Breeding with females

Any input on how the relationship works when using females to breed, with males and females I tend to agree with breeder Steve and DJ shorts that the female sets more of the structure, smell and flowering time and the male gives more of the effect/potency.

When using reversed female plants does the pollen donor or reciever set more of the structure smell and taste? Dubi from Ace seeds seems to use the more sativa dominant as the pollen receiver in his crosses from what I can tell and he’s one of the few breeders that’s using more true sativa plants in his work so it’s kind of hard to follow looking at other breeders as they are using heavy poly hybrids in their own work for crossing.

With most seeds on the market being feminised it’s not always possible to get regular seeds anymore and figure I need to back up some of the plants I have as they took me a long time to find them😅 but I’m unsure how to approach this when only using female plants and can’t find any good articles on it.


You can cross them with a male of another cultivar then be extremely selective while inbreeding until you have something that resembles the orginal female, or better.


Yeah I’m not really trying to stabilize the trait, Id like to understand the relationship between the donor and receiver plants. It’s hard finding hybrid plants that have a ceilingless high and I have 1 that flowers in 7 weeks and produces a crazy amount of resin and I’d like to see how she does with other combinations, I will definitely use her in other crosses with regular males, but it’s easier to identify good traits in females, even though I smoke my males and they give me a reasonable idea of their potency and effects, when you find a special one you know it immediately but that doesn’t guarantee what the structure and flowering time will be.


The genetics of a breeding will always be 50/50 the female in relationship to the pollen donor regardless of which phenotype that are expressed.


There’s no good reason for females to pass on certain traits and males to pass on others, unless those are sex-linked genes, or unless you’re discussing specific lines where you’re using a female of a homozygous line with many dominant genes to breed with a male of a heterozygous line with recessives. None of the information I’ve read suggests that’s the case. Pretty sure you’re looking for connections where none exist. If you look hard enough, you can find people who will tell you anything you want to believe, especially if it’s somehow attached to an opportunity to sell you common gardening supplies at a 1000% markup.


Yup. Some are knowledgeable and helpful, but not always.

If your mother has green eyes and your father has brown eyes there are no guarantees.


It might just be the case that I am looking for connections that don’t exist when it comes to breeding females with females, I was working under the assumption it would have an impact just as it does when working with regular seeds, I know nspecta has done a few crosses and then reversed them and has gotten different outcomes with the crosses but there doesn’t seem to be a lot of resources to read through and that’s maybe because there isn’t a difference.


There is a guarantee. You will either get green or brown eyes or eyes of a combination of the colors. Hazel eyes. Good observation brother.
On the real, specifics must be bred for, “Pheno hunted” as you guys put it.
And still there is no guarantee because the act of breeding is done to ensure survival of the species.
The best way to ensure survival, is to put out as many variations of oneself in hope that the combination of genetics will live to produce future generations.
I’m gonna say this. Humans can live for a 100 years or more so the genetics difference is small. That’s because the human has learned to Live for multiple years.
You can see that trait in many species that have evolved to live for many years. Including trees.
However, cannabis plant only survives for a season. Therefore it produces many offspring with many variations. This is done in attempt to make sure that some genetic variation of the species will survive to produce the next generation.
Human interference has little effect on this process because it has been going on for countless years.
All though have designed breeding programs to counter the effects of genetics diversity of cannabis. How ever it comes to no avail to prevent the plant from changing with every breeding. It’s just the nature of cannabis. Hence the reason we make clones. Just my opinion brothers.


I don’t think there is a tendency for females or males to be dominant in certain traits. It depends on the plants involved. I’ve seen it go both ways just in the stuff I’ve made. I take a lot of the “tips and tricks” from “old breeders” (especially DJ Short) with a big grain of salt.

You can find males in feminized seeds if you grow enough.

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Is there some kind of course I can take to learn this?


Remember these older growers were working with much purer lines than we are today, especially sativas and they tried to work the genetics to be able to grow them in shorter flowering seasons, DJ short back then while doing his work in Switzerland produced some amazing stuff, his current lines seem to be a far cry away from what he was once capable of.

Just from my own personal observations using low THC sativas mixed to higher THC indicas there is a correlation to which you use as a female compared to which you use as a male. It’s not going to an exact 100% guaranteed outcome but I thought this was always the general rule of thumb that people worked with.

Nevil, kanga, Sam the skunkman also worked their lines under the same premise.


I just crossed a pure sativa to a heavy indica so we will see what happens


my knowledge is derived of many years of experience in breeding this or that.
I jokingly say that my breeding program is an all girls party. But I mean it, I do not used males in any of my breedings.
I breed for results, therefore I trying to eliminate as many “unknowns” as possible.
Since I don’t smoke male plants, and I done have no idea of what he is contributing to breeding, I choose not to use them in my breeding program.
However my plants still carry male genetics from before the time that they were feminized.
Therefore I still get plants that have male attributes.
Of 4 plants 2 will usually have male stature, by being bigger and broader than the other 2. In my opinion those are the males since the ratio is always 50/50. However there is no guessing the contribution of these pseudo males since I do get to smoke them.
To me it kinda like the Amazonian women. Perceivably there was no males in their cultures. Therefore those women have to assume the roles of the male by becoming bigger and stronger themselves. That is if you believe in such a thing.
So far the plants have not show any discourse to this type of breeding. They are just as vigorous, just as potent, and just as terpy as they should be.
Actually, I consider them better because I know exactly what type of smoke was provided by both parent.
And that smoke is alway going to be representative of both the female and female that I used as a pollen donor.
So guess what happens when you breed 2 bad bitches together…… you get an awesome bitch.
It’s just my way brothers. Please you do it your way. Maybe as a side project try it my way and do a comparison. Peace.

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Did you use the sativa as the female or male foreigner? Will be interesting to see your results either way.


Especially when you understand the parents being used well, you get a better understanding of how they represent themselves in the offspring, if you have the time and inclination it would be good to try a reversal in roles of the parents to see if you get a different outcome with the offspring, I would definitely be interested to hear your results man.

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The sativa is the female.

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Will be nice to see the results, especially when it’s low THC variety used as a female you tend to see similar THC production in the offspring as an easy indicator, don’t take this as a bad thing as THC percentage isn’t always correlated to the strength and effect you’re going to experience, it is important for visual perception though.

I’m not sure the female is a low THC variety.

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I have done breedings of opposite parental roles. The the outcome of the results are always negligible. That’s because both parents contribute equally.
You have to also take into consideration that I rarely use plants that are “polyhybrids” for my projects.
I prefer to work with plants that produce repeatable results than those that produce a random offspring in every seed. There is too much unknown there, so the results will be just as unknown.
Those poly hybrid plants are meant to be grown and not to be used as a breeding tool.
They are the equivalent of adding a mutt dog, to a purebred line of dogs. You never know the outcome. And once that randomness is added to your genetics also remember that randomness will always be there.
Therefore future breeding projects are doomed before they begins when choosing to work this type of genetics to create a project.
To take advantage of those type of genetics, for real, they must be pheno hunted and then lined out for several generations to produce a platform better suited for breeding.
I’m trying to keep this short, because we all know it’s a little more to it than that. But we also know what it takes to get the the job done. Lots of time, dedication, and resources. Peace.


After many years we found a male (Mountain Temple) that lets females pass through almost completely clean. Have never found this before but everything we’ve combined has come through clean. I was a firm believer that everything was 50/50 in polys until we found this male, perhaps it’s the exception to the rule, perhaps not . But very interesting none the less. I too would love to delve further into this subject