Research of old dutch blood :)


European breeders lost their genetics like 15 years ago : Mr. Nice, Serious seeds, sensi seeds, etc.

Some gold was lost because IMHO the best old strains like kalimist, neville haze, whit widow, G13 hash plant, black domina, super silver haze 95, where equivalent or far better than what I am popping now.

So anyone have

  • informations of breeders who has worked with this old lines ?
  • some clones to preserve and make seeds-coop and spread it around the word ?

Thanks for the help


Let me threadjack you just a bit @trytogoodbud. I’d like to find some real Super Lemon and/or Super Silver Haze seeds for sale or trade. You can find seeds for both of them easy enough, but I know OG knows who’s got the real deal. :smiley:

Thanks :vulcan:


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it’s difficult to find a good one when you smoked the old versions :slight_smile:

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How bout a 95 cherry Ak47 or just 95 AK 47.
Won’t let a clone go out but I got beans.


Wahou you have gold, if it’s possible to buy you some, or give you clones for them, I’m ok. Maybe seeds I can buy for you ? :slight_smile:

I’m trying to have an old white russian but it’s not done lol

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Hit me up on pm well talk


Thank you very much OleReynard


super lemon haze : I will give a try to Green house line (if I can with mango A5 from top dawg, haze freak from connoisseur genetics and mango haze from Mr. Nice:) I heard good things about her and don’t think they loose the genetics because it’s recent.

A spanish contact said me to take a look at
Super silver haze : the nature farms (shantibaba lost the old parents but I would take a look. It’s not so strong but maybe the best available because it’s the original creator, green house too (they have bad reputation I know, but some strains are good. Just to know which :slight_smile:
Super lemon haze : mass medical strains

Personnaly I like the super lemon haze a lot and will take a look at the “lemon haze” seeds available.

Not european blood but in the same flavor and effects, maybe you can give a look to the panama haze from ace seeds (good things read about her from haze freaks) and panama (maybe Honduras for softer effects to work :slight_smile: same breeder)

Just to explain why I’m interest of those strains :
Mango haze = neville haze x A5 haze pheno “mango”

Mango A5 (I don’t know what A5 they use) = (mango nigerian x A5) x A5 = [(mango haze x nigerian) x A5] x A5 = [[(neville haze x A5 “mango”) x (nigerian silk x NL5haze)] x A5] x A5 :smiley:

Haze freak (BX2 clone-only AG13Haze= G13 x A5 (i don’t know which)) = [(AG13Haze x GirlScoutCookies thin mint) x AG13 Haze] x AG13 haze :slight_smile:

All the best


I’m very interested about the Mexican haze from Dampkring seeds

But if anyone can have the real clones better. I’m trying to have the S5 and A5

Now at home with old Dutch blood but diluted :slight_smile: :

  • killerA5haze
  • neville haze original cut x panama
  • C5 x kali china

Karma is working on some A5 haze lines with the same A5 haze pheno (the pheno 2) than ace seeds (given by sammy). He created yet some strains (white A5 haze, sour A5, etc) but I’m not very interested


I found an old white russian haha !

what a strong weeeeed ! not tasty but Fucking strong :slight_smile:

I’ve got the old some of first release Ak47 crossed with an old white Russian.


Much respect for that cross Man ! I see you know what you do haha

It has to be fucking weed ! Congratulations :slight_smile:

I have some metal dragon I’d like to trade off.
It is metal haze x Dutch Burmese.

How an american like you know better european weed, than an european like me ? haha

It look awesome

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Over 4 decades in this game.
Used to send people over to the Dam back in the late 70’s early 80’s.

Cops took collection in 2001, except for a couple things


Old Dutch Genetics has some older White Widow

@olddutchgenetics on IG


Thank you very much for the help Bro

If it’s got a shit taste and can’t stand to smoke it…
It’s the real deal

Don’t do ig, they’re all tarded


ha ha ha sounds wonderful

I’ll ask him

you can reach him thru me - nice guy

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Potent stuff, I had some real beans of the widow.
Took Polaroid all you saw was a white blob could not define nothing

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