a homeless guy walked up to me and gave me the entire sequence of when a train rev’s it’s engine and it’s about to take off and then wait for the loud metal on metal sound of the gear engaging and then he told me it will get going pretty quick after the gear engages so get ready to jump shortly after the sound of the gear engaging. I even asked this guy why he was telling me this stuff and he really didn’t know.

Now in the train yard it all came back!

So now I got two spheres in my head and I’m prompted to clear the chamber of my 9mm so doesn’t go off when I jump so don’t shoot myself (much preceded my entrance into train yard…running footsteps etc. not gonna go into but wasn’t gonna shoot someone just to jump a train…other issues like defending myself).

I hear the gear engage (loud metal on metal sound). So I climb the ladder inside the mostly empty open top rail car and look over the edge at the now slowly moving train on track next to train I’m in.

I then kinda heard but not heard as was my voice/thought process, “we will tell you when to jump”! What!?!?

“we will tell you when to jump”

I say (inside my head to myself) “so you are gonna tell me when to jump”?

I hear, “yes”.

I repeat the question countless times rapidly as I watch the train going faster and faster and realize I must time it to jump at front or back of a car.

I keep hearing, “yes”, to my repeating question, “so you gonna tell me when to jump”?

I then see a flat car with a bunch of machinery bolted down on it and see one spot to land if I time it right.

I hear, “jump” and do!

I instantly realize when I land on the wooden flat car that I almost bounced and rolled off the back onto the track. And had I been seconds too soon I would have impaled myself on the machinery and slid off the edge down on the track. So seconds too late I’m dead on the track and to soon I’m dead. The jump between tracks and from top of a car down to flat top was in itself a marvel.

The fascinating part for me is the spheres had to be time travelers as how else could they have known the precise time for me to jump in advance? Strange place this planet is.

I actually am the, “king of close calls” (could write a true book and no one would believe it)!

So maybe I’m still, “here”, just for you now!

More glowing light and entity/spirit/ghost stories to come but for now back to dreaming.

When I first learned to fly I had help from what I believe is an angel (mentioned earlier about man and woman that helped me for years on the other side). The woman had brown/black hair and the man had blond hair. This was the first time I had seen the blond haired man and had not yet seen the woman.

I was lucid dreaming (having awareness of whole body, “in dream”, while knowing and having the awareness that asleep in bed and also there in dream at same time) in likely the most beautiful landscape I have ever seen (and have been around the planet much).

I was walking up a trail in the mountains and there was a side trail that was unused and overgrown so took it. The path soon took a steep incline and became like a ladder it was so steep. The ladder steps were actually dirt sections protruding from the side of the cliff.

I was climbing the ladder path and parts of it started to break off. I was almost to the edge of the top but couldn’t quite reach it. As the ladders sections continued to crumble and I was about to fall the blond haired man’s head appeared over the edge with a giant grin.

I reached up with my hand for help as was about to fall and he just grinned. I was kinda mad at the blond hair man for not helping me as I slipped off the cliff and fell.

But instead of falling fast I was floating down. There was a giant abyss to one side of the main trail I was on earlier and could see looking way down there that I was heading for it. For some reason I had my legs straight out in front of me (bent at the waist) and noticed I would go the direction my toes were pointed.

I pointed my toes away from the abyss and glided down over a beautiful slope. The sun was in continual sunset (it was beautiful) and wasn’t too hot or cold but just right.

So now I’m going pretty fast I realize as I get close to the ground that I don’t know how to stop! The slope of the hill was just right for the angle I came in at and am soon flying above the ground (with toes still pointed forward and legs bent straight at the waist (almost a sitting position except with legs outstretched) about 3 feet above the ground.

I see up ahead a man and a woman sitting (wearing Hawaiian shirts) at corner of a large rope with square sections that is stretched out across the slope (about the size of football field?) and disappears out of sight down the slope.

The man and woman each have a clipboard in hand and can see they are like scorekeepers and this is some kind of game and I’m gonna fly right into it. I gotta stop now!

As I’m closing in fast on the seated couple I take my legs and feet and parallel stop (like snow skies or ice skates). As I’m doing this I see I am really going fast as my legs bore down into the ground shaking a bunch of dirt that flies up on their Hawaiian shirts just as I pull up to a stop.

They spin around glaring at me and I see (and know somehow) they live there (have already passed) and I’m just visiting. Someday I will have the opportunity to play that game myself (whatever it is) if I want. There is a Robin Williams movie where he goes to other side (into a painting) and is actually very close to reality in part (not oil paint though). I have seen a place so beautiful that I couldn’t go there then but someday I can.

Over time I realized I can fly however I want. Somersaults, zipping around trees, etc.

Thought is distance! As soon as one thinks or visualize the place you are there.

This also works here through dreaming. I have had naps and then verified after awake if what I perceived a short distance away (like on campus or at the park) was actual (and it was).

I am no longer allowed to stand beside myself sleeping in bed or fly around here on this level except for defensive purposes (haven’t for many years) because I know what I can do (and they know I know) and can’t be trusted with the power I have in that state (the same power everyone can have someday).

I’m kinda a hothead so I understand. Mainly I have much work to do yet on myself like overcome my own selfish wants and desires and even mellow my temperament with love.

I mostly get called to duty these days anyway.

Here are a few of the more exceptional lucid dreaming, “duty”, stories as relates to training and what one might expect.

I was standing in a closet hugging and calming down a hysterical young girl while her brother briefly stared at us from a top bunk bed and then I saw the mother in light at the corner ceiling of the room (they almost always show up at the ceiling corner of the room) and I showed the girl her mom and, “poof”, they all gone.

That same night there was a tornado that took out a whole side of a residential street killing many people some distance away from where I live (about 400 miles). The news channel I watch sometimes is actually the state next to the one I live in and saw footage a neighbor across the street from the devastation had of an outdoor barbecue with a family that had just been killed in the tornado.

I recognized the girl, brother, and mother from the footage. I started crying.

I almost drove over there to tell family and friends they are alright but they would think I was crazy.

That little girl almost got left behind due to trauma/hysteria associated with the tornado and would have haunted that house until the second resurrection (approximately 1000 years).

Her brother stayed behind for her but if I hadn’t been able to calm the girl down and divert her attention towards her mom she would have been left.

I have countless stories like this (even some hundred year old ghosts I helped pass) but what stands out are three times I got called in for a bizarre and somewhat frantic (but paced) duty.

The first time there were so many souls at once I was overwhelmed. There was one other there with me the first time and two others there with me doing the same thing as me the other times but have no idea who they are and didn’t ever even see them. I just knew they were there.

Every soul has a hue and slight differentiating color. What looks like up side down trees with branches of lightning funnel souls of various hues together in associated branches of matching hues. We sort the souls and direct them to the right branch of lightning. I did what I did as if it was natural and something I had always done yet couldn’t really tell you how I did it.

It just kinda flows and happens. It overloads the system when many pass at once. I was called in first for one like this for World Trade center (one other there with me). Next was Indian Ocean tsunami of 2004, and the Japan earthquake and tsunami of 2011 and both of these there were two other’s doing same thing as me but never saw them and don’t know who they are.

I knew before anyone (and told people) the reactor in Japan was leaking. I was there man!

Anyway, I know there is a place for everyone but where that soul/person goes depends upon the person.

Next time…the beginnings of the, “astral projection” technique and more examples of what you might can expect.


Over the mountain, take me across the sky
Something in my vision, something deep inside
Where did I wander, where do you think I wandered to
I’ve seen life’s magic astral plane I travel through

I heard them tell me that this land of dreams was now
I told them I had ridden shooting stars
And said I’d show them how


They say when the student is ready, the teacher will appear. As always, cant wait for more. Super interesting reads here.


"Hearing - talking - yes I - love you

One heart’s for love hearts
One’s for giving sailing down the river
Two hearts are better hearts
Than one throwing out a line
I hearing it hearts
I living it
I believe in it sharing out your fortunes
I loving it
Two hearts are better hearts
Than one in and out of time

Who would believe you - wise men do
Days that we knew it clear with you
You sing the answers question time
Now it you need me let our hearts entwine
Let our hearts entwine

Hearts - sailing down the river
Hearts - throwing out a line
I hearing it - I living it - I believe in it - I loving it

Two hearts will always be
In and out of time

One heart’s for love hearts
One’s for giving sailing down the river
Two hearts are better hearts
Than one throwing out a line
I hearing it hearts
I living it
I believe in it sharing out your fortunes
I loving it
Two hearts are better hearts
Than one in and out of time

As we flow down life’s rivers
I see the star glow - one by one
All angels of the magic constellation
Be singing us now - Yes

Nice! Way to go @Roxaglyphs. I’ve owned several Ozzy albums (including the one this song on) good stuff man!

This astral projection technique came about by chance/accident. I know it works as taught it to a handful of friends and they all tried it and it worked for them (they all wound up standing beside themselves while asleep in bed). None of them wanted anything to do with this stuff again after that experience due to the, “fright factor”.

At least they all had the witness of a, “spiritual essence”, that is separate from the physical body giving them proof positive of, “life after death”. That is in itself significant.

One friend I mentioned earlier named Greg had a humorous adventure (not for him though). He got up out of bed and saw his mom in the kitchen making breakfast and went into the hall bathroom and looked at himself in the mirror. He took some talc and poured some out over the sink and saw it fall like in slow motion.

He went back into his room and saw himself sleeping in bed. He was terrified that he had died. He could see his body sweating and went to shake himself and when he did he felt a very strong electrical jolt.

Now he was even more afraid. He sat down on his bed next to his sleeping body not knowing what to do.

Then abruptly he was awakened by his alarm clock. He claims it saved his life…lol.

So set your alarm the night before you try this technique (just in case). And don’t touch yourself while in that state (somehow I always just knew that). It’s interesting the tremendous power I myself have in that state yet somehow the physical body prevents much of that power from being revealed/utilized while in the physical. Some abilities can come through however (too be discussed later).

Greg had noticed after he awoke that talc had been dumped around sink area. He had demonstrated that he could effect the physical world while in, “spirit”, state.

I first noticed I could effect the physical world when one night while trying to stay in my room with my body (seems always getting pulled off to places) and grabbed the wooden baseboard (at my feet) to the bed I was asleep in. My arms stretched and I went through the wall into the closet in adjoining room. I was getting pulled like I had a handle on my back but kept hold of the wooden bed frame of bed I was asleep in until finally I let go because my arms were so stretched.

In the morning I awoke to my mom yelling at me, “why is your bed in the center of the room”?

I knew why.

With this same technique you can travel back in time (not sure forward travel in time possible but past time travel is).

I went to a place and worked there as an apprentice sculptor to an old man making small figurines in an A-frame shaped shop surrounded by beautiful beaches. The streets were white from seashells. The people could walk without moving their feet (levitation) and talk without moving their mouths (telepathy).

I could have stayed there!

I could feel the pull and knew I had a choice! Back here my mom was about to call an ambulance as I wouldn’t wake up (and I’m a very light sleeper).

The place was a place the Romans sailed too once upon a time and witnessed this, “island of God’s”, (and called it Lemuria) and sailed away and upon arriving back in Rome they were so happy that the, “Gods”, had spared them that they created a holiday and celebrated the festival of Lemuria. Obviously not, “Gods”, but when they saw the people levitating and using telepathy then they assumed they must be Gods.

This celebration of Lemuria transitioned into what today is known as, “all saints day”, or “the day of the dead”. Lemuria is supposed to be about 20,000 years older than Atlantis.

One can find out much about themselves with this technique (aside from just astral projection).

We will use this same technique to force your, “hands”, to make an appearance in your dreams prompting, “lucid”, dreaming.

You will be doing this technique just prior to going asleep. You will do it in bed just prior to dozing off. Your subconscious mind is most receptive the closer you get to falling asleep. The ideal position is on your back and find ways to relax your muscles. Tightening leg, buttocks, and back muscles and release is good way.

Tighten and release leg muscle. Tighten and release buttocks. Tighten and release arms, and then back, etc. Do this for 15 minutes to relax your muscles.

Ever try and clench your fist first thing in the morning and find you can’t because your body still asleep? You want your body as close to that level of relaxation as possible. This is the point your subconscious is most receptive to orders.

So practice trying to stay awake (while your body falls asleep) each night for awhile. If you can do 15 minutes without falling asleep then you are doing good. Takes some practice.

Now a fun aside: Dug out this oil pastel I did of some sand dunes and have an entity story to go with.

This has actually happened numerous times and always freaks me out when it does.

I’m sitting on a sand dune in the warm sun and see a small, “dust devil” (whirlwind) meander towards me. Up and over and down a few sand dunes and here it comes.

I see it start up the side of the dune I’m on and so I close my eyes expecting sand to be stinging my face now. But it stops. The whole whirlwind just stopped.

I had the unnerving yet distinct feeling that someone (or something) was sitting next to me.

I jumped up and headed down the side and up another dune when I notice out of the corner of my eye a whirlwind start up where I was just sitting. It briefly headed my way until it spun out and disappeared.

Next time, “the technique”. After that we have examples of abilities that can, “come through”. Then ET’s, demons, etc.


"Well, I took a walk around the world
To ease my troubled mind
I left my body lying somewhere
In the sands of time

But I watched the world float to the dark side of the moon
I feel there is nothing I can do

I watched the world float to the dark side of the moon
After all I knew it had to be something to do with you
I really don’t mind what happens now and then
As long as you’ll be my friend at the end

If I go crazy then will you still call me Superman?
If I’m alive and well, will you be there a-holding my hand?
I’ll keep you by my side
With my superhuman might
Kryptonite" - 3 Doors Down

How I happened upon this method/approach to astral projection was through research of Edgar Cayce. Very interesting individual that deserves researching if one has the time. Mostly he is known for medical readings (surprisingly accurate and sophisticated) and research into past lives (reincarnation) through post hypnotic regression techniques.

He for example would take an Ohio housewife back several hundred years and the housewife would speak in a European dialect that could be traced to a specific region and time in Europe yet the housewife had no prior training in foreign languages or knowledge of specifics geographically. Hundreds of proven/documented cases like this by Edgar Cayce.

I thought, gee if Edgar Cayce is taking people back prior to their birth to past lives through hypnosis then why couldn’t I learn, “self-hypnosis” and take myself back to prior lives.

So I did (story above about Lemuria)!

But more importantly I realized there is a great power here through other applications of this, “self-hypnosis” technique.

I had already tried astral projection techniques like Eckankar that purport waking techniques for astral projection (that I don’t think are likely due to electrical jolts).

Through, “self-hypnosis”, one can deliver a specific command to the subconscious mind through auto-suggestion and the subconscious mind will carry out that command.

Warning: Be very specific in your choice of words used in your auto-suggestion as the subconscious mind is very literal.

Our first, “auto-suggestion”, will be, “I want to see my hands and gain control of my dream”.

This is a very powerful self-hypnosis technique and could be used for a wide range of beneficial things (like quitting smoking, etc.) just be careful and don’t play around with this. Use for serious stuff only!

The astral projection auto-suggestion used was, “I want to separate my spiritual essence from my physical body and stand beside myself sleeping in bed”.

One could use any specific language auto-suggestion they are comfortable with.

What happens is we do the relaxation techniques (while laying on back) and try and stay awake while our body falls asleep. Then we do the technique and fall asleep. The subconscious mind will carry out the auto-suggestion after we fall asleep. After the technique can turn and sleep natural instead of on back.

If you go straight to the astral projection technique you will likely scare yourself badly and not want anything to do with this again so I would suggest working on the lucid dreaming first.

The powerful self-hypnosis technique;

Visualize yourself at the top of a stairway (or escalator…I’ve used both) and count backwards from ten down to one. At five visualize yourself halfway down. Visualize your hand on the rail.

At one visualize yourself stepping off the escalator onto a landing. At the landing auto-suggest, “I want to see my hands and gain control of my dream”. Repeat this ten times and then visualize yourself stepping onto another escalator and count backwards again slowly from 10 down to 1 visualizing yourself with hand on rail entire time.

Again at count, “one”, step off onto landing and repeat same autosuggestion as before. Repeat this entire cycle at least three times (three sets of stairs). However, the more the better and even falling asleep auto-suggesting will ensure greater outcome.

If you do the astral projection technique set your alarm. If you travel back in time (before you were born) be aware that you shouldn’t stay there and set your alarm.

I have reached a point (actually did many years ago) where I scared myself when I realized all that I could do and effect. So for many years when stuff happens naturally then is supposed to happen. I refrain from controlling anything any more and if I’m supposed to effect a situation then I will be called in and it will happen naturally and not by my control but only if led.

Most likely won’t have to worry about that as most haven’t been doing this already for 50 years!

The lucid dreaming is great fun and great place to start to begin to learn about yourself and your fears (and just about nothing is as fun as flying…and not in a plane…birds must have a blast!).

Please post any results or questions!

Next time…when developed gifts/abilities come through here on this level


"I know there’s a place you walked
Where love falls from the trees
My heart is like a broken cup
I only feel right on my knees
I spit out like a sewer hole
Yet still receive your kiss
How can I measure up to anyone now
After such a love as this?

Well, who are you?
(Who are you? Who, who, who, who?)
Tell me, who are you?
(Who are you? Who, who, who, who?)
I really wanna know
(Who are you? Who, who, who, who?)
Tell me, tell me who are you?
(Who are you? Who, who, who, who?)

Come on come on
(Who are you? Who, who, who, who?)
Ahh who the fuck are you?
(Who are you? Who, who, who, who?)
(Who are you? Who, who, who, who?)
Tell me who are you?
(Who are you? Who?)
I really wanna know
I really wanna know
Come on tell me who are you?
You you
Ahh you" - The Who

After several months of living in the wilderness (started hiking at Carson City, Nevada and spent a month at lake Topaz before hiking up the Walker river and crossing over a Sierra Nevada pass over snow and eventually dropping off into Yosemite after traveling through the, “Emigrant Wilderness”.

It was early spring so waited at Lake Topaz until I could see some snow melt and green show up in higher elevation valleys that I could see from the vantage point of the lake. I fished daily (mostly trout) and had beans and rice. I stayed at Lake Topaz about a month. No tent but good cold weather bag.

Pic of Lake Topaz

That year there was 200% more than average snowfall and I wound up on the wrong side of a couple of roaring creeks.

By this time I’m a walking skeleton (native trout in small mountain lakes don’t take bait) and force feeding myself beans. Had already run out of rice.

Had cornered myself because where I wound up I had climbed (and scampered) up a cliff then down-climbed into a most beautiful small valley (that I refer to as the valley from hell…too be discussed later) that took two days to do two miles because so steep and overgrown with beautiful aromatic flowers, ferns, and even a few Sequoias.

When I came to the thundering Y-section where two roaring streams came together there in the, “valley from hell”, and realized I was trapped I sank to my knees in the sand searching my mind for a way out. Couldn’t go back the way I had come (because of cliff). Even if I could negotiate the cliff (done much technical climbing in youth…this was about 12 years ago as an old man) I wouldn’t have the strength to hike up and would have to go very far to circumvent the roaring stream (like near to the headwaters).

The streams were roaring rapids and continuous waterfalls for the most part but recalled an area where it flattened and spread out somewhat making for less rapids. If you have never been to Yosemite you should it is beautiful but treacherous as mostly steep granite cliffs and valleys.

I headed upstream a short distance and spotted a partially rotted log and kicked it hoping to see a grub. What I saw instead was a nest of ladybugs. I took my pack off and grabbed me a spoon and dug in washing down hundreds with water.

Next I started binding together logs to make a raft to get across the river. I built this raft real quick and pushed it out onto edge of stream and stepped on it and it sunk right to the bottom. I wasn’t even close in having enough buoyancy with the puny logs I picked.

I took it apart and took my twine (much I had picked up along the way) and rope I used to hang my food from a tree (due to bears) and went and grabbed a giant tree log (that was really too big for me to lift in hindsight). I grabbed three giant logs and tied em together.

I could barely lift one log so three would be impossible to move so had to build half in and half out of the water. I was at a small backwater and could see some very small trees almost in a row stretched out across about two thirds of the stream and most sticking above the water about two to four feet.

My hope was that my raft if maneuvered correctly would get caught up on the trees and prevent me from going over the falls if I couldn’t make it completely across. The point at which I would cross was about half a city block across so decent distance across.

I could see by the whirlpools and logs and branches floating by that even though wasn’t rapids there was a serious current. Also, the water was snow melt cold.

I threw a small log in to check current. It came back up along the side of bank (backwater current) and when it floated away from the bank some upstream it shot out downstream. Yikes!

I pushed my raft out into the water and hopped on with my legs hanging over the side of my three log raft. I immediately jerked side to side adjustments to remain upright as I drifted away from the bank. OMG I need side stabilizers!

I had made a paddle and was paddling like a mad man while jerking back and forth balance adjustments (what a sight I would have made). The paddle did nothing. The current was too strong!

I was just over halfway across when my raft got caught up in the trees. I look down over the edge of the raft and see sand at the base of the small weed trees. I realize I can stand on the sand where the trees are.

I can sense my raft is gonna squeeze through the trees and jump off and untie my backpack from the raft. The water is up to my chest and didn’t realize until later that I never felt the cold of the water. I’m having a hard time hanging on to my raft.

I’m standing chest deep in snow melt water in middle of a stream and realize I can’t hang onto my raft any longer and grab my backpack and staff (yes a staff also). My raft, “in a flash”, disappears downstream.

I put the backpack on and follow a path of sand and weed trees upstream some at an angle taking me closer to opposite bank. My backpack fills two thirds with water as is still up to my chest.

The underwater sand weed tree path ended into darkness. Could see nothing but darkness looking down into water all around and still about twenty feet from bank. Then could barely see what had to be the top of a boulder down in the water. I aimed my foot for it and went.

While balancing on one foot on top of a boulder I see another boulder that takes me one step closer to bank.

I take a giant step to next boulder top. Now I have room for both feet on boulder top and am about maybe five or six feet from bank. There is an eroded tree root extending from bank maybe four feet or so and realize I have to make a go for it and jump.

I barely am able to grab the tree root and pull myself to safety.

Later the next day I caught up with a couple of wildlife biologists working in the area and told them about my eating ladybugs. They said, “you can’t eat ladybugs”! “They are poisonous”!

Wasn’t possible for me to cross that stream! A lesser stream with lesser water in the Gila wilderness knocked me on my butt and only came up to my thigh. This in Yosemite came up to my chest.

Ladybugs? Superhuman strength? Adrenaline (all of the above?).

Superhuman strength ability has appeared before with me. Usually not when I want it but there if I need it. I have been caught lifting stuff I shouldn’t be able to lift.

Even my backpack some have tried to put on and can’t (bigger guys than me). The one’s that got it on (with help) couldn’t walk with it because they couldn’t keep their balance. I’m sure it was only around 120-130 but don’t really know!

Doesn’t make sense that I couldn’t hang onto my raft yet I’m standing in it up to my chest and feel no cold.

Everyone has different abilities they can develop and that will show up over time when fine tuning that, “rod of light”. Most don’t have the same abilities as another (but can) but instead have different abilities.

Until one begins to look inside and silence the thoughts and connect with love the abilities one has will be hidden. Many have hidden abilities they may never discover about themselves in a lifetime. We are so busy with so much to do that we hardly have time for anything like self-discovery!

Next time…more wild stories!


really enjoyed reading this post, I grew up in califronia and spent a decent amount of time in the sierras and hetch-hetchy/ yosemite as a kid. great (and accurate) descriptions of the landscape and terrain. I’ve never been in the area you describe, but spent a lot of time in the more accessible areas around it. I have also had many close calls, it’s amazing what you are truly capable of when it is life or death. In situations where I could have died, I have always felt a surge of instinctual energy, time and motion slows down, and the speed of my perception and reactions increase. I always felt like I was kind of ‘channeling our ancestors,’ whether that was spiritual or just instinctual I don’t know, but it was like a kind of sense memory. I’ve never been a physically strong person, (and now I’m disabled) but I know that in certain moments we can have the capacity to do things beyond our physical capability.


Thank you @zephyr for your kind words. Beautiful area with more stories from that exact same area to come. It is a very mystical place.

I know what you mean like when time slows down and senses increased. You may well have been guided in your reactions (thus the channeling/instinctual feeling). I have had similar where I felt I was watching myself go through the motions almost as if I was in the back seat and someone else was driving instead of me (and maybe there was?).


Black and white are all i see in my infancy
Red and yellow then came to be
Reaching out to me, lets me see
There is so much more and it beckons me
To look through to these
Infinate posibilities.

-Jimmy Hendrix

Bezalom, what is your zodiac sign? Also i have some more ?'s ive been a vivid dreamer my whole life, sometimes i guess i go somewhat lucid in that i can see my hands and those dreams seem more real. But those kind of dreams can be very “busy” and i usually wake up feeling like ive been up working all night. Its like a drain of energy. Do you experience this energy drain after being in the astral?


"Ridin’ the storm out, waitin’ for the thaw out
On a full moon night in the rocky mountain winter
Wine bottle’s are low, watching for the snow
Thinking about what have I’ve been missing in the city

And I’m not missing a thing
Just watchin’ the full moon crossing the range
Ridin’ the storm out, ridin’ the storm out
Ridin’ the storm out, ridin’ the storm out

Lady beside me and she’s there to guide me
She says that alone we’ve finally found our home
And the wind outside is frightening
But it’s kinder than the lightning life in the city
It’s a hard enough to live but it gives back of what you give

Oh when I’m not missing a thing
Just watchin’ the full moon crossing the range
And I’m ridin’ the storm out, ridin’ the storm out
Ridin’ the storm out, ridin’ the storm out, woah, yes I’m baby

Ridin’ the storm out, just waitin’ for the fall out
On a full moon night in the rocky mountain winter
Wine bottle’s are low, just watching for the snow
Thinking about what have I’ve been missing in the city

Oh, oh, oh and I’m not missing a thing baby
Just watchin’ the full moon crossing the range
Ridin’ the storm out, ridin’ the storm out, oh yeah
Ridin’ the storm out, I’ve been ridin’, gonna keep on ridin’
Ooh baby I’ve been ridin’ the storm out, yes I will" - REO Speedwagon

I’ve decided to continue on with more of the, “happenings”, in the, “Lake Topaz” to “Yosemite” adventure.

I have a correction from previous post.Instead of dropping down into Hetch Hetchy I actually came out at back-end of Lake Eleanor (right next to Hetch Hetchy and a short distance away) and camped at Hetch Hetchy (it’s where I met the wildlife biologists). I found some good topo maps (and some pics) showing my approximate route and will post them as this story unfolds.

This first time I went back through my route like this and did this like 12-15 years ago and remembered Hetch Hetchy (because wildlife biologists likely saved my life by giving me food there at Hetch Hetchy) the morning after I camped there. They were hiking out and didn’t need their extra food. I sat there crying while eating I was so happy for food (I’d pretty much stop eating even though I had beans). My blood pressure was so low that every time I stood up I almost passed out!

I backtracked from Lake Topaz up Walker river and cut over to trail from a campground and took trail until lost under snow and took a different pass (can’t remember name) from original pass over the Sierra Nevada that I was going to take but too many small ponds/lakes covered in snow that in early spring likely wouldn’t hold my weight and hard to see where the little lakes are anyway when all around is white.

Still had many small lakes/ponds and cross streams to navigate even the way I went. My concern was that since my bag was only good to 20 below freezing then I needed to get below 8000 feet after crossing over Sierra Nevada pass to ensure I didn’t freeze to death because was still early spring.

I also needed to make sure I crossed the right creeks/streams at higher elevation while I had snow bridges because wouldn’t likely be able to cross at lower elevations. Which meant I needed to be on the correct side of a creek/stream looking ahead down-slope. I had a Forest Service topographical map with me.

This story and route will encompass a demon, ET’s and even a, “bigfoot”! All of this preceded my impossible crossing with the raft.

It started upon my arrival at Lake Topaz. The night before I slept lodged against a tree (on nearly a cliff) to prevent my falling. Got stuck out there after sunset and couldn’t see so just had to bed down in bag (no supper) with bulk of tree around my mid-section and hope I didn’t turn in my sleep.

So when I arrived at a somewhat bowl shaped area with a small flat space I thought it would be good to camp a few days and decide what and where to go next. I dropped my pack and walked a short distance to an overlook. I could see Lake Topaz down below and knew no lake traffic or visitors would be able to see my campfire back in the bowl shaped feature.

I had been on the road hiking some (literally) and off the highway and up and over instead of using main entrance to Lake Topaz. I was tired as walked straight from Gardnerville (south of Carson City) to Lake Topaz.

It hadn’t been that cold so only needed a small fire to cook with. Middle of the night I woke up and it was freezing. It wasn’t even close to 20 below (my bag rating). I got out of my bag shivering and made a fire. I couldn’t figure out why it was so cold. I got back in my bag and while laying on my side with head propped up by elbow against ground I’m tapped on my shoulder.

I swing my head around abruptly expecting someone to be standing there and nothing. Hair on back of neck stands up along with tingles.

I am freaked!

So much for going back to sleep! I think I know why it’s so unusually cold. Very evil spirits and demons will make an area extremely cold at times.

Nothing else happened that night but things just weren’t the same for a while after that. I would come to find out later why!

I gathered up my gear in the morning and walked some distance closer to the Lake.

Here is a pic (top one) that is very close to the vantage point of my campsite at Lake Topaz with Sierra Nevada I would be crossing in the distance.

I spent a month there at Lake Topaz…several rain storms and a two day blizzard but can’t beat pan fried trout (even daily). Not long after leaving Lake Topaz I noticed a shadow following me. I would turn and catch it out of the corner of my eye and it would disappear.

Because there had been over 200% above average snowfall that winter then even the Walker river was raging! It in most parts was like the creeks where I crossed in raft and roared so load with rapids and moving water that if one, “shouted at the top of their lungs”, they wouldn’t be able to hear their own voice. If one fell in…forget it!

Mostly I could stay off the highway next to the river but not always. Basically I took highway 395 then I cut off on Highway 108. Eating caught fish, plus rice and beans.

So off 108 I stayed at a campground for the night and got a wilderness permit and headed out in the morning looking up at some monster snow capped peaks!

This topo shows likely campground I stayed at (circled) and made my way up to upper and lower, “Long Lake” (circled) eventually winding up at Emigrant Lake (circled).

At upper/lower “Long Lake”, things started to get weird. I looked through my binoculars and could see that the passes directly into Yosemite were likely impassable due to snow and drainage/melting and so many lakes hidden close to trail (some just steps away) that easy to fall through ice in afternoon with missed step. Falling in lakes at that altitude is extremely sketchy!

I opt for Emigrant pass into, “Emigrant Wilderness” in “Stanislaus National Forest” (said Stanislaus wilderness earlier…sorry was 12 years ago and wasn’t planned out then).

At upper/lower, “Long Lake”, kept feeling this weird feeling and sudden cold air coming and going. Watched a shadow go down the trail in front of me and around a corner and I ran to that corner and saw nothing.

Here is a topo from upper/lower Long Lakes (circled in upper right hand corner) to Emigrant Lake. I stayed three days at, “Long Lakes”, resting and gathering up the nerve I needed. I knew I had to make it up and over the pass and down the other side to at least 8000 feet to keep from freezing to death. I was already pushing it with my 20 below rated bag (had thermometer but can’t remember the lows but were lower than 20 below at, “Long Lakes”, at nights).

Kept thinking I’m seeing black bears but instead only shadows. I actually was getting tired of it and was making me mad (which fueled the shadow more but I didn’t know that at the time).

I crossed many streams and cross streams walking fallen logs. I needed to make it across a rather wide one and the fallen tree wasn’t much but branches at other end of bank. I slipped one foot/leg all the way in as I balance and grab to secure myself. I am almost pulled off into the swift dark current.

Further up a seriously fast and deep (but not very wide…about 10 feet) cross stream impedes my path. I start to head up the side stream (knowing eventually will be able to cross it…even if up near the headwaters). The roaring waterfall this stream feeds into (the main creek) is certain death so falling in not an option.

I keep hiking but doesn’t seem to be getting any smaller the further upstream I go. Some parts of the snow surface already soft enough for me to punch through and sink up to my crotch. I’m sweating and getting panicky because I know time is of the essence as need to cross pass and get down on other side to 8000 feet. Not spend a bunch of time trudging up a side-stream!

Then I see a partially collapsed snow bridge hanging over opposite bank and a boulder with flat top in middle of the (somewhat wider here than 10 feet across) stream. I stop and ponder how secure the partially collapsed snow bridge is and the distance from the boulder. The boulder is only about 3-4 feet across so gonna have to be a good jump.

Could I jump to the boulder and then jump to what’s left of a snow bridge? I ponder maybe a minute and then run and jump!

I hit the boulder landing on my chest and my fingers grab the edge of the boulder just as my hundred pound pack shifts and nearly pulls me off the rock. If not for my one hand hold I would have been gone!

I lay there awhile until my heart slows down and I catch my breath (while I’m still hugging that boulder). I stand up and it is an easy jump to snow bridge as long as it holds!

It does!

