Quick Newbie Germination Breakdown

Hello All

I first and foremost want to state that this tiny tutorial is not meant to direct
your way or methods of properly germinating your quality seeds.

This is just what works 99.9% Germination Rate within 3 days or 72 hours
in the proper preparation and factors…

Tools of the Trade

Plastic gloves

Cheese cloth - I triple fold the cloth strip

Large / Medium size zip lock plastic bag - [ Add Strain & Date Started Germinating]

Nice clean pair of tweezers with light , for old og’s like me lol

Spray bottle with distilled water…

Put your seeds in the middle of the cloth and fold each side to make it folded triple and spray twice to dampen the cloth then put in zip lock bag loth and stick a straw inside bag as you hold closed , blow air into bag until bag is full and close1 , put under a dark bag for 3 days , you should have nice healthy Tap Root exposed enough to drop in soil, if you drop the seed in shell down (upside down) gravity will put the plant the right way up and the! plants DNA has that to correct the plants growth.


Aren’t you introducing bacteria into this sealed chamber by blowing into it? I have had great success with little to no air…some times I have found small mold patches in my pepper germination using paper towel and ziploc.

I stated this is my way of germinating but bacteria will only set in if left for more then 5 days …

results are in my pics …

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I c. Well right on. Nice write up

The only thing I don’t like about using cheese cloth is the roots will sometimes grow into the fibers and then you either have to carefully cut them out or just pull them out which can stunt them, doesn’t mean it doesn’t work for you though

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I have had to remove seedlings that grew a taproot that are an inch or more lol growing through the cloth but with a little tlc and good tweezers I never had any broke or unhealthy seeds…

So it’s ust the paper towel method but with extra steps…


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I.put them in a shot glass for 24 hours and if they sink then put a folded paper towl in a dinner plate and pur the shot glass on the dry papertowel
If this is too much water i pour some offor squeeze the towel so it doesn’t drip. Fold it over the seeds then put it in a quart size zip.lock bag
I shut the bag three fourths of the way or so…shut then take a six inch long piece of duct tape and put about two inches on the bag on the closed side or middle then put the rest on top or just lipped over the big screen TV in our spare bedroom where my wife doesn’t ever go. (Because she will turn off the tv if she sees it is/running)
I.think turn the TV on making sure the bag hangs over the back far enough to get warm and leave it. Check every twelve hours.once the seeds have tails I get jiffy (actually clear taco bell.or Starbucks cups cups and fill them with happy frog and perlite.mix one to one. It.must be moist but not soaking wet. I use warm well.water with no chlorine
I don’t not fill to the top and my cups have several.holes on the rim of the bottom. This is important. Be sure the holes are on the bottom rim not on the very bottom.make sure they are only about the size of a nail.or less than a quarter inches. I have six or so.holes.
I then take a.pencil and poke a hole about as deep.as the sharpened part of the pencil over a quarter inch more.like half inch or so. The hole.needs to be almost as big as your finger in diameter
Taking tweezers place eaCH seed in a hole and make sure the tail.points up.or to the side.

Taking tweezers I gently place them the right way if the tail.accidentally points down…I then fill with crumbled peat.or sand then spray with hydrogen peroxide until.the material.is soaked above the seed.
In a few days it will pop.over the soil.
If the seed casing doesn’t come.off you can spray with hydrogen peroxide and wait a few minutes
Because I usually fill.the cups to about an inch of the top I may have to cut the top.of the cup down to get to the seedling
I hold.the seedling gently and use an exacto.knife of straight.pin to take the helmet off.
I haven’t had to.do this in some.time though using this.method.
If the seedlings stretch I gently add pear.miss or happy frog around them to the half way. Point up the stalk.
I.place a 35/watt cfl about six inches from the cotyledon. I place these cups into a styrfoal.cooler.or.Tupperware breadbox and add water to the bottom ever so.often and keep a moist substrate until the roots get established
Its a fine line between not watering enough.and watering too.much and as they mature you can water less.often. I only bottom water until they leave these cups after three weeks or so. I can tell when they are ready by looking at the roots because the clear cups will.let.me see them. I have never had algae problems. Once roots are established I transplant to a moist happy frog medium in a two liter or half gallon size pot with the bottom substrate wet and fill with dry around the sides of the root ball.

I use to use that method before going with the tri folded cheese cloth & zippy… I am a clean freak and don’t reuse either the cloth or the baggy… just me … :shushing_face:

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Here is an example of my Germination Method on the results within just a 24 hours period.

Pictures don’t lie…

Maggie May peaking in dad’s bed lol


I think clean is best especially with new clones and new seedlings

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I use brand new packaged cheese cloth and disgaurd thye old used cloths.

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