Looking for some old Jack herer

Does anyone have any old Jack here we beans willing to work something out.


I recommended the sannies seeds thread for some sannies jack ( best and most legit jack nowadays?)


Pretty sure there is a tester seeds of lavender jack going on on here


I’m looking for a pack from maybe early 2000s or in the 90s. I have some packs from 2 years ago and was wondering if it’s still the same compared to the seeds from the 90s-2k era. Do they use the same parents form back then or they just f2,f3 them?

Thank Tony but I’m looking for some pure Jack herer. Need to ask Doug about those seeds and see what he says. I have some Jack herer seeds but looking for older stock.


won some in his comp if they are what you are looking for then you are welcome to them


I got a single seed out of a bag of J1 a few years ago. Haven’t seen the original Jack Herrer in years though, hopefully someone still sitting on some from 90s-early 2000s.


Are you doing a repro or just a personal grow?


The ones I got are from the 2021 repro by @AzSeaindooin420 .


This depends entirely on the breeder of the 2-year old Jack seeds you have.
I’d be surprised if the orig. breeder Sensi Seeds (i think) still has 20+ yr. old parent plants. But it’s possible.

Sometimes they will try to re-create it w new plants.
It’s a good idea that they then rename the strain. Jack Herer 2.0 or Jack V2, to be clear to the growers.
But many use the same name, but new genetics.


Mr Soul/Brothers Grimm used to have Rosetta Stone seeds that would put out plants that seemed just like the Jack I remember. But, I’ve seen a couple of recent posts about it and it doesn’t look or sound the same at all. So, maybe better luck finding a 10-15 year old pack of that instead of a 25 or so year old pack from Sensi. I think most of us popped all of the seeds we bought back in the day too. Best of luck on the hunt!! I love some good Jack.


I sent @JonPott some f2’s of bodhi’s LoJack I made. I bet if you asked him nicely he would share as I sent him plenty. It’s the 10k cut used


I just grew out 2 freebie white label jack herer from nasc. they turned out really good. best of anything from the winter grow.

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I have been spreading those seeds around since I got them and still have more than half of that pack. Come to think of, I am pretty sure I sent @DGCloud about 40 of them. :thinking: pretty sure I traded with them for some Brawndo f2’s.

I sent a message to you DG, if you could respond about their arrival and condition I would appreciate it :pray:


More of personal, but wouldn’t mind doing a reprondown the line just have some project a before this one.

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Some old Jack would be great, I had some from @AzSeaindooin420 but I couldn’t keep em alive :confused: I have a pack of Blueberry x Jack, (Purple Punch x Dosido) from @Maddawg and a Jack’D F2 (Dozer x Jack cross) that’s made some rounds here in Hawai’i all in the bean vault rn.

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Almost all old Brothers Grimm’s strains are JH. So much that he even is sometimes himself confused about the strain names :laughing: So that’s JH, with Mr Soul own selection on top

If you want to see what the current sensi JH looks like, have a look at @Fuel’s thread Live & Reloaded


I know mr. green genes still has his 2001 Jack herer mom plant. He released JH x MWCB79 a few months ago as well


There’s a Jack H reproduction that Dead Panhead did that I’ve been eyeing up for a while. Only available on Neptune as far as I can tell, and probably an old release. I can’t find any info on it, but I’ve always been intrigued. They don’t seem to do a lot of reproduction work that I’ve seen, so I’m guessing it’s some solid base stock that was used.


I’ll check that out thanks @acro buddy!

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