What was your most powerful spiritual/psychedelic experience?

This is a super interesting topic to me. Mind you I am far from religious but I’d say very spiritual. So what was your most powerful experience with an altered state of reality? Whether brought on by a substance, meditation, isolation chamber, religion, etc, etc? I’ll start things off, maybe not my most powerful experience but it’s up there and was quite recent as well as being very different from my many other experiences with this substance. It had been awhile since I took a journey to the outer reaches of the universe and as I was alone I didn’t feel like having a long, drawn out experience like with fungi or L so decided to smoke some deems. I was sitting on the floor in my garage, with the door open and looking outside. It was night time mind you. The only thing I could hear was the spacey jam during Away From the Mire by Billy Strings. I had loaded about 60 mgs into my pipe and proceeded to get that down as best I could in 2 big rips. I set the pipe down as my vision became filled with colorful, geometric patterns and fractals. The bare bones of the trees across the street seemed frozen in time but the branches grew in all directions based on the shape/direction of their branches. In the center of the largest, gnarliest tree in sight something began to emerge. It was a “being” from another dimension. I have visited there a handful of times during breakthroughs, but never had I seen one of the “beings” come through the other way. It stayed right at the “portal” and spoke to me. As I listened I watched the colorful geometric patterns that made up the being(as well as everything else at this point) morph and change constantly. It told me something I felt I had previously known but had never hit home and certainly never witnessed in person. It said that us humans are made up of the same things as everything else in the universe. At first I thought this meant chemicals or atoms but as we were communicating telepathically it told me this was true but not what it meant. It said that everything was love, light and vibration. It was here that I really paid attention to the fact that this being was made of the same colorful, undulating geometric patterns as the environment around it and all the things occupying that space. And the lesson really hit home. We are all one, the same as the microbes and fungi in the soil, the same as the food we eat, water we drink, air we breathe and everyone we meet. We need to treat everything with as much love and respect as we want to be treated. We should not waste anything or harm anything. We are one with the universe and need to work together in harmony with our environment and the world around us. Religions all come down to the same finer points at their basis, it’s the squabbling of men that separates them from the love they try to convey. I don’t recall if that was all I saw at this point, but the being told me it was time to go back to where I currently reside. I took a couple tokes of some nice relaxing weed and headed inside. I laid down in the dark, with the sounds of banjo, guitar mandolin and bass transforming behind my closed eyes into colorful works of art. I did this until my brain had finally slowed down enough to drift off to sleep. I know to the uninitiated this may sound absolutely fantastic, like I’ve totally lost it and words are so ineffable. They completely fail to capture the experience in all its magnitude. Anyway, I’ve experienced many things that would seem completely impossible to most thru a variety of mediums and substances. But this was pretty powerful and will stick with me forever, as I attempt to live by the virtues I know are right. So what was your experience? And where did it lead you? :v::green_heart::bulb:


I arrived in this world naked and screaming, and things have only been getting more strange since.

What a trip…


To say the least. Well said brother :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:


Salvia Divinorum. Never again.


Agreed. My experience with Salvia was interesting but very “deliriant-like” in its effect for me, which I’m not a fan of


Totally out of control staring at a wall laughing and crying at the same time for 20 minutes. Then I decided to go for a walk. It wore off as soon as I hit the sidewalk fortunately.


Yep. Salvia Divinorum.

Grew it for 5 years, used it only 3thrice!

Effects from seeing Gods to being one to becoming a conduit for all negative energies. :exploding_head:


I remember smoking salvia with my buddy Bill. I took a hoot from the bong and he asks “how is it? -is it? -is it?..”
As his voice faded into the distance my bathroom suddenly fell away, revealing us to be standing amidst this world of interconnected gears, one fantastic machination consisting of gears, zippers, fasteners, and buckles.

As I stared in mute wonderment suddenly the lady from the Charmin toilet paper package appeared looming above us- and she was pissed! We must have uttered a forbidden word as she angrily put her finger to her lips to shush us, then slapped me right across the face. I felt the smack distinctly. With that smack the whole gear world pivoted around and zipped shut at the same height as my elbows and the doorknob, and the seams of the zippers disappeared from perception.

Incredulous I ran to the door of my apartment and tore it open, much to the surprise of the guest about to knock on my door- and it was gone. Back to reality. I stammered trying to explain the lingering feeling on my cheek and in my elbows. As our newly invited guest came into my apartment we look down to the hall to Bill sitting on the edge of my tub, bong in hand, asking himself again and again “What? What? What?”

Author’s Note: I’d never even purchased the toilet paper with the lady on the front, I always bought the one with the kittens. No idea why she was the steward of this fantastical gear world as I never had the chance to ask.


It’s in a class all it’s own. Not for the timid and a trip sitter would be a very good idea. I’m just glad it’s a short trip.


Sounds accurate for SalvD


A friend that used to love freebasing DMT told me to NEVER GIVE IT TO HIM AGAIN! :rofl:


I love how everyone’s experience so far was brought on by substances :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes: I had an insanely powerful but horrible experience during a psychotic break years back. I hallucinated everything around me for going on 3 days with parts of “reality” coming thru more strongly as time went on. I got stuck in a loop where I died over and over again, coming back until I was able to save my sons life as my wife at the time gave birth to him on an alien ship where she also died during the birthing process. Horrible, but it showed me that I am his ultimate protector and need to do whatever I have to do to keep him safe


I’ve dabbled with a variety of different psychedelics from pscilocybin to dmt, ketamine to lsd, 25i-nbome to 4aco-dmt etc etc. I still think my very first shroom trip ever was my wildest experience. The only time I’ve ever encountered full blown auditory synesthesia, full on paintings shooting out of speakers morphing perfectly with the music etc. I’ve certainly taken more since then and “tripped harder” but something about the magic of the first time made it truly special. I still think shrooms are my favorite psychedelic though I’ve still yet to try cacti! Maybe someday… although, I really don’t trip much anymore these days. It’s probably been 5 years or more now. There was a time where it was a weekly experience.


Btw, I never shared the details of that last experience I mentioned with anyone before. Not easy to talk about for numerous reasons, the least of which is that I’ll be looked at like an unstable head case. Which isn’t the case, but I don’t feel like sharing the details of what brought on that psychotic break


Same. I used to trip every weekend with my ex wife for a period of time since my son went to my parents to visit a lot of weekends and I felt we needed to bond more deeply as well as me needing to get my head on straight from the constant stress of working a job I hated which pushed me physically and mentally as well as being the most responsible member of our household. I worked my ass off from the time I got up til after my son went to bed and I was able to finish up household chores. Didn’t really sit down from 5 am til usually 11 pm and maybe slept 3-4 hrs a night at that point. Now it’s like a couple times a year if that and mostly to keep my severe depression and anxiety in check


So relate to that! Part of my hesitance to trip again these days is my new found (in the last 3-4 years) propensity for panic attacks. I know how much tripping can help ease anxiety but it also makes me really worried to dip my toes back in with the looming possibility of a super negative experience that I don’t really think would’ve been possible when I was younger and less anxious.


I feel ya there. After a few difficult experiences in my very late teens I would be shitting my pants just thinking of my next trip. But I forced myself to do it about every 6 months or so. This probably caused more difficult experiences until I realized that I sincerely gained more from the difficult trips than the easy, fun ones. That’s why I don’t use the term, “bad trip”. Cause they’re all invaluable learning experiences, some are just more difficult to handle, process and integrate


I was stoned at a festival and dropped 4 tabs supposedly around 300 mics each, then proceeded to eat 4 ozs of amazion cubensis dust mixed with water. I ended up tripping the whole five days at the festival, having a psychotic break, lost my identity and drove my rig until I was out of gas on a freeway middle lane. Mind you still tripping. Got arrested after a 2 week trip. Got a dui. The cops couldn’t understand when they asked me what I was on, I said shrooms. They heard sherm. Awesome so now I have dewy for sherm :rofl:.
Another time I ate a oz of powdered shrooms and put out what I thought was a Christmas tree on fire with a pitcher of water only to cause a fire, whilst being so high I was sunken halfway into the floor and couldn’t get out. Kind like jumanji hahaha crazy shit man.


I hear ya.

My bi-polar 2 “protects me” from remembering these times.


Didn’t know you liked to get wet though