Breeders Syndicate Codex

Exactly, at what point does this get used to “prove” some fly by night project is legit. I do see many people trying to do that, specifically with haze and rks (not you mith lol).


Well, until we have a company who’s actually interested in sequencing huge amount of cannabis dna for real. Stories and recognise plant traits is the only thing we have go on.

But I agree that it doesn’t get you very far.

Pz :v:t2:


I think once we grow indoors in controlled rooms we lose a lot of what heritage can tell us.

Drought resistance, strong roots, cold, high heat, temp swings, flowering time, how.many hrs to trigger, pest, fungus, morphology etc get kicked to the curb when a plant is babied and shaped to our grow styles.

What we are left with is type of high, canbabinoids ratio, size of resin, stretch/vigor, flavor and color. Feed regimen too… the Thai plant used to soils washed by monsoons don’t eat the same as the plants used to rich soils.

In the case of type of high, when mixing plants from different origins it can take up to 6 generations to stabilize away from a muddy effect.

Now with all the poly smashing, the only heritage is being a proud mutt 🥲


More well put than what i said @Mithridate


I’m just thinking who figured out that Chen 4 came before chem D then adjusted some environmental factor to produce a better product? You have to swim in some crazy circles to know the guys who grew those cuts in those years still around and growing or at least knowledgeable as such on current hardware etc.
Like I said I get the passion though and it really is just an honest question.

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The RKS thing is just people who are trying to profit. Like you’re selling something you know isn’t RKS (not YOU obviously :joy:). That’s not a guess like they grew it send out testers tell everyone it smells like it then try to make a gain off it. That shit is very sad.


And nobody grows the fucking testers out either :rofl: really just saying this all with a light heart. I’ll stop though.

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I’m being very careful with what I say about my skunk line because I don’t know what it is. I get the enthusiasm, but for me, these fell on my lap and are already good as is. I don’t know when, but I’ll eventually release them free.

The only advantage I have is a major headstart :wink:

And yeah, I’ve grown quite a few public skunk lines to know dudes are just saying whatever we want to hear lol


It’s mostly remembering me that i can’t wait to germinate a pack of AK47 next week :grin:

But I salute the initiative, it’s a way to centralize what they say in the videos (i guess) and to assume it with a more convenient trace.


I’ll put my money on you.


The issue with this is that the data is coming from a select few.

However, the data can be inaccurate if someone has a motive or intention. I’ve been considering developing a better database similar to Seedfinder. The data would also be contributed by the community, but the issue still remains regarding who can and should have the ability to enter data.

Should contributors have a “Trust” rating?

Should elected members/breeders be responsible for submitting the data?

I follow the Bodhi threads, and sometimes it’s exhausting to search for data. It would be great to have pictures and even smoke reports per cultivar.

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One other thing to mention is how our memories change over time. Our stories sometimes change. If you have time, listen to the podcast, specifically the ‘Notsodog’ episodes.

Basically, he is 100% correct in that the ‘name game’ makes it extremely difficult to get definitive answers. When a cultivar travels, for example, from the east coast to the west coast, the name would sometimes change.


Sounds like you’re ready to start a seed brand. Seriously. You’re on the level. All it takes is stories.


I agree 100% the data needs to come from reliable sou4ces and ones that aren’t going to profit from supplying the data.

That’s one of the problems with seedfinder, the fact that public can add their own data.
At least with the Syndicate Codex they have a lot of well respected breeders and growers that are part of that crew.

I know they’ve even said it themselves, this is early days for the Codex. But I think it would have been better for them to beta test it before making it live. And fix things like the ‘provenance’ rating system they have.
It’s definitely a work in progress, but I can see it being more valuable than leafly, strainly or phylos.



And chem#1 to chem#4 are all chem91 x nl5haze hybrids :eyes:


The smoke didn’t change tho. Maybe the Cannabis community should stop listening to people who care about the word rose instead of what roses smell like.

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I only sell the dankest of kush mate! :rofl:
Every seed I sell grows 4 plants and each one yields 2lbs each, with 75%THC and 128% terpz.
Plus I got all of my genetics from the guy who invented cannabis.
:smile: :rofl:



Amen my friend :pray:t3: my sentiments exactly


This has always bugged me, ALLBUD is pretty good too but I think works on the same premise

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I’m sold! Take my money :dollar: