Breeding with females

I can concur that there is no law or rule as to what passes what on genetically, other than specific plants will have their own set of traits that are often passed on. My Romulan female mother is extremely dominant in almost all aspects, but what she passes on is different depending on the male I might be crossing her to. Some males pass on strong traits, while others only pass on a few things. Some females are the same way… you have to get to know what you’re breeding with to be able to answer the question of what genetics will be passed on.

I’m really glad you all brought up the clean male, because that is totally a thing that any good breeder looks for (as long as they know things like that exist). A perfect male or perfect female, that pass on little to zero genetics is extremely rare to find. Male is far more sought after because of the obvious implications… being able to breed new pheno specific seeds that play out like an S1 but without the potentially damaged genetic code, is a thing of beauty.


pretty sure it has to do with the combining ability of those traits between plants


My Nympho passes on her potency, high terp levels, as well as huge buds.
Her skunk terps profile will even unmute those cookies terps and make them seem more alive. They become more like old school bud with new school power. My Nympho makes a huge difference in everything that she touches.
I have done the proving work, now im into the creating process.
So I’m always looking for other gems to add to to my creations.
In order to have a better outcome, I must look for the best versions of the strains that I choose to add to my crosses. To each his /her own.


Well now I’m even more intrigued but so far he has passed two extremely different strains through untouched. I’m definitely going to have to take this much further.


Man, including the name that strain sounds badass! Especially since I’m a skunkasseur :wink: I appreciate it very much. I’d heard they exist but had never seen it myself.


Actually, not really. Say your mother and father both have a recessive gene for blue eyes they pass on to you, you’ll get blue eyes.


How about, it’s not really about THC levels, at all?

I can’t really say THC percentage has ever been that reliable for me, in regards to consistently putting me in higher enjoyable states of mind. Strain choice, more in regards to specific terpenes and different combinations of several cannabinoids are where the magic happens, and there are plenty strains I can’t really get nicely baked on, some with higher THC percentages than what I’m used to, and it does not correlate that way, it’s just not THAT simple.


What strains did you use @Foreigner I’m interested to see the results of this cross👍


It’s an Everyday Haze female hit with PPP pollen.

I have no idea what to expect really, just seemed like a good idea at the time.

I also used the same pollen on a Maui Mango Haze but it’s far less sativa based than the EDH.

I imagine I’ll end up with something 50/50 balanced?


That would great to get a 50/50 cross, or a fiery sativa with an indica stature.


Nfsot…. Fepo… speaking of educational purposes, I always try to back up my claims instead of spewing gibberish
For instance here is an article about blue eyes.
Her is another that’s pretty much saying the same thing. Genetics of Eye Color
For those who don’t like to read.

I mean, for real, what’s to argue because everyone here know that this cannot be about blue eyes.
Jelly, jam and preserves homie.
Beer, wine, or liquor folks.
In other words your preference is your own and it has no bearing on what I have going on.
I consider it an honor that you are taking notice to what I’m talking about. Thank you.


Bad Azz Kush. Want me to send you some seeds?

It’s highly consistent, very earthy/hashy with a white grape note to it, some notes of pine here n there.

Very sticky, very dense bud. Indica all the way. Bred by Bad Azz from the Cripps, some rapper who has passed away a few years back, and sold by Barney’s Farm.

Got it as a freebie years ago, didn’t think much of it until I smoked it, was almost too strong for me back then, so I bought the seeds to grow some more.

Now I’m doing crosses with it, at F1 now, doing the first test run (seedling stage).

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Thanks for the offer brother. It sounds good pretty good. However, my potency game is on point. I’m talking 95 proof.
My Nympho strain is straight bro.

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Here’s a plain example about dna.

Summary: Researchers have mapped the relationship between length of pregnancy and chemical DNA changes in more than 6,000 newborn babies. For each week’s longer pregnancy, DNA methylation changes in thousands of genes were detected in the umbilical cord blood.

Like anything in the world it’s not black and white.

There are many intricacies that people aren’t taking into account.

Something to think about atleast :man_shrugging:

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If you ever care to share, I’d love to give her a try!

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No problem bro. I’ll definitely keep you in mind when I’m ready to let her go. Thank you for the interest.

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When I read about stabilizing feminized lines, people don’t talk much about back-crossing. Intuitively, it seems like back-crossing a reversed S1 to the mom should be pretty effective considering how similar they are genetically to begin with. Am I missing something?


Let me have some fun on it, I desserve it. I’m an unconditional fan of the Sweet Tooth #3, a line on which both were involved. And the best factual proof you can find that both “were wrong” is this strain, if you’re interpreting their respective shares as it.

The strain is already a multiple BX, it mean a total hell to inbred. But you known, the love.
I’ve made a bunch of F1 with it, experimental outcross or not. The most advanced parallel line was in F7 and is not mine anymore.

The males were carrying the specific chemotype of the ST#3 over the majority of “main lines”, impossible to pass the racy high or the unique fruity taste without them. I’m not talking about faithful tries in a corner, but about an insane number of selective combinations from dedicated lines started when Steve stopped the releases.

Females were crushed totally, but was printing the majority of their shape and productive traits (bud shape, yield/root mass, veg/flo maturity).

