Brix levels, do they matter? What raises the Brix level? šŸ”„

Oh, hereā€™s one!

Looks like somewhere in the 5-15% range of NH4+ :thinking:


Iā€™d also be curious how the soil composition affects the soil acidification/alkalizing effects of NH4/NO3 uptake and how that affects the preferred ratio of N forms.


Man thatā€™s a good readā€¦ Iā€™m trying to grasp everything, and itā€™s a bit rough because I am uneducatedā€¦ but, it seems like these ratios are the ideal ranges ?

This has me more curious nowā€¦ it seems like they found an ideal ratioā€¦ yet the claim seems no3 is best alone? Edit : I found more so it seems the ratio found may be best? My next post has it in the link

The increase in NH4 supply generally caused an adverse response: Secondary metabolite production, inflorescence yield, plant height, inflorescence length, transpiration and photosynthesis rates, stomatal conductance, and chlorophyll content, were highest under NO3 nutrition when no NH4 was supplied. Ratios of 10-30% NH4 did not substantially impair secondary metabolism and plant function, but produced smaller inflorescences and lower inflorescence yield compared with only NO3 nutrition.

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Well ok I see it has to be a ratioā€¦ otherwise issues ariseā€¦ more info on the topic of the 2 Nitrogens

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Looks like the atp cost of no4 is 1/3 of what it is for no3

Seems like they use 1 to allow instant energy to assist with the breakdown of the otherā€¦ is that a decent assumption?

worth a shot at 20 bux (well it was until i purchased it lol)
its 45 on amazon middlemen

The digital ones donā€™t show enough info like the originalā€¦ they only show the actual brixā€¦ not other things like the line between being sharp or hazy helping show whether or not calcium is sufficient or deficient @GYOweed


I skimmed missed posts

Wanted to mention few things about brix and substrate type.

The sweetest cherry tomato I had was around brix of 10 (I heard it some time ago so might be little off) but anyway itā€™s commercially produced and its very known.

A. They achieve insanely sweet tomato like a candy by two factors (there are prolly more other factors too)
A-1. Genetic
A-2. High EC

B. And it is very very known to give higher EC for higher quality. For two reasons
B-1. Higher nutrient content
B-2. But more importantly high dry matter % or less water content.

In terms of flavor, B-2 is very important as high water content fruit often has extremely blended taste. Think of beef steak tomato used in burger franchises.

C. In cannabis, you smoke terpene and cannabinoid. There can be more but lets focus on the known compounds. Terp does aroma/flavor job and cannabinoid for thc/cbd stuffs.
I assume flower itself doesnā€™t do much for smoking. It is more of burning material (might be wrong, again my assumption this sentence).
And we cure to breakdown chlorophyll or whatever parts in the flower.

C-1. More the cannabis flowers are fed, it will be hard to breakdown chlorophyll, cell wall w/e the plant parts will be stronger and thicker by extra nutrient accumulation. Will be hard to cure or harsher smoke. So is more fed cannabis plants or higher brix plants a better plant to us? Thatā€™s considerable.

Perhaps, findjng out which substrate is easier to achieve wanted water potential is a key factor to control dry matter percentage of flower (B-2).


Ahh forgot to mention

Think this water potential (B-2) as a main reason why soil often has higher brix for instance


Ooh, very good point!

IDK about this :thinking: Iā€™ve made a ton of flower rosin and hash, carts aland stuff, but none of it hits quite like smoking the flower does :thinking:


Good to know but no calmag deficiencies here with the water having high calmag here too.
I can see for sure doing full synthetic hydro for a new chemovar you not familiar with. This is just for fun and pheno hunting.

Ohhhh damn thatā€™s a good point!
I can pretty much agree on this as well
I barely have exp with rosin and none with cart but yah i get a huge difference between hash and flowers

I was more thinking that
when you extract, you loose alot of terpene that makes a different effect and flavor to extract vs flower.
Not that flower cluster itself so calyx without trichome does some favorable job to us

But this just my assumption based on if cannabinoid and terpenes are only things that give nice effect of weed. If there are more unpopular/unknown compounds that contributed to our weed experience then damn my assumption on this can be completely wrong haha

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Tell meā€¦ how does a refractometer help you pheno hunt?

Great question. I would have to 1. Find out if there even is any significant difference in brix between a) similar setup (i.e outdoor) of different strains b) of different phenos
If one is fail then it doesnā€™t.
Still fun.
2. If 1 is anything of significance, note the % diff and compare the bud and see if thereā€™s anything to the final quality. Or significance in efficienct budding structure.
3. If 2 is worth while then just a tool to pheno hunt in veg.

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I seeā€¦well I was only stating the digital refractometers are kind of junk in comparison ā€¦ and thatā€™s because of the few things a regular one provides like the line showing hazy etcā€¦ things like that are the reason Iā€™d not go with digital @GYOweed


Id go with the mechanical one too, my watches are mostly mechanical. My car is fuid mechanical via stick.
But my eyes have glasses getting older and im lazy.
If its not good ill chuck it and get the og one.


Lol i agreeā€¦ I like the manual way bro. I wish I had a stickshift carā€¦ I hate auto transmissionsā€¦ junk !!


Try cvts, youā€™ll then like autos more. Cheers


Lolā€¦ just auto transmissions always want to be delicateā€¦ I need something that can handle my abuse lol

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Did you say you did not like the hydrolysate form of amino acid?