Funny the first thing I saw when I got to the top of the pass was a fresh mountain lion track. I had already had my first encounter with a mountain lion just a few days before. My .45 shot in the air scared it off.

Then from the pass all I could see was white snow and mountain peaks for as far as I could see in all directions. Suddenly I was scared and wondered what the hell I was doing up there (I had several close calls before even getting to the pass)? I looked around and saw some green way down at the end of a valley of snow down there and started down. Wait! I see footprints!

I realize I am hiking down the way I just came up! Yikes! Between the altitude, exhaustion, lack of proper food and sleep had left me somewhat scatterbrained. Lucky I saw my footprints!

I decide to sit down on some rocks and get my topo map out. I head over to some nearby rocks and just as I’m about to step on the rock my leg disappears down into the snow up to my crotch. I look through a crack between the rock and the snow and see a big hollow area about 30-40 feet down along the rock.

Somehow, (heat of the rock…way the snow falls) this area is all along the front of this rock. I see the ground and an ice cliff about 2 feet from the rock almost all the way up in places. I almost fell in and would have been no way out.

Also, up against some trees it’s like that sometimes in the deep snow. Could twist/break a leg or something. Learned early to stay away from base of big trees and rocks/cliff and check first for hollow areas.

I get out my topo map and begin to identify features. I head off in the direction I think I’m supposed to go. I can’t walk a straight line because there are many small ponds and lakes (some can barely see with light blue around edge were it’s melting first). Without the topo map I’m dead and was luckily given to me by someone at the lake with the mountain lion. Think it was Freemont Lake.

I actually ski down some slopes with my nearly smooth boots. I crash once at the bottom of a slope laughing at myself out loud there by myself in the wilderness. I feel better sitting there in the sunshine. I have to get down in elevation some fast though before dark.

I found a small island-like rock feature sticking out of the snow with a hollow log on top that was shaped like a cylinder about 20 feet high with a radius of about 10 feet across. I actually had to climb up on it so was safe from mountain lions. I was able to build a fire in the log and cook a can of chili I had been saving for a long time. Even dried out some socks and pants before the sun set (wore like 2 long underwear and 3 pairs of pants) . Still didn’t know if I would wake up or freeze to death in my sleep but think hollow log saved me.

The next day I hiked down a short distance and saw what had to be a long lake covered with snow. I get out my topo map and decide I need to be on the south (or east?) side of the stream/creek leading into the lake. Parts of the snow covering the stream/creek had fallen in revealing a deep fast moving stream with rapids beneath.

Here are some pics of Emigrant Lake (also spelled Immigrant) without snow (water level would also have been much higher due to 200% more than average snow fall that year). The place leading up to the next story takes me along the edge of lake on opposite shore where mostly steep rock that then was covered with snow. It gets steeper beyond what pics show further down.

I spent all day carving footprints among previous avalanches that had already smashed many holes in the ice at bank below (even large rocks/small boulders in the mix). I just hoped I wouldn’t set one off. One slip and I can see I will be in deep water through the ice with a hundred lbs plus backpack on and no way out at steep edge into water. Nothing around on my side to make fire if I can climb out.

Each step I carefully carve into the hard snow with my foot like in slow motion. All day to walk what I believe is a two mile long lake. At the end of the lake is a small spire of granite and I climb it and find a nice flat spot and even some wood to make a fire and cook some rice. The stress of all day on that slope made me feel like I could bite steel nails in half. I look over the edge and down the stream where the lake empties into a beautiful waterfall that has splashed water that has frozen all around the falls creating strange and obscure ice sculptures.

I see a route down to near the base of the falls but see it is ice that is wet under constant spray from falls surrounded by cliffs on that side. I can’t cross the stream anywhere around here. Behind me is a lake! I can’t even go there in my mind to backtrack across the avalanche field I just spent all day crossing!

How am I going to proceed the next morning? I can’t possibly negotiate the avalanche field above the lake again (my foot slipped several times even from my carved steps and almost lost it into the lake. And don’t want to climb up into an avalanche zone. What to do?!?!?

By this time I had already spent well over two months solid living in the wilderness and was pretty much a walking skeleton by this point. I recall how sad it was that I had cooked the last of my rice for breakfast at the spire camp above the waterfall at Immigrant Lake. I had little energy and almost didn’t care anymore.

I decided I would walk the wet sloped ice at base of waterfall or die! I really didn’t have a choice even though the closer I got the more impossible it looked. I down-climbed next to the waterfall and lower myself onto the ice and into the mist/spray. I want to hurry because I’m getting wet but know quick is not the way.

The wet ice is at a slope. Not sure of the degree but it ain’t slight. Definite slope!

“This ain’t possible”, I say to myself. Got no choice…you got no choice!

Who can walk on wet ice on a slope and not slip?

I look ahead downstream to see how far I have before the stream is covered over by snow bridge lest I get pulled under when I fall!

I take each step as if it is my last. Several steps in I can’t believe this is working. My attention to balance is supreme (best in class of forty students in Hatha yoga headstand at UNM in the late 70’s paying off). I spend what must be at least an hour walking the 30 feet of wet sloped ice to safety. I look back and know what I just did was not possible. Never slipped even once. Not even a little.

Next I made my way from, “Emigrant Lake”, to, “Lord Meadow” and crossed over into Yosemite through, “Styx”, pass.

Here are some pics of what climb to, “Styx pass”, from, “Lord Meadow” looks like.

Here are some pics of view from, “Styx”, pass not all looking same direction.

I love Granite but this was granite overdose. After, “Lord Meadow” and, “Styx Pass”, the snow diminished greatly. Had to be careful though as easy to walk right off a cliff. Hard to detect the degree of slope sometimes and start out and gets steeper and steeper and before you know it you sliding off a granite peak a couple 1000 feet below.

Wore out what was left of my boots flat and took the seat out of a pair of pants sliding (not recommended). Granite overdose is an understatement. Especially when down climbing for days in it (and a lot easier to climb up than down climb!).

Yep…Gotta love granite (pics of climb from looking up to “Styx Pass”).

I headed along the ridge of, “Styx pass”, at first and looked down other side to, “Cherry Creek”, and soon saw a near impossible drop in elevation. It was breathtaking! I have climbed open face granite in my youth with maybe 1500-2000 foot drop but this was incredible.

Bad part about it is I had already down climbed into a sticky position before I could see the actual vertical drop so had to turn around and hike back up (couple hours wasted). Did that fairly often until learned to read the terrain but even then I took frequent 2-4 hour false excursions that led no where. So I went opposite direction along ridge for a ways and wound up north of, “Lake Edith”.

Somewhere in the meandering as I closed in on Lake Edith I went through some forest. Hadn’t noticed a shadow following me while on the granite but once back in the woods I saw it again. I stood a long time because I saw it distinctly duck behind a tree and waited for it to appear again but it didn’t.

Some smaller Sequoia can be found in some of this forested area and some have died and fallen over. It’s easier to climb over some of these then go around because they are so long/tall. I was standing on the top of a fallen medium to small Sequoia (about the height of a one story house) and next thing I knew I was flying through the air and landed right on my belly and chest and knocked the air out of me.

I knew I had just been pushed! I actually cried a little bit but not sure if from pain or the realization i had just been pushed. I was pushed off a slide when I was a kid by a ghost (no one around).

I sensed a few fallen climber ghosts/lost hikers along the way but this wasn’t a ghost! Strangely I felt helpless because somehow what I knew and my own knowledge and experience with dealing with demons had somehow been yanked from my memory (I would come to realize later). I also realized how I must have been protected in the avalanche field over the lake and my walking over the wet ice as a push would have been fatal.

Can’t see, “Lord Meadow”, in this topo but is just above the, “Boundary Lake” (check other maps for Boundary Lake in association with, “Lake Meadow”). My objective was to get to, “Lake Eleanor”, as my map showed roads and trails and I can’t see or find trails over snow or granite.

I have also circled the convergence of, “Bartlett Creek” to the northwest and, “Kendrick”, to the east. Together they form, “Eleanor Creek” that drains into Lake Eleanor. Further upstream is lake 5728 that is the likely crossing point with my raft. To me at the time it just looked like a wide point in the river.

I believe I must have meandered to a lower ridge from, “Styx Pass”, after abandoning a northern route along Cherry Creek (much area with few cliffs there if look at map…lines further apart) and wound up north of, “Lake Edith”, because I came upon a trail. I couldn’t believe it…a trail! Hadn’t seen a trail since before I crossed the pass over the Sierra Nevada. Hard to find trails under snow and over granite!

Well, wouldn’t you know my trail went underwater (over 200% above average snowfall that year). I had raging, “Kendrick Creek”, on one side and a cliff on my side. So I either climb the cliff or I’m going back the way I came which didn’t seem any better. I start up the near vertical cliff and not so bad at first. I have no way of knowing what’s further above as couldn’t get back that far from the cliff to see to plan a route up.

Decent handholds etc. until I get to a bald/smooth area that is near vertical off to one side. I have an overhang directly above me. I see a shelf I can reach if I can traverse and climb this bald nearly vertical section for about 8 feet. The longer one dwells in a situation like this the more dangerous because tense muscles make cramps and cramps make falls. Gotta stay calm!

I start the traverse across and up to reach the shelf and immediately begin slipping. I begin scrambling (fortunately faster than I was slipping…still decent traction on granite). I reach the shelf and is easy climb from there to the top. The top of what and where?

I stand at the top and see another cliff (larger and steeper than the one I just came up) and a flat area/shelf maybe 30 yards long and 20 yards wide. Nowhere to go and I know I can’t down climb what I just came up (can’t see for hand or footholds going down when near vertical).

I walk to edge on the side I need to go and see a small valley that has a pile of huge boulders at one end close to me and think I can hang and jump to a lower boulder and I can get down in the valley that way.

Then while I’m standing there at the cliffs edge I’m suddenly pushed from behind and am flying off the cliff. Instantly a huge wind comes up from the canyon below and blows me back so much I fall backwards on the rock I was just standing on. I then heard something said but don’t know who or what was said.

I lay there awhile on my back freaked out not knowing what to do. The wind stopped as quick as it came!

I knew the same one that had pushed me earlier had also pushed me here. I felt better that I had help (the wind) but couldn’t figure out what to do. I was terrified (which was feeding it more energy)! I crawled to the edge above the giant boulder field and took my pack off. Most the boulders were around the size of a car and a handful the size of a house.

I dropped my pack the two or three stories down to a small dirt area just above the first boulder. I climb over the edge and hang from my fingers and let go hoping I don’t break anything and maybe can land on my pack somehow to break my fall. I land safely on part of my pack.

I made it down the boulder field but was pushed again and almost fell but controlled my fall by falling into another boulder but broke my small fishing pole attached to my backpack. Man, this is getting to be too much! I was really mad now and didn’t realize I was continuing to feed the demon energy with my fear and anger.

The smell of this valley hit me like heavy intoxication. The old trees smelled wonderful like some exotic spice and at least three or four different types of giant flowers were growing everywhere and put off a heavy sweet smell. Ferns grew all around. This, “valley from hell”, was beautiful!

The valley was almost a perfect V shape. The sides were very steep and between the boulders and the overgrowth one couldn’t take two good steps in any direction except on top of a boulder.

I was standing there on top of a boulder thinking of going further or making camp when I was pushed from behind again. I flew off the boulder and fell about 6-8 feet flat on my chest on a rock below. I hollered out in pain! That one hurt my back when jolted.

I get up and am really scared now (and mad also) and hear a voice again (almost like a whisper in the wind). This time I hear the word Azazel mixed in with something I don’t understand. What I do understand is that Azazel is a demon (even though never heard of him before) and that it was him who tapped me on the shoulder that night at, “Lake Topaz” and has been following me ever since.

Azazel is known to be head of the supernatural beings of the desert/wilderness!

I know what I need to do! All my knowledge and all the special words and ways I have with dealing with demons came back. I kept myself from being mad or afraid because demons feed on fear energy and anger. I smiled at the craftiness of it all and how my awareness of my own knowledge and ability had been yanked from me somehow (the three taps on my shoulder at lake Topaz?).

I had the means to deal with this all the while but somehow my awareness was blocked! It almost killed me!

Couldn’t believe my good fortune in finding a small flat area just up the side of the valley a small distance from where I was last pushed. I knew what to do but was getting dark soon and decided to make dinner real quick. All I had left were pinto beans and would need to boil at least an hour and half before could eat so needed to get started.

There was too much dry material around (leaves and stuff) and thick so had to cook on a boulder that was right there like a table…nice!

Got my sleeping bag out and got in and said and did what I needed to do to get rid of the demon. I sent him back where he really belongs! Took a whole minute or two…lol. Then eventually ate and put out fire and went to sleep.

I awoke in the middle of the night just like I had almost every other night in the wilderness. Too the sound of animals moving around in the brush. After months you get used to it and just holler out and they go away…usually!

So I holler out and hear it stop while I’m waking up. I wait a long time but don’t hear it move away from me. I’m sure it wasn’t very far away (like 4 feet?) and should have heard it run off. I waited a long time and heard nothing so figured it must have run off and I just didn’t hear it when it left.

I’m almost back asleep and hear movement. I wake up immediately and the hair on back of my neck goes up as with one hand I grab my .45 and other I unzip my sleeping bag. I hear footsteps!

