Breeders Syndicate Codex

Can I rename it “Authentic pre-whatever Gratefull Snoop Bidden Kush Cookie” ? It will fill the big void of my chunking. I will auction your bulk at 500 bucks per ten. Don’t worry … years before anyone will germinate them and figure out anything. You’re safe ^^


Pre pre contra cookie glue dream kush


Some of these strains is like whose line is it anyway, where everything is made up the strain names dont matter. Especially modern weed with people trying to hide whose genetics they started from and act like they created their strains from some ancient blood magic. Add that to the murkiness of the genealogical history due to being illegal and some guys trying to profit off claiming knowledge, and you get this.


I like NotSo :grin:



So I only listened to the podcast & then read the nonsense you guys listed here :man_facepalming:

The Kiwi :new_zealand: is pleasant & balances out Matt’s funky aroma but seems a little uninformed.

So, seedfinder was & is still the primary guide for me. Leafly always was a joke(IMO) & dumbed down, strainly? just redundant & hazardous, forgot they were a thing. :sweat_smile:

Phylos seemed like a great thing, but… :violin: c’est la vie :money_mouth_face:

A display of all sources would be more useful than Matt & whoever’s opinion, IMO.

I enjoy weekly weed content but when it’s just brain-death like TADS, I gotta move on.



This really does not seem to get discussed very often, very astute observations @Mithridate


I was just thinking this today… that once the market consolidates or fills with shitty shit… how do seed breeders distinguish themselves from competition. The F1 polyhybrid shit in a blender seems to work for some… but for how long?

Another consideration is the material “cost” of a seed company, low barrier to entry, no regulation(thankfully! :laughing: )…

What’s changed has the number of people looking for seeds. :+1:

Time is necessary for reputation, & breeding, & by the time people are hitting their stride with the plant, they are old & passing on :pensive:

Hype weed isn’t going away for a while, if ever though, so :man_shrugging:

Put’s the responsibility on us growers to grow more (overgrow) and be honest & critical about shit.

…Aaaand legality isn’t settled at all. If this were cars or coffeepots or shoes, you’d know what’s good & what you can afford etc… but since we’re only half out of the dark ages everyone’s still learning & catching up.

The seedmakers who started very early in life seem to have the best chance, it seems to me, like people who inherit other crafts from generations before them.

:evergreen_tree: @nube 's Pura Vida F2 talkin right there


The more the seed market get saturated with shit, the more important is it that us customers buy our seeds from nice and honest people.

Pz :v:t2:


Dosent matter who it may be. , But how could somebody that has been caught multiple times lying about there genetics on how they obtained them or there actual lineage in the past , have anything to do with documenting strain provenance or lineage …


That’s called marketing, and that’s what does distinguish them. Buy seeds in bulk, label with the last hype name, put a nice photos picked up somewhere, put banners where it matters, carefully set your price regarding the competition, etc. The only distinction is who’s the best at marketing and who has the best network. That’s just a side effect of the $$ capitalist market mind.

I think it will always exist. There’s always be a market for that, always be newcomers or people that don’t really care but just want to grow cheap and fast and tell it’s “TheLastHype”. Awareness about that is a learning curve that takes time. Only way to fight is with education, and cornering places that promote that crap. Have a few forums in mind :laughing:

Oh, and I believe it also works because if you grow enough of that crap, you may actually find a decent pheno for weed production.



Out of curiosity, who is this in reference to?


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Meaning if your interested in Certain breeder or somebody that may be a part of something
documenting heritage , origins , Might be best to do some google search’s to start with see what you learn about them . Make decisions from there . Due diligence


Ah ok, sorry, I thought you were referring to a specific incident/person.

Of course, it’s something I do myself. Checking to see what kind of rep breeders have.
It’s why I like OG so much, there are loads of members here who’s recommendations I’ll trust :100:

I think unfortunately, a lot of seed buyers, especially newcomers, don’t know where to start or even know what to look for when buying seeds from a breeder.



Yes i am , but i wont bring “them up”
search the breeder and search for the strains your interested in ,google even can pull up a lot of info , even in 'images" , Do you best i guess …
i suggest find a type or profile or taste you like , find breeders who been working with those types plants for a while , Plant exp is what make a good breeder , He learns the suttle traits of the genetics he’s working with so there able to home in on the traits and goals there trying to reach . Any person making seeds from plants they have never grown or they have No Exp with and selling them , Are just ripping people off …
Proof is in the pudding


If Matt tried saying AK47 was Hawaiian x Skunk or even Bubblegum x Hawaiian, I might’ve believed him.
I see Hawaiian in AK47 and I remember that being listed in the lineage.

I’ve noticed the BS podcast seems to be working very hard to push certain cuts / genetics in the market, mostly centered around NotSo.

That said, Matt is probably one of the most devoted genetic historians.


Yeh, I know what you mean about the guesswork happening with some of the lineages.

I’ve spoke to Thousandfold about their “certianty” categories, and maybe clarifying what each one actually means.
Like what’s the difference between “fairly certian” and “speculative” etc
and how they arrived at those conclusions



Ah that’s sad to hear.
I would keep chasing it up. I know he had problems with the discount code over Black Friday, it was stacking with other discounts, so think he cancelled a load of orders or something like that.
Definitely worth trying to chase it up.

I know the point is you shouldn’t have to be the one doing this though!

Hope you get sorted soon!



Pretty cool brain fart buddy.

These two steps are actually not compatible with the green, that is made from cycles mostly, and being mostly build on the lack of transmission between the different generations of stoners. I’m not even joking about this.

I often tried to understand what is triggering these cycles (without much success), and lastly i ask myself often what will be the new form of the said cycles with such a torque (never known or experienced at this level before).

Now the sequence never changed much : discover of a pillar-genetic, tons of hybrids, saturation, degradation of the standard. Next.

I sincerely think that the market never consolidated anything yet. Even at industrial scale, we can know it now. By example the containers of canadian-gov weed sent in Europe … don’t make noise really. We are far from the golden age of BC when actually the weed traveled the word, from more humble starting points.

Look at the SPG dom rebranded for kids then “hip-hop-cookized” in Runtz after ^^ Maybe it’s stupid but it remember me the Chronic back in the day. How high, tons of song and artists named after it etc … marketing artists consolidating on a weed, yes.

But what is sad today is that most of the stuff are recycled from dusty lines born when the term “auto”, “fem” etc … wasn’t even a subject. But everything is fine, we are smoking the amazing weed of the future.

That’s symptomatic of a saturated market. I remember when the White Widow was released, great moment. Nice discover. Then quickly the “everything x WW” + bazillions of ripoff pop (for the better and the worse) at the point to make this line the last you have in mind to try a first time. Same with Blueberry, to give one point to the two sides.

Watered down and random crosses is a part of the cycle i must say, it’s just that lastly I’ve the impression that stoners just pop one year and leave the other year. Then it never end lol It’s a stupid sensation, i know as a fact that it’s not true. But it really express well the weird feeling i have about the actual dynamic, an overall loop.

In copying the “next-door competitor” in a kind of rat race that have no longer any sense, even financially. A long time ago it was all about a singular line released by the label XYZ, a flagship at least, that finish in the actual mad blender in a way or another. Proof of the superiority of the new breeding practices right ? :upside_down_face:

Glad i’m not the only one seeing it as a blender where you put your whole dinner, mix it, then drink the uggly paste in one shot to be filled the faster possible.

Now i’ve to temper you legit nausea, poly-hybrids are not the cause of the problem at all. A bunch of great stuff needed at one point the encounter of multiples qualities/lines. The skunk by example.

The problem is what is made with the sources, and how they are maintained as materials also. One shot projects, gang bang, too recursive use of the same pollen donor etc …

The subject is shitty anyway. I can do a “codex thing” that is quite disturbing but fundamentally true and that can be verified by everyone, no matter the skills : to declare that we are all smoking afghani-skunk weed most of the time.

The exercise is simple. Take one strain and reduce it bluntly to his sources, even multiplied. I will take drama-less example for the demonstration.

The Super Skunk … afghani skunk.
The Shiva Shanti … afghani skunk.
The Critical Mass … afghani skunk ^^
etc … even a Sour Diesel can be considered as a variation/spiced of an afghani skunk in following this blunt reduction.

This plant permit incredible things in selection, but when you’re watching the things with more height you always realize that it’s simpler that the marketing is saying.

So yes, it’s important i think to be careful with this witch hunt about polyhybrids i read too often. It have to be contextualized. I prefer by far a rich polyhybrid that is stabilized than a random chunk of “everything is inside” and released in nature as it, so as a pre-digested food coming from the blender we hate both.

Vicious subject to talk about now, it’s becoming (i feel) very hard to distinguish the marketing from the real education now for a lot of people. The codex being interresting to discuss for this reason imho.

Personally i sincerely want to believe that these guys are trying to make something “in-between”, it’s just lefty and the catalogs are repulsive for me when i consider the initial purpose guessed. Reaching neutrality is hard for their defense, as it is hard to keep it alive without money.

True if you want just to play around and to don’t create any singularity in the market. But not so true when you’re out of this equation. Bills can be very high without any return during a long time, too. It’s complicated and involve more if you’re hunting money (to grow, to have better projects, to …) or weeds.

Complicated subject. From my point of view, i don’t understand why a lot of labels able to make good seeds just don’t work directly for the masses over to make pointless releases on their own that will be hard to push. Who the fuck teached them basic economical matter in school lol

It still blow my mind. I’ve not yet processed it lol Stoners invented the true infinite growth. The green economy itself have non sense anyway, since ever. Hipsters-vegan-free praying for more Monsanto strategies, to be more dependent and to have to spend more money to keep their space alive. A place like OG is a bug in the matrix and i like it ^^

Let’s talk true, it was never the case. I’m not taunting you at all. Put a singular bud on the table of something that disturb the “zeitgeist standards” and it’s all you need. No matter if you are in the game since decades or one day. And i find it sane.

I can even push more, there is a bunch of ghosts of the past in old-boards-supermarket-show that have this long time behind them. And even big names. It don’t changed anything for them, some still sell bibles door-to-door today.

But don’t worry, I’ve in head maybe the labels you had in mind in writing it. In this context, transmission is the problem and the lack of turn over that born from it. It’s said coldly, but … we have clearly a structural problem with it since a while. As international community.

It’s what i no longer understand with the new game. Sincerely.
Even sometimes you can interchange feedbacks on two different strains without even making it strange to read ^^

The Darwinism is very much higher than before (by the numbers at least), but i adopt an optimistic posture about it. The ones accepting their immediate failures at being competitive, and this way reforming their vision by the facts … can lead to cool stuff. They have just to understand first that they are very not unique in a world where everything is interconnected, but also the great chance that they just have to be constant to be singular today lol I fcking digress sorry.

Cool input, please tag the weed used to type it sometimes ^^


Thank you @Fuel :fuelpump: for your thoughtful reply! :blush:


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Thanks !! alway need new info - to date use these 3 sites - (mostly used)