Breeders Syndicate Codex

yeah but to be fair, look at our other non-cannabis cultivars.

  • The russet-burbank potato was ONE single plant in a field of the same cross. Burbank isolated it and bred it out into THE Idaho/Russet-Burbank potato that is all over the world now. Had McDonalds fries? You’ve had his potato.
  • The yellow sweet corn variety that is so common now was ONE dude in the 1900’s. He hoarded it to himself and then died and someone got gifted the kernels from his family and saved it and now we have yellow sweet corn that can be found all over the world. Before that ONE guy that found it in a common yellow feed corn stock, it was non-sweet feed-corn only, fit for livestock and that was it. Sweet corn back then was white, black, or orange. When was the last time you saw some black or orange sweet corn for sale? It all got replaced by the yellow variety. And some yellow/white super sweet corn varieties.

They may all be Afghani Skunk, but selection matters! Blows my mind how ubiquitous some of these plants we have are, that are almost all the result of a SINGLE person finding a SINGLE plant in a bunch of some strain and sharing it.


Over the shine and marketing, we are in the prehistoric age with cannabis compared with maize or potatoes. I respect your idealism, but the comparison is out of scale without even talking about the specificities of the cultivars themselves.

We are killing both ourselves to be the voices that explain that there is more than one generation in breeding most of the time ^^ Also to explain the global consequences of a nihilist manner to consume our plant.

Now the fundamental exercise I’ve expressed don’t change the fact that i can survive with a stash reduced to two strains : the NL5H and the JH. They are almost the same plants and it’s even obvious in growing them. Same plants, two smokes, two pleasures. But it’s talking about my blunts and my receptors, not that this specific build exist with all flavors of the same thing.

My point is more : “if I cross an afghani skunk with an afghani skunk, am i really working on something else than another afghani skunk ^^”.

The power of selection have its limits : the starting point. And actually the ground is devastated by crickets buddy. I’m not feeling fair if i say that yes, “take a skunk and generate a true new genotype with it” in the actual ambient. Dream (even technically possible, i admit this) are necessary, but my first priority when i’m taking the time to structure my opinions is just to make my possible to stop the destruction first, so at least to reinforce poachs of resistance. And for this, stoners in general have to accept that maintaining what they are doing is an obligation and that it can’t be done in a single generation, from the ashes of it in bonus lol


As growing becomes mainstream, with its bling and trends, pockets of counterculture are just doing their thing. Laughing in -sh :wink: