Breeding with females

No this is a misnomer, broscience. Your traits are completely up to the parent plants used to make the cross and how homozygous they are as well as which traits are themselves dominant.

Most of my crosses for instance, the male has been passing most of the structure and flower traits, with the female only bring half the scents and part of the highs. I’ve had another cross where the female just dominates.

Only way to know for sure is to make the cross and pop the beans.


I don’t think that’s true. What does “purer lines” entail? It’s all bagseeds they found. Blueberry is like, what, F6 after all these years? I think many of the stories the old timers tell are perhaps embellished and since they were the first to do many things, they have a VERY high opinion of their work. DJ Short insists that everything is Blueberry. OG Kush included. His selection numbers aren’t even that big. And to this day everyone who grows his $250 packs finds half the plants mutant runts.

I guess my point is, view any “expert breeder” with suspicion. The results show in the plants.


Much appreciated man, that’s exactly what I was thinking too.

Fair enough😅 the results can only be seen in the offspring

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Agreed, especially with DJ, he seems to only be living off what people still remember from his older lines where he had multiple thousands of plants to choose from and now he’s basically breeding from seed packs he could still find of his own work


Even traditional weeds have been Dutched. Jamaicans don’t grow “pure” Jamaican. It’s all been hybridized to increase yield and prolong the growing season.


Thanks for the pics man, they do look extremely similar at this point, would love to see how they look in flowering.

The whole quest for higher THC numbers has led to the demise of breeding for effects in my opinion, there will always be stand outs but I would think they a few and far between.


20% is more than sufficient.


Thanks everyone, it just dawned on me that the info I’m really looking for is what to expect when breeding with polyhybrids, it looks like a mixed bag of dicks😅. I’m still interested in what the results are when growing p1 parentals as F1 generations are still possible even when using female plants, I’ll ask Dubi, maybe he’ll be kind enough to share some insight.

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This - my first project ever (and the reason I’m deep into breeding to this day) was/is exactly this. One bag seed I grew out. Fell in love with the plant - was able to self some seeds with some added stresses, and have since outcrossed to a true male. This gave me regulars whichi f2’d, I’m still hunting through to this day. Looking for a male to back cross to the original s2’s now. Edit: sifting through away from the original out crossed male and towards the original s1 traits .

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That’s true all my brothers and sisters have dark hair and I turned out ginger probably the milkman’s kid :kissing_smiling_eyes:

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Ever see that episode of Father Ted?

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I have, I love the show. That and one foot in the grave


Apparently only Asians can block that out😅

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From what I can tell you will find good plants as long as your willing to grow enough of them, I will assume when using a polyhybrids in a cross as long as the other p1 parent isn’t far enough away from the cross you will have a very mixed bag of plants to look through.

Brother i understand your beliefs are dictated by your experiences with cannabis.
Not to disrespect you in any way, but I think the question is not about thc numbers, but is about how to get the plants to consistently deliver those numbers, while providing the type of high that reflect those number.
Brothers Im not here to tell anyone how to grow or breed cannabis, hell we all have our own methods of doing that.
Just as our methods are different, so are our outcomes and experiences.
To keep from having those outcomes that you mentioned, I created a strain that doesn’t not conform to such inconsistencies.
Your words tells of how things work without consistency. So I must ask how is it working for those who chose to continue on that path.
Consistency is the key, without it all anyone has is a bunch of nothing. Peace.


For me this has been a unicorn a “Transparent male”!
I would love to hear more…


Brother. He’s an absolute gem of epic proportions and you being who you are I’ll do you one better. I’ll send you some to play with as some beans are in the process as we speak and praying the transparency comes through. Regardless “the one” is held very tightly atm and after much more research I’d love to be able to put it in everyone’s hands someday as it’s an exceptional tool to have in the arsenal 100%


Did you hit your bubba with it ? @TopShelfTrees1
: )

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A transparent male is a gem.
It could be bred to clones to offer them in seed form without altering their terp profiles. Plus it can be breed to fem seeds to re introduced the male gene into them. What an asset brother.
I also see that you are on your way to proving him as a breeding tool. This is the type of work that I like to see being done.
You could see how he affect vigor, yield, potency, side branching.
I know plants like yours exist because I have had autos from clone only strains that did not showed no the autos influence when it came to terps. I’m sure the yields suffered some, but they were still impressive for autos.
Good find brother, good job.