This thing is freakin bipedal! I’ve heard deer, elk, moose, badgers, javelinas pigs, bears, raccoons, and even very large rodents, etc. and I know what I’m hearing is walking with two legs (you don’t hear mountain lions).

I start hollering loud and mean (actually was mighty scared). I know this valley is pretty much inaccessible (really was but didn’t know stream was blocking entrance and exit at that time). This has got to be a bigfoot as even the sound of the steps sounds like a very large person. Initially I would say it was about 4 feet away. I realized later I was probably sleeping on it’s normal bed. Perfect inaccessible box canyon to hang out in undetected (I entered box canyon at box side…other end was cut off by raging creek)!

Then to top it off I have a, “lucid”, dream where I’m not allowed to remember all that transpired but my ET buddies picked me up and when they were dropping me off I was floating while standing up way above the trees (it was so much fun gliding above the treetops in the moonlight). I could see my campsite way down there (never did see if my body was there or not so don’t really know if it was actual or a, “lucid”, dream (almost the same thing anyway).

Took over two days to go a short distance down that valley but finally got out only to see I was trapped at the Y of two raging creeks (the Bartlett and Kendrick). Previous story above.

I hiked down to, “Lake Eleanor”, (right beside the lake even) next day after crossing stream with raft (earlier story). The end of the lake where, “Eleanor Creek”, emptied into, “Lake Eleanor”, looked like a log jamb. Must have been hundreds of trees floating down at that end of the lake.

Caught a trail to Hetch Hetchy and then on to Yosemite Valley then hiked down the Merced river until my trail went underwater there and I flagged down a boat that came by and saved me (I was on wrong side of river and can’t travel through chaparral except on hands and knees).

Next time…more wild stories!


Nice @Roxaglyphs!

I’m a Scorpio of course…lol (actually I don’t really know anything about Astrology).

I do experience that drain nearly nightly as I am often doing stuff and going to same place many consecutive nights in a row (sometimes for months).

For me it’s strange how things are kept from me. Like what I’m actually doing! Like I couldn’t handle the reality so I’m not allowed to know the details. I know I am doing some kind of spiritual work somewhere almost nightly but couldn’t tell you just exactly what it is I do. Very strange…lol!

Probably better I don’t know as may effect how I do things or view myself here. Enough crazy metaphysical stuff to deal with already maybe we don’t need anymore.

I would also add though that I usually sleep only 5-6 hours a night (and have for many years).


"I close my eyes only for a moment, and the moment’s gone
All my dreams pass before my eyes, a curiosity

Dust in the wind
All they are is dust in the wind

Same old song
Just a drop of water in an endless sea
All we do crumbles to the ground
Though we refuse to see

Dust in the wind
All we are is dust in the wind

Now don’t hang on
Nothing lasts forever but the earth and sky
It slips away
And all your money won’t another minute buy

Dust in the wind
All we are is dust in the wind
(All we are is dust in the wind)
Dust in the wind
(Everything is dust in the wind)
Everything is dust in the wind
(In the wind)" – Kansas

The blocking/yanking of the awareness of my own knowledge and abilities (like in preceding story) is an interesting thing. Everyone has varying degrees of awareness (and self-awareness).

I noticed early on in my training in, “lucid dreaming”, that when I failed a test my awareness (my lucidity within the dream) would be yanked. I knew this because the dream would start over giving me a second chance (and the awareness of my failure…thus learning through the test).

Experiences some have shared with me cannot recall the experience! At first with some friends I thought they just didn’t want to admit what they had seen or experienced (people might think em crazy).

But realized later that the entire experience had actually been yanked from their memory completely and they really didn’t know what I was talking about (even though they experienced it with me).

How strange is this?

There are things and words and knowledge that is secret and not to be known! I knew this in my youth and decided to test it for myself.

My best friend during college in Albuquerque and I were partying kinda up by the airport (mesa overlooks the city) one night and I said, “hey Mike”, “I wanna try something”.

He said, “what”.

I said, I’m gonna tell you something and as soon as you hear it and understand it then it will be yanked from your head and you won’t know what I said".

We were standing outside my truck (been sitting on tailgate) and he laughed and said how is that possible?

I said just listen and see.

So I told him something and he burst out in tears suddenly but wasn’t crying in sadness but were tears of happiness.

I asked him right away, “what did I say”?

He thought and had a puzzled look on his face and couldn’t recall. He stopped crying!

He asked me how it was that was possible?

I said, “some things can’t be known”!

Even if put out there it will get yanked! I told him, “you knew for a moment because you were crying”? He agreed!

I did the exact same thing to another friend out in the desert (by the sketch of house) not so many years ago and the exact same thing happened. I find it incredible how that works!

I know words I don’t know how I know them and can use some words to do amazing things!

When I was in Israel I had two, “lucid dreams”, with what appeared to be Moses! In the first one he is speaking to me in Hebrew and I understand him and ask him how it is I can understand what he says because I don’t know Hebrew? He looked at me with a puzzled look on his face.

In the other one, Moses and I are flying together and all around is the apocalypse happening and I’m doing acrobatics as I’m flying along (because I don’t get to fly that much and love flying) and I glance over at him (I guess we’re old buddies) and he looks at me stern and rolls his eyes and shakes his head.

If one thinks about it…everything is awareness (or lack thereof). There is so much more going on then most people are aware of (the main point of this thread).

Here is a story of an ability (and awareness) I discovered I had when I was age eight.

I lived in Eau Claire, WI then and played often down by the river by myself. One day I spent almost all day making a human size figure laying on his back in the sand not far up from the bank from the river. Had entire body made out of dirt/sand/clay mix.

That night I dreamed I was staring at the stars laying on my back and I got up. I could see I was the man I made down by the river. I walked down to the bank of the river and walked in and dissolved in the water.

When I woke up in the morning it took everything I had not to run down there and see if it was still there but there wasn’t time I had to go to school. I raced home after school and dropped off my books and ran almost all the way down to the river.

I weaved between the growth and made my way to the spot where the man should be. I stopped short when I could see from a distance it was gone. Tears welled up in my eyes and I started crying! I had already had the sphere drop the glitter and stand beside myself sleeping in bed and dealt with a bunch of ghosts and now this!

Kinda more than an eight year old aught to be able to handle!

I approached closer to inspect if others had been there and removed it but no footprints but mine and the, “Golem”, had left prints leading into the river also. I didn’t know what a, “Golem”, was until I studied, “Kabbalah”. Basically a Golem was what I made. It was even a clean separation from the backside (which was still connected to the Earth). And footprints?!!?! Are you kidding me!

I knew then that this is crazy stuff and shouldn’t be happening! Worst part about it was I had no one to talk too about this stuff. My family wasn’t hearing it! I was on my own! I had already quit trying to tell people about this stuff by age eight!

I haven’t made anymore, “Golems”, since then and don’t plan to.

Next time…more wild stories!