“Seed Breeder” discussion/opinion

F1s are cute but to summarize I’d rather an f4
*original topic of discussion was based on YouTube video (*deleted)
I kind of lay into f1 breeders and label them as “pollen chuckers” (which should never have negative connotation btw and not said with negativity towards any namesakes in particular)
I take a really different/opinionated view towards what I feel true about the seed sales side of community.
I am passionate about pure or as pure to origin or logical intention as can be.
As I would not want a day where a 4000 year old line of indica gets popped next to some Cali Mali sally wally and crossed and sold $50 for 10
Unless it makes sense.
There is so much time and energy behind certain lines ,
And to see generations of hard work and time be pissed away so you can make $50 is wrong.
Again my opinion, as stated in the video
To add not at all against f1 or first gen crosses or anything of the likeness (which may be assumed)
I simply point out the fact that people are in this for a quick dollar is repulsive and upsetting to say the least.
I’m a person whom appreciates and holds to highest degree, those willing to share backlogged lineage.
Video was negative , my viewpoint is negative yes; but based on pure observation and how I see from my angle.
Nothing here is new even as far as my opinion, except the fact we now have a grounds to discuss; and maybe can all pull up a seat


It won’t let me watch it. What’s the gist?

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@Foreigner should be viewable now…
bad link initially I saw it and fixed it

Transcript for those of us who prefer to read?


Tl;Dr is breeders are just pollen checkers, crossing 2 f1s isn’t breeding, and you have to have more intention with breeding.
Basically what gets said all the time about pollen chucking.
Nothing really new or innovative for experienced folk


Somehow the guy in the video doesn’t seem like someone who’s opinion I’m interested in.


Yeah same old.

It’s the OP of this thread so I won’t be negative, but it’s not anything new


“Chuckers do it with reckless abandon.”

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Seems like a lot of hair-splitting and semantics.
edit: The conversation about breeder/chucker, not the video. :peace_symbol: :smiley:


Well before I take any Breeder seriously
Im going to have to see 100 test plants
And that’s just for starters
If we’re going to get anal, I’m going full blown
Science, anyone with me lol121715_Chuck_Lorre_Productions_sarcasm.large


I’m a fourth degree black belt designated breeder and you’re just a lowly chucker.

We can all be friends and have fun. It’s silly.


I’ll be your friend, but you’re still a chucker till you get that 5th degree.


Chuckers do it better……Almost sounds like a hilarious Overgrow Tshirt that could be made and sold to Donate to Overgrow servers.Almost writes itself really…


Did you register your Pollen hands as deadly weapons yet???


I’m the finest breeder in 12 sq/ft you’ll ever meet :joy:


Yooo, chill out with that square feet stuff! That’s cultural appropriation!



In all seriousness, I think it boils down to intention.


I didn’t watch the video but from the comments I will just assume it’s the same old claims that everyone out there claiming to be a breeder is just a pollen chucker.
I’ll say maybe.

But I’ve witnessed a grower who absolutely admited to being a closet growing pollen chucker… with bagseeds no less and he went on to win best indica and best in show in the 2015/16 IC420 cups in amsterdam. I hold that clone and breed with it with permission. All the seeds he released to GLG based on those bagseed finds are absolute fire and some of my favorite plants.
Anyone can find gold… even in bagseed but it takes a certain kind of grower with an eye for the plants and a feel for the outcome … and to do the work to find that gold.

At a certain point, every breeder is a pollen chucker because every time pollen flies and seeds are made… a great unkown adventure awaits. What separates the common pollen chucker from a breeder is speculative at best but those who test thier pollen chucks before releasing them. Doing the work and proving the line and not being afraid to tos the line if it doesn;t go where it was intended.
I am a pollen chucker for life… it’s a compulsive disorder. I also consider myself a breeder because I grow what I breed, I test what I chuck, and if it doesn;t impress me or my friends it gets binned. I also have several lines I have worked and selected through multiple Fgens and this work is real breeding work , hunting thru the seeds at two gardens and tsting flower runs at 3 or 4. Each year my friends are making more and more room in thier plant counts for my seeds so that means I’m doing something right. LOL

anyhow, every breeder out there started out as and still is a pollen chucker. It;s what they do with those seeds… do they just throw them on the market or do they take some time to test run. I like to run a few of everything to get a feel and then let my friends have a crack at them to see if the plants make the grade. If something wows my friends, I set the plants up for a larger pollination and then that goes out to the seedbanks.


Shit a conversion…12 sqft = 1.115 sq/M

Ha ha math bilingual.