I’m also not talking about the best success and the baddest fails, but about a fucking curse with this line both in outcrossing it and in inbreeding it ^^ Add on top the stupid idea to replace the BX dynamic by an artificial genomic pressure (4way), and it make it even more complicated.

You see, the fathers themselves of this line are wrong and true in same time. Because the line and its specificity. The BX was made on a female, and it was not for the fun of doing it.

On the Blueberry alone, the things become barely paranormal lol. It ask so much focus to feel the phenos that if you try to understand them with a systemic approach, you’re finishing to run like a chicken beheaded in your selections. Too much randomizing mutations. “WTF?!” each generation outside hybrids.

Get Biochemical differences in Cannabis sativa L.depending on sexual phenotype, Elena TRUÚ,Elvira GILLE, Ecaterina TÓTH, Marilena MANIU ".

It’s arid, there is no practical “how to” and it take time to digest. But everything you need is inside, and in the references at the end.

To stay focus and to have less the impression to sell my soul, i will consider that the subject is only “breeding only with females”.

Not “how to hack the fem catalog X and to make a better secondary Y catalog with it”.

In this vein, mastering STS (so, having the right lab’ for it) and to know how to make good calibrated seeds is enough to be hired everywhere in one minute. It’s a better bet.

It’s pointless for me to launch an inbreeding process from an outcross if it’s not to improve each generation a trait already at its maximum potential previously.

If you want only to stabilize the occurence of a given phenotype, just operate a backcross with the initial reference. It’s not simple, it’s not easy, you have to choose each time the right partner in the offspring in a more and more narrowed variation.

But you can’t humanly inbred a whole line for so much traits (a whole phenotype). The best of the game are playing with 30-50 traits at a time maximum, it’s nothing in comparison with a whole phenotype.

Actually the technic itself force you to stabilize brutally a big pool of phenotypic answers, without really knowing for the long term which part is good or not. Sound bad like that but it’s only if your goals are not delimited accurately.

It’s very good if you just want to known the nature of the traits you’e working in the line, on a specific specimen and under specific conditions.

Unfortunately, it’s pretty rare to be able to juggle with conditions enough hard to trigger phenotypic answers with reversed specimens. You have to do it before reversing the plant, in preying that the trigger is ON for good. Example : reversed plant under hydric stress VS reversed plant under optimal condition, to judge the variation of the potency. Just an example.

No, but sourcing it by example from a double-feminized line is not hard. It’s crazy.

And it’s a right assumption. You’re totally eliminating the male expression from your selection.

  • with the right knowledge of the lines used, you can make rockstable F1 faster than light. At a level that take years to stabilize. But the longevity of this stability is not the same at all. Consider a BX like the over-diluted outcome of a selfed specimen, and it ask already some skills to bend without shuffling the genome.

  • scents and aromas (well, terpens) are obviously far more easier to drive and to blend. Both in pre-selection and predictability. But not easier to improve, to change and to inject the part of chaos of the creativity.

  • in the absolute, you cut the volume of your selection radically in growing only females. So, by extension, you can grow more females and to be more accurate on this type of specimens.

And with some mileage under the belt, a tool that don’t exist in a “regular” breeding : the possibility to test barely individually the traits you’re working in only one shot. It’s not magic, you have to know perfectly what you’re mapping under various conditions.

Males are printing their dominance in a more brutal way than females, whatever the trait worked.
It have its advantage : streamlining the line more powerfully in a good way, but with some mess
It have its disadvantage : streamlining the line more powerfully in a bad way, but with some mess

If you don’t like “messy” blends : suppress the males then.

It’s only in this specific case that it make sense for me.

Don’t be fooled and i don’t want to defend DJ Short at all. I don’t know how he work and with what.
But sometimes it take years, a fews lines and generations, to just get one improved to record.

They are all saying the same ^^ Change “blueberry” by the main line of the breeder.

Not much difference from the “males carry potency” of Steve and DJ ^^
Poly-hybrids can be rockstable. Also from twos stabilized lines pushed hard. Also selfed on themselves rightly.

No. It’s called a reversed female ^^

But i known you’e talking about pure recessive males.
Sometimes you have just to read the pedigree of the strains, and to determine patterns. Far more easy than selecting specimens that are more and more stabilized (by a way or another).

It’s a technical choice, you can mix barely anything also. But selfing a plant to come back to a wider genotype just after … i don’t really get the point, outside a BX with a reference.

Let’s say in this case that you try like all others before a perfectly accurate feminized version of a given “elite” cut. More, a feminized line that is outperforming the reference itself.

Not really sure what you are saying here. I’m talking about creating an S1 and then backcrossing to the mom. How am I getting a wider genotype? The point is that the mom is the reference.

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My goal is preserve the best crosses that I make as a hobbyist breeder. Like most home growers, I don’t have space to keep clones long-term and I have sometimes found really exceptional plants in my pollen-chuck crosses. Obviously, the S1s that I then make from those plants have a fair amount of variation. So the goal is to stabilize them a little bit. I’ve read a lot of people discuss doing this by creating successive feminized generations using the offspring of the mom, but creating a BX seems like it would be a whole lot easier.