Brix levels, do they matter? What raises the Brix level? šŸ”„

I donā€™t think so :thinking: just that it seems that most aminos will come in hydrolysate form


Iā€™d add a caveat of using enzymatic hydrolysates as opposed to acid/base catalyzed hydrolysis.


All my cars have been sticks. Auto transmissions are like auto flowers. For those who canā€™t handle the real thing. :rofl:


Lmfaoā€¦ thatā€™s hilarious bro!

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Wassup guys
I got some interesting info.

Basically, I got humbled yesterday by my friend researching in plant sap analysis. He taught me some of basic idea of how to interpret the analysis result and physiological phenomena behind of it. However, didnā€™t get to hear about practical protocols.

So relatively high sugar content in sap ā€œcanā€ indicate that the plant is healthy. Just one extra very important condition: +nitrate is relatively low. Then most likely, it means a healthy plant.

So in the sap, if itā€™s only high sugar content and high nitrate then this is more likely just too much photosynthesis or too low respiration.

In my personal opinion, 3 measuring objects really important to measure for insightful analysis with sap; 1. Sugar, 2. EC, 3. N

Hopefully, this can be helpful.


This is me too ^^


I did get the standard refractometer today so Iā€™ll try and see if I can get some numbers tonight.


So we collectively need an OG HPLCā€¦ heard. :dizzy_face:ā€:dizzy:


Already got it (suckit amazon lol).
100% accurate too.

Found no hawks inside.


That a digital?? Ughā€¦

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Yeah that looks like the first one I got.

This is the one that arrived today


Man it looks sweet!!!

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So what everyoneā€™s conclusion? In lamens terms what is best and how do we achieve it?

It gets a bit hard to understand this all going through itā€¦ so Iā€™d like to find or include people that can help moreā€¦ what is best and how to achieve itā€¦ I feel like thatā€™s part of what this site is forā€¦ is to find what is superiorā€¦ and eliminate all broscience fake truthsā€¦ and find the truth or always find a way to strive for even betterā€¦
NEVER being complacent even if we do grow amazing weedā€¦ theres always a way to improve yeah?

So what do you all think? As far as brix is concernedā€¦ is higher brix actually better or not?

I myself have leaned towards yes it does mean better when it comes to flavors possiblyā€¦ and when it comes to actual bud densityā€¦ . Potencyā€¦ maybe notā€¦ butā€¦ if the nug is denser it may as well be more potent because it will actually last longer smokingā€¦ and on the shelf


All my shits still seedlings and just hit one hermed semi photoperiod with jas spray so need to wait a bit.

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Hey @HolyAngel have you tried the Brix meter yet?

And you too @GYOweed, have you tried the meter yet?

Iā€™m thinking about getting one if they help diagnose deficiencies. Thanks guys.


Yeah I got it and tried a bit and got ~8% but I canā€™t be sure. I needed a ton of leaves to get barely enough to test. Need a garlic press or some easier way to get the juices out and no plant matter :thinking:


Yup the garlic press is tried and true buddy @HolyAngel


I wonder if a brix test would be better ascertained after a watering?


Well, the watering might dilute your brix level :thinking:

For sure wanna take it at the height of the day tho. When photosynthesis should be at its best.


Ohh really really nice point that water can dilute brix

Maybe i can add a little thingā€¦

Common interpretation in sap analysis is thatā€¦
When one measures the low brix in leaf sap,
it often means photosynthesis wasnā€™t enough,
nitrate couldnā€™t be used up so the leftover accumulated and nitrate level rises in the sap (or also can be that nitrate was just too high in fertilizer compare to photosynthesis).
When nitrate level increases in the sap, the EC of the sap increases, which causes more water uptake due to stronger osmotic pressure.
Higher water uptake caused by such a situation dilute sugars so oneā€™s measurement shows low sugar. So it gets worse and worse.
In addition, when sap increases in such a way, plants become more susceptible on pests.


Itā€™s little different thing then considering watering that may dilute brix before measuring

Fck i think bit too high rn honestly

But anyway, if watering and measuring timing is regular, then donā€™t have to worry about itā€¦.