Breeders Choice Organisation

Just found a old pack of Breeders Choice Organisation Hothouse Flowers Jumping Jack . I was wondering if anyone knows the genetics behind the breeding of HotHouse Flowers Jumping Jack …

I found a reference to Jumping Jacks (not Jack) during my search. No credit to the breeder, but it said Jack Herer x Super Silver Haze

That is what I thought it was … Thank you for your help . I remember Hothouse Flowers had a bad track record for sending out orders … Then they teamed up with Breeders Choice Organisation .This pack is from 2007 or so . I Figure It’s about time to give them a go . Hope to find a nice Jack leaner to replace the old cut of Jack I lost

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Believe it or not , jumping jack has no jack in it ha. From everything I’ve gathered it is actually NL90xHaze that is back crossed to the NL90… (NL90xHaze) x NL90 . Hope you pop those man, should be some very interesting stuff. Not sure why it’s NL90 but it’s just Northern Lights from the 90s

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At the first step it was intended to compete the JH on the same skeleton, it turned in something totally off road. Then the BX. That turned in something even more off road. The first step is for me a better genetic material, full of potential but which need time to spend. There is some packs sometimes that you’re scared to launch, maybe this year i will get the balls.


That’s awesome man! You def have something special for sure , whenever you grow them, make a thread here

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From what I’ve gathered, the things that HHF/BCO released was very different from everyone else at the time. Many unaltered genetics. Their afghani is a complete different line than what sensi and all them used back then. Found this quote "The Pureghani father is an IBL from two excellent old pre-Soviet invasion Afghan hash-making indicas; this doesn’t use the Sensi “hashplant” genetics."

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It’s true, everything was off road in fact even when they tried to make something more standardized. They produced true playful genetic materials, but at this time it was already bad understood. We were already in the trend of hyped cuts out-crossed with a narrowed pool of males. Dinosaurs was dying these times ^^

I’ve played with a dozen of these packs a while ago, the purple OTH used is very funky and bring a surprising potency in the NLized hybrid. It’s the very last pack, so i have to play safe in launching in same time a personnal sativa hybrid and from the same times … enough stressful to keep it low profile in my grow log. Let’s say that the chances of germination are pretty low and the pressure of nostalgia enough high